Necromancers are frantically stationing troops in the apocalypse

Chapter 516, Black Robe Team and Stone Coffin

"I'm from Xingfeng City. When will the Xinfu City base come to us?"

"I kowtow to you. Thank you for the supplies."

The channel was bustling.

There was a lot more liveliness than before.

It looked more like the New Year.


Military factory.

Wu Heng looked at the increasing reputation and felt that it was still a little too slow.

He suspected that other people were also increasing so slowly, or his method was wrong.

But there was no way to confirm such things.

After all, other people didn't have a panel and couldn't give accurate information.

At present, reputation can only be accumulated little by little.

Waited in a chair for a while.

Qi Hancai came over, "The delivery of materials was quite smooth. Everyone in the radio station was discussing this matter. We are considered famous."

Suddenly, all frequency bands were discussing their own shelters.

It made everyone in the base feel indescribably excited.

"Well, our development speed does need some fame." Wu Heng said casually.

Qi Hancai nodded and handed over the backpack she was carrying. "Some of the accessories you ordered before are all in it."

Wu Heng opened it and took a look.

The axle, bow piece, adjustment bolt and other accessories are all in it.

This is the last time, I took the compound bow blueprint and asked Qi Hancai to arrange people to make it.

"Yes." Wu Heng nodded and put the things away.

"Will you celebrate the New Year with us tonight?" Qi Hancai continued to ask.

"I won't go over. You can arrange and organize some activities." Wu Heng said.

"Yes, that's fine." Qi Hancai continued, "Sister Yahong is planning to come over in the next two days. I guess she misses you."

It's been a while since I last visited Li Yahong.

"When she comes, let me know in advance."


"Then I'll leave this to you. Wish everyone a happy new year for me."

Qi Hancai smiled and nodded, "Wish you a happy new year."

Wu Heng walked out of the room and went upstairs to his dormitory.

Then he opened the boundary door and went to Treasure Island.


Come down from upstairs.

Wu Heng called out, "Minnie!"

"Master, what's wrong?" Minnie ran over from a distance.

"Are the bow arms and bowstrings ordered last time not ready yet?"

The production of compound bow accessories is divided into two parts.

Accessories such as axles, bow pieces, and bolts are made in the modern world, while bow arms and bowstrings are ordered from the other world.

Especially bowstrings, it is difficult to find ones that meet the standards in the other world under the end of the world.

But the other world is different.

There are bowstrings of different strengths, and there are more types than you can imagine.

"I'll go ask, it should be ready."


Minnie changed her clothes, took the skeleton attendant, and left the island owner's manor in a carriage.

Not long after, Minnie returned in a carriage.

"Master, it's done," Minnie took out the things.

Wu Heng took a look and handed the previous accessories to Minnie, "Send it to the mechanic upstairs and let them assemble and test it."

"Oh, I understand." Minnie nodded and ran directly upstairs.

Then, the mechanic came down from upstairs.

He began to test the assembled compound bow.

Bang bang, the sound of arrows piercing the wooden target rang in the courtyard.

The mechanic stood aside, taking notes with a notebook.

Wu Heng continued to return to the room.

He took out two books and sat at the table to read.


It was approaching dusk.

The door knocked again.

Then, Minnie's voice came in, "Master, Deacon Xilagui is here, in the living room downstairs."

Xilagui is here?

"I'll go down now."

Wu Heng went downstairs directly and saw the elf deacon with golden hair tied up, sitting in front of the sofa in the living room, waiting silently.

Seeing him coming down, he smiled.

"Good evening, Deacon." Wu Heng smiled and sat down opposite.

"It's not evening yet," Xilagui rolled his eyes at him, and then said, "I'm here for business."

"What business?"

"Have you heard of Lujiao Island?" Xilagui looked over.

Wu Heng raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

Originally, he thought that he was here to talk about the pirates of Philippa's friend.

It seems that he thought too much.

Xilagui explained: "I got some information that there are suspicious people gathering on Lujiao Island, and some of them are similar to slaves or refugees."

"Didn't you arrange someone to investigate?"

"No, from the intelligence sent, there are high-level professionals on the other side. It would be dangerous for ordinary team members to investigate."

"What do you think?"

Xilagui looked straight at him, "Let's go and take a look together to avoid any problems."

Wu Heng was speechless.

Xilagui was the deacon, and he was the owner of Treasure Island.

There might be dangerous situations, and two people were needed to go out.

Why did it feel a little wrong?

But after thinking about it carefully, Treasure Island really only had two high-level professionals.

"Aren't you afraid that it's a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain? Transfer us out of the island and then occupy the island?" Wu Heng asked back.

"No, this matter was passed to me in secret, and the location of Deer Horn Island is not far from Treasure Island. The skeletons on your island are enough to hold out until we can get back."

Seeing her serious look, Wu Heng asked directly: "When will we set off?"

"Tonight, don't tell anyone, let's leave Hong Kong quietly."

"Okay, let's meet at the port."

"Then I'll go back first."

