
A sound of breaking through the air was heard.

A figure shot out of thin air and reached the desk in the blink of an eye.

Before the other party stood up, a punch hit his throat.


The sound of bones breaking was heard.

Then, the second punch hit his temple, knocking him to the ground.

Fists fell again and again, smashing the whole head beyond recognition.

Finally, he held the head in his arms and twisted it, breaking the neck directly.

Wu Heng glanced at the corpse, quickly took out the straw mat from the space ring, wrapped the corpse, and put it into the space ring.

The sound of hurried footsteps and fighting outside the door still attracted attention from outside.

Put away the shroud and open the window.

Take Kaxiu and jump directly from the third floor, release [Feather Falling Technique] on the way, land lightly and disappear on the street.

Go straight out of the city.

When they came to an uninhabited wilderness, Wu Heng took out the corpse and released [Talking to the Dead].

The corpse opened his eyes again and looked over here.

Wu Heng asked directly: "Who told you to target 'Rentam City'?"

The corpse replied, "No one."

This answer was still somewhat unexpected.

Wu Heng continued to ask: "Then why did you arrange people to collect information about Rentam City?"

"I received an order from above to increase the influence of the eldest prince and to prepare more funds. Rentam City is the most suitable choice."

Wu Heng frowned again.

The merchant who was killed last time was still the second prince.

And this time, there was another eldest prince.

What is the attraction of Rentam City?

The disputes of the entire Yeke Kingdom were also attracted here.

Wu Heng then asked, "Are there other people involved in the incident in Rentam City?"

"I have arranged some spies in Rentam City to investigate the City Lord's Mansion and the City Hall."

Wu Heng asked, "After you die, will there be other people targeting Rentam City?"

"I don't know, it shouldn't be."

"What has become of the internal situation of the Kingdom of Yeko?"

"I don't know."

After answering the five questions, the corpse closed his eyes again.

It was good news.

It was just that he paid attention to Rentam City personally, and it did not involve the attention of the high-level officials of the Kingdom of Yeko.

Let the skeleton roll up the body again, and Wu Heng put it into the space ring.

Get on the ghost train and return to Rentam City.

This assassination was relatively smooth.

It took almost no effort to kill the target.


Return to the City Lord's Mansion.

Wen Mansha was dealing with the people arrested last night. Wu Heng did not show up, and everything was left to Wen Mansha to deal with.

Not everyone has to be killed. After all, some people have no access to any intelligence at all. At most, they can reveal some daily information to others during work.

In the study, I explained it to Wen Mansha briefly, and the problem has been solved.

I didn't pay attention to it anymore.

I found a room and went to the zombie world to take a look.

I walked out of the dormitory and picked up the intercom to call Qi Hancai.

Not long after, he came from behind with Wang Haibing and several old people from the base.

Wu Heng asked, "How is it?"

Wang Haibing flipped through a few photos on his mobile phone. "There was a big fire in the factory here. Some lines were burned and need to be repaired."

"In other words, there is no problem with the power plant."

"There is no problem with the power plant. As long as it is maintained, it can be used normally. The main thing is the maintenance of the lines on the factory side." Wang Haibing explained.

For Wu Heng, this is indeed good news.

If the power plant is broken, it will be much more complicated than repairing the lines.

All kinds of accessories may not be found.

Wu Heng nodded calmly, and then said: "You should repair the damaged lines as soon as possible. If you need any materials or equipment, just tell Qi Hancai and let her help you deal with it."


This matter was finished.

Wu Heng continued: "I also need to redraw the location where the fuel provides heat, the specifications and dimensions, and some requirements."

Wang Haibing frowned and said carefully: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"I will use new materials to replace the original boiler. At that time, you will need to provide the size of the boiler and some requirements." Wu Heng explained, and then looked at Qi Hancai, "Take him to the old factory area in Xinfu City when you have time to see what the furnace looks like."

Qi Hancai immediately understood.

"I have a video here, you can take a look first."

As he said, he took out his mobile phone and played the video he had recorded before.

Even if there is no signal and network, the survivors also carry some tablets and mobile phones to record things, or take pictures and videos.

After all, there is no problem in providing charging for mobile phones.

Wang Haibing took a closer look at the video. It can be seen that the things in the video are used to melt iron.

But the heat provided is enough to provide the corresponding power supply.

He immediately agreed, "I understand, go back and do it immediately."

"Well, get it out as soon as possible, I need it in two days."


Wu Heng looked at Qi Hancai again, "Continue to contact the headquarters and ask them to give us a complete power plant drawing. The exchange conditions are easy to talk about. The drawings are more complete and thermal power generation."

"Understood, I will contact them later."


After a brief chat, the rest of the people returned to their posts.

Wu Heng and Qi Hancai went to see the burned area in the factory.

Discussed cleaning and rebuilding.

There are many construction vehicles in the factory area, so there is no problem in cleaning them.

But if we want to rebuild, we have to wait until spring.

After taking a look around the factory.

