Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 118: 118 Moves appear frequently!

Chapter 118 118. Frequent Moves!

“What a troublesome serve”

Omo Akashi lamented how tricky Phoenix's serve was, and there was no way to stop it.

At least he doesn't have any means to intercept such a serve now.

Because of this, he must win all his serve games in the next round, otherwise he will fall into a great passivity.





The ball was delivered, and as soon as Fuji hit back the first time, Akashi volleyed in front of the net to score the point.

It's like an action that has been seen through.

"Has the Eye of Brilliance been activated?"

Although Akashi did not specify how many goals he scored, this kind of expectation is a rhythm