After that, he stood up and left.

Wu Heng also told Minnie about his departure and helped him prepare some things.

Late at night.

Wu Heng arrived at the port with his skeleton attendants and boarded the prepared ship.

Philippa looked a little excited. When she saw Wu Heng boarding the ship, she came over and asked, "When should we set off?"

"Where's Sheila Rose?"

"With two teams, they are in the cabin."

While talking, Xilagui walked up wearing a cloak and said: "Nothing, let's go. If you stay too long, you will attract attention."

"Okay." Philippa responded and began to direct the skeletons to take action.

The ship slowly left the port and headed towards the depths of the sea.

Wu Heng and Xila Gui entered a cabin.

"You see, it is still beneficial to separate the dedicated and civilian ports. You don't have to be so careful next time you come out." Wu Heng mentioned this matter again.

"You've been thoughtful, okay!" Sheela took out a blanket and started to make the bed.

Wu Heng continued to ask: "Are you going to rest?"

"Let's chat with you for a while and then rest."

"By the way, our last reward hasn't come out yet. How long has it been?" Wu Heng asked directly.

Xila Gui thought for a moment, and her tone was a little uncertain, "Maybe there are too many that need to be distributed, and they haven't been distributed yet."

"If we come down, we will be rich."

"Well, it would be great if the rewards can be as generous as last time. It will be of great help to personal combat effectiveness." Sheila Gui agreed.

"Deacon Imiro is definitely more convenient. He is in the headquarters and can choose directly."

"What? I'm envious. You can apply to be transferred to the headquarters." Sheila Gui joked.

Wu Heng shook his head, "Forget it, it's good to stay on the island. There are heroes and leaders there. It's not as comfortable as me, the owner of the island."

"You've thought about it a lot."

Seeing that her bed was made, Wu Heng stood up and twisted his neck, "You can rest, I'll go back to rest too. There are several level 15 skeleton attendants on the ship, so don't worry about anyone getting on the ship."

Sheila Gui smiled and said, "Who dares to board this ghost ship of yours? The ship is full of skeletons, and their eyes are glowing blue."

"Skeleton-controlled ship, don't you think it's cool?"

"The Necromancer is indeed different from others."

"Okay, you can rest."


The two said goodbye, and Wu Heng also walked out of the room.

Go to your cabin, make your bed, and get ready to rest.

Didn't wait for a break.

There was a knock on the door, and Philippa looked in.

"Now that the explanation is over, the skeleton can just control the ship and sail."

After saying that, he took off his coat and leather armor and got into Wu Heng's arms on the bed.

"It's too crowded, let's stay on the ground!" Philippa said directly.

Wu Heng spread the blanket on the ground, and Philippa lay on her back, spreading her arms, "Come on, let me show you how powerful I am."

The [Soundproof Pot] was erected next to it to form a barrier.

After getting this item, there are not many opportunities to use it.

I didn't expect it to be used in this situation,

Wu Heng gently pressed on the other party, still a little worried and said: "Don't talk, it's not good for others to hear you."

"Just listen if you hear it. What are you afraid of?"

"Be good, keep your voice down." Wu Heng coaxed softly.

Philippa's cheeks turned red, "If you say that, people feel weird."

"Do you like to hear it?"

"Dad, I love you so much."

The next day, afternoon.

Several people gathered on the deck.

Philippa pointed to the island at the end of the sight, "That's Antler Island."

Wu Heng picked up the telescope and took a look. Two ships could be seen near the island.

No flags were flown and identification was impossible.

"Let the tame beast go." Sheila Gui said to her back.

One by one, the tamed beasts took off and flew towards the islands in the distance.

Wu Heng also secretly released the ghost, Xiao Xiao alerted the surroundings, and Granda went to the island to investigate the situation.

The speed of the ghost is obviously faster than that of the tame beast.

After Glenda flew back, she got directly into the body and shared the scene on the island.

The view starts from the sea.

First, I checked along the ship. The interior was in a mess and no flag was found.

But it's more like a pirate ship.

Leave the ship and fly along the shore towards the interior of the island.

The first thing I saw were guards wearing leather armor and black cloaks, guarding the road.

Behind them, there were a large number of shackled slaves, both men and women, numbering nearly a hundred.

Guarded by more black-robed teams.

Through the perspective of spiritual vision, the highest level is 15, and the rest are around level 10.

Judging from the current level of Wu Heng, it is not high.

But in the market, it is already considered a considerable force.

Even the former pirate group, with a level 15 leader and a team of hundreds of people, was still a large pirate group.

Glenda circled over the crowd.

I found a lone figure in black robe and walked into a nearby building.

Immediately change direction, fly directly towards the building, penetrate the roof, and look down from above.

In the middle of the room, there was a circular magic circle.

In the middle of the magic circle, there stood a stone coffin with intricate patterns and designs.

Stone coffin?

Grenda wanted to move forward to check.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense some danger.

His body quickly retracted outside the wall.

He hesitated for a moment, and flew back directly.

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