Wu Heng then returned to the room and returned to Luntam City.

City Lord's Mansion.

After dinner.

Wu Heng took Wen Mansha for a walk in the courtyard.

After returning to the room, Wu Heng took out several potions and props from the space ring and placed them on the table.

He said softly: "I will leave some extra physical enhancement potion for you to take after the baby is born. This item is good for the skin. This item can form a shield to protect you when being attacked. This item is the Fairy Corolla. , it can nourish the body and communicate with animals.”

One thing after another was introduced.

On Treasure Island, these magic props are not precious. The captains and backbones of medium-sized pirate groups all have one or two of them.

But here in Luntam City, it is a rare prop.

Wu Heng picked some and took them all out.

Wen Mansha sat opposite and listened silently.

There was just a faint smile on his face.

Wu Heng took out all the things, which also meant that he was leaving.

After all, someone still needs to be on duty on Treasure Island, so we can’t really give up.

"I'll put it on you." Wu Heng picked up the fairy flower crown.

Wen Mansha lowered her head slightly and put it on her head in cooperation with the other party.

The moment you wear it, you feel a faint energy flowing throughout your body.

"It's so beautiful, like a queen." Wu Heng said with a smile.

Wen Mansha gently hugged his waist and rested her head in her arms, "You must come back and take a look when you have time."

"When things stabilize, I'll take you to Treasure Island to live. You haven't seen the sea yet, and I'll let Minnie take you swimming." Wu Heng stroked her long, fiery red hair.

"As long as I can stay with you, I'll be fine wherever I go." Wen Mansha said softly.

"It won't be long before we can be together forever."

Wen Mansha raised her head and stared with big eyes, "Really?"

"When did I lie to you?"

"Well, it's up to you." Wen Mansha smiled, feeling less disappointed in her heart.

Put away all props and potions.

The two returned to the bedroom together.

Wen Manman pulled him to sit on the edge of the bed, carefully kneeling in front of him and putting his hands on his legs.

"Are you comfortable? Master."

Wu Heng stroked his red hair and said, "Comfortable."

"When the baby is born, I will serve you well."

"Well, then we won't leave the bedroom all day."

Wen Mansha glanced upward and muttered, "That's up to you."

The next day, morning.

Wu Heng met the tribesmen of ‘Andweier’ in the city lord’s mansion.

There are both men and women, some of them are still holding little foxes, and they have settled in the city.

Wen Mansha indeed took good care of these fox people. Some of them were assigned to the guards in the city, and the rest were also assigned to the lingerie shops in the city.

In the city, the famous Red Rose lingerie store is Wen Mansha's property.

It is also the first store to specialize in women's underwear as its main product.

Wu Heng probably chatted with the fox tribe for a while, asked about their living conditions, and also talked about the life of 'Ande Weier', the young leader of the fox tribe.

They also had a great time chatting with each other.

Then, Wu Heng looked at the short cat girl and the white lop-eared bunny girl who came with them.

"What's your name?" Wu Heng asked.

These two are the friends Minnie mentioned.

Also, Minnie spent money to buy it from a slave merchant.

After hearing the question, the two of them were a little cautious, and the other foxes all looked at them.

"City Lord, my name is Robert." Kitten Girl jumped off the chair and bowed.

The lop-eared rabbit girl also said: "My name is Annette."

"Well, Rob, Annette, do you have any family in town?"

"No." The two women replied.

Wu Heng continued, "Minnie asked me to ask you if you would like to go to Treasure Island and work as a maid."

The two orc girls looked at each other, then nodded, "Yes."

"Then you go back and pack your things and leave with me in the afternoon."

"Yes!" The two women were a little happy, but also a little worried.

Then, leave with the fox tribe.

Go back and prepare items.

Wu Heng originally planned to visit Lecia.

Luntam City, the local leader of the Snake Emblem Consortium.

However, Wen Mansha said that she had been transferred before, and now the new person in charge of the local area was in charge.

Wu Heng also gave up the idea of ​​going over to take a look.

Lecia was transferred at the end of the year, which felt more like a promotion.

After all, when he left, he helped the other party complete a large amount of gold exchange.

In a place like Luntam City, this is already an amazing achievement.

I was a little happy that I could help my friend get promoted, but also felt a little disappointed that the other person had left without even saying a word.

But it doesn’t matter, everyone has their own path forward.

Towards the afternoon.

Wu Heng has prepared everything.

The two skeleton attendants were sent back to the other side of the gate first.

With two little orc maids, they boarded the ghost train and disappeared.

The train appears again.

A familiar town, Blackstone Town, can be clearly seen in the distance.

Wu Heng put on a cloak, and the two maids followed suit to cover their faces.

They walked into the town together.

They had just entered the gate and walked a few steps.

A familiar voice came from behind, "Hey~! You three, are you from other places? What are you doing here?"

Wu Heng looked back.

He saw a little girl with short curly hair, with her hands on her hips, and four team members.

She walked over in a swagger.

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