Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 105: 105 Singles No. 1! Tezuka and Atobe!

Chapter 105 105. Singles No. 1! Tezuka and Atobe!

Under the blowing of the wind, Fuji played another move.

"One of the triple counterattacks! White Dragon!"

Although the ball still maintains a slight rise, it no longer rises high into the air, but falls and bounces around the player's head.

"The game is over! This set is won by Qingxue Buer!"



The completely crushing skills and strength are displayed in people's eyes.

"Does Bailong also have a changing ball?"

"A genius who does whatever he wants"

Seeing the earth-shaking changes in Fuji that day, Bai Jin sighed.

It's not easy for him to judge how far the current Budu has achieved.

Has it developed towards an attacking player like in the main drama?

If it's that kind of help, his vigilance and intensity should be raised to a higher level.

"It's amazing"

"In this way, the Ice Empress will no longer be able to make it to the finals."

Momoi's performance for Fuji is also amazing. During the competition, he couldn't really feel his growth, but now that he shows his hand, it is shocking.

As Fuji declared before the match, he will decide the winner in this singles No. 2.

"I really want to fight him."

Kise squeezed his hands excitedly, and said a little excitedly.

To be honest with those moves, Kise looked greedy.

For him, the movements and moves of strong players are worth "learning from".

Because of this, there are more and more masters appearing now, and the more he has to learn.

This deeply made Huang Lai realize that he didn't have enough time at all, and wished he could divide himself into several shares to study.

"It's okay, the future is long, and there will always be a time when we will meet."

Momoi smiled slightly, not really worried about her own situation.

Compared with when they entered school, everyone has grown significantly.

The gradually increasing five-dimensional indicates that everyone has not reached the limit yet.

"Winning is."

Originally, Bingdi's cheerleaders were still giving great support before.

But when Fuji showed his transcendent strength to kill the game, even though Atobe hadn't played yet, they fell into a situation where they couldn't speak.


"Of course the winner is."

"Master Ben!"

In this silent atmosphere, Atobe raised one hand high and snapped his fingers, speaking confidently.

"Trace Department!!"

"Trace Department!!"

"The winner is Atobe!!"

As if they had found their backbone, the cheerleaders who had lost their target began to support him again under his influence.

"It's an exaggeration"

As soon as Fuji walked off the field, he saw Atobe who turned the atmosphere around, and exclaimed.

All of a sudden, the team's already low morale was raised again.

It can only be said that Keigo Atobe does have two brushes.

"But you may not be the one who wins."

Immediately, Fuji and Tezuka passed by, and he stared at Atobe again with a faint smile and said.

Qingxue's singles number one.

Tezuka Kunimitsu! !

That is the old enemy that Bu Er has been entangled with for many times, and it is also a strong enemy that he feels can be his life.

"Which side do you want?"

Atobe and Tezuka stand in front of the net, and the two are ready to decide the right of first move.


Tezuka didn't have any extra words, but simply replied.

Accompanied by Atobe turning the racket, he looked at the situation where he fell to the ground.

The racket logo was turned upside down, signaling Tezuka's first move.


Being robbed of the initiative, Atobe was not worried about anything, instead he easily picked up the racket and walked back to the baseline.


Tezuka took the ball, glanced at Atobu, and then released the ball.



As soon as the ball lands over the net, it stops bouncing and rolls back.


"It's a zero serve!"

"Are you serious when you come up?"

After seeing the almost unsolvable serve, everyone realized Tezuka's serious attitude.


"I see."

"It seems to last for a long time."

At present, there is no way to break the zero-style serve.

Even Atobe, who can see through blind spots, can't fight back.

But he wasn't worried about losing points.

It was in response to the zero serve that he specially honed a similar serve to counter it.



"This round was won by Seigaku Tezuka. Score"


Without too much burden, Tezuka used a zero serve to win the score at the beginning.

"No matter how you look at it, it's an unsolvable serve."

Kise blinked, then closed his eyes and thought about the means to fight now.

Except for Tezuka's own mistakes, there seems to be no way to solve it.

"If Atobe can't keep his serve, the game will be decided soon."

Akashi's attention was focused on Atobe's body, through his eyes, Tezuka could persist in hitting zero serve for a long time.

And if Atobe can't keep his serve, then Tezuka will get an overwhelming advantage and win.

"Looking at his confident appearance, he should be very sure."

Midorima pushed his glasses, but he could clearly see Atobe's composure.


But when everyone saw Atobe's serving action clearly, they were slightly startled.

Because from that subtle wrist movement, they seemed to see a similar shadow.






After hitting the ball, it slid directly to the ground and flew out of the field as soon as it landed, without any sign of bouncing.

"How can it be?"

"Is that the Phoenix serve?"

"No. Not really."

Accompanied by Kikumaru's exclamation and Fuji's denial, Atobe spoke with a confident smile.

"This trick is called."

"Tannhauser serves!"

"This is specially prepared to deal with you."

He raised his racket and looked at Tezuka, his tone full of arrogance.

A study was conducted on the serve that Tezuka and Fuji are good at.

Atobe then found the trick from it, and then developed the comparable Tannhauser serve.

At the beginning, Tannhauser's serve bounced a little bit, but after watching Teiko Shiratsu's Heliwan serve, he changed it slightly, trying to drive his wrist to add some rotation before serving.

The result is the perfect Tannhauser serve.

This is a move comparable to the phoenix serve and the zero serve in the true sense.

He Atobe Keigo is not playing abroad when he goes abroad.

The perfect Tannhauser serve is the same as the zero serve and the phoenix serve. Unless the user makes a mistake, it is almost impossible to have a bouncing trajectory.

And thus able to win the serve steadily

"The speed and rotation of the fall are different from the phoenix serve and the zero serve."

"But the effect is almost the same."

"And that smooth hand movement"

Momoi recorded the situation of the ball in his notebook, but he was surprised.

Atobe's serving action is slightly different from Fuji's.

"More focus on wrist strength."

After roughly judging this situation, she became curious about the next game.




"Come on! Tezuka, let's see which of us can't hold on first!"

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