Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 111: 111 Doubles No. 2! Kuroko Kise and Oishi Kikumaru!

Chapter 111 111. Doubles No. 2! Kuroko Kise and Oishi Kikumaru!

"It was a battle that everyone was looking forward to."

"Isn't it?"

Mobilized before the battle, Akashi looked at the surrounding team members and said.

"Hey, we must be the ones who win anyway!"

Vulcan looked up at the venue with a strong atmosphere and said happily.

"Just to see how strong Qingxue has become!"

Squeezing his hands, Qingfeng couldn't wait to play.

"Hmph, I can't spare you if you lose."

"Hey, Little Lvjian is having a quarrel."

"Kise-kun, it's a little rude to say that."

Midorima, Kise, and Kuroko spoke in turn, which also meant that their formation was different from before.

"It's nothing, anyway, the singles number one is Xiaobai."

"You can play as much as you want."

Momoi didn't care about the new formation, but had great confidence in someone.

"Hey, hey, little Taozi, the thought of you trusting me makes me very happy."

"But be more or less strict with them."

Bai Jin didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, since he was sure of his feelings so he had nothing to fear, right?

"Let's end it as soon as possible. I also want to experience the state of seamlessness as soon as possible."

Akashi turned his head to reveal his eyes of different colors, with an unquestionable tone.

They already knew the information they got from Momoi, and Tezuka's practice was perfect.

This is a completely mysterious and unknown realm.

Not even Momoi could describe its condition.

All I know is that it's unimaginably powerful

At least Momoi judged that Baijin was the only trump card that could fight against it.

If that's the case, then just go ahead with the appointment.

(Is it seamless?)

(I really haven't faced other people's perfect clothes)

Although it was turned on when I was a child, using and facing are two concepts.

What's more, he can't use his own seamless clothes now.

It just so happens that he also wants to see to what extent Perfect Clothes can affect him.

but before that

still need to wait


"Please teach me more!!"

"Please teach me more!!"

Line up in front of the net, both sides shouted in unison.

Tezuka and Akashi shook hands and spoke on behalf of both sides.

"Break the shackles and become a minister? Congratulations."

A soft voice sounded, and Akashi looked at Tezuka in front of him and said.

"Let's have a great game today."

Nodding his head, Tezuka did not deny the fact that he became the new minister.

Yesterday, Yamato had handed over the post of Minister to him in front of everyone.

(Use your own way to lead Qingxue forward!)

There is not too much entrustment, but a form of laissez-faire.

Yamato can finally hand over Seigaku to Tezuka who has no worries.

So far, the four strong schools in Kanto.

Teiguang, Qingxue, Lihaida, and Bingdi have achieved unprecedented achievements.

All first-year ministers!

This will become the most memorable moment in the history of Kanto.

"Invite the doubles No. 2 of both sides to come out!!"

Following the referee's announcement, people from both sides also began to enter the arena one after another.

"Wow, the opponent turned out to be them?"

Oishi and Kikumaru had just entered the field, but found that the opponent seemed to be a little bit different from what was expected?

"Yo, please teach me more!"


Ryota Kise and Tetsuya Kuroko.

A strange combination appeared in front of everyone.

"It's really strange. The probability of the combination of these two people should be less than 10%."

Outside the arena, Qian Zhenzhi looked at the combination offered by the other party, and commented in surprise.

In his opinion, it is still right for Vulcan and Aomine to match at will, and the worst thing is for Ziyuan to come on top.

But he never expected Huang Lai to be placed in this position.

"This also means that the opponent doesn't plan to move according to the usual route?"

Bu Er squinted his eyes, but didn't pay much attention to it. Although the front has changed, there will be no deviation between singles No. 2 and singles No. 1.

Tezuka and Fuji.

Baijin and Akashi.

It is absolutely impossible for them to avoid each other.


"Then it's time to go!"

Kise won the right to serve, stared at the two opponents, and spoke kindly.

Hit the ball flatly, and Dashi hit the ball back immediately.

(This game, don't be fooled)

(Always pay attention to the player named Heizi.)

Silently watching Heizi who returned the ball, Oishi focused on observing.

They already know who the core of the opponent's doubles is, so they have to be careful about the "disappearance" of Heizi.

"We have to take it down first!"

Ju Wan was lying across the net, moving like a rabbit, and hit the ball to the empty space with no one.

"That's not okay."

It was an extremely fast filling speed, and he sprinted to the open space in an instant from not far away, and Kise slapped back.




On the field, both sides started a long tug-of-war with the first ball.

It seems that no one can do anything to anyone.

(Sure enough not to be underestimated.)

While fighting back, Kikumaru and Oishi also felt the completely different pressure.

Obviously they are attacking and defending so tacitly, but the opponent is still able to deal with it freely.

(Use that trick.)


Looking at each other, they nodded slightly, and the two understood each other's actions.


Kise had just hit the ball back this time, but saw Kikumaru rushing over and making a swinging motion.

With that kind of action, it was clear that he wanted to attack the place where there was no one on the other side, so Kise ran directly to make up for it.

"Hey, you've been fooled!"

But unexpectedly, Kikumaru did not swing the racket at the tennis ball in front of him, but rolled once, exposing the boulder behind him.

Double time difference attack!

Oishi seized the opportunity to hit the ball to the midfield position where Kise was not there.

"I'm not alone"

Kise showed a triumphant expression, and said in a natural tone.



Seeing that Heizi appeared from nowhere, he gently raised his racket and touched the tennis ball.

The ball brushed the net slightly and landed on the ground.


"How did this happen? Was it seen through?"

Dashi looked at the tennis ball on the ground, but his mind was a little active.

He obviously kept an eye on Heizi all the time, but at the last moment he lost track of Heizi's movements.

Moreover, Heizi's position obviously saw through his and Kikumaru's intentions.

"Xiao Heizi is a master of doubles."

"How could your ordinary means be able to hide it from him?"

Kise spread his hands, amused by the two's offensive intentions.

Among other things, because Heizi can only play doubles, he has studied many doubles routines.

Heizi, an expert in doubles, can be said to be unique in various situations such as formation, time difference attack, and filling, and his understanding is much deeper than ordinary people.

Oishi and Kikumaru's offensive intentions couldn't be hidden from Heizi at all.




Sure enough, in the next confrontation, the linkage between Oishi and Kikumaru was seen through by Kuroko alone and counterattacked together with Kise.

"It appears that the normal means of doubles did not work on that man"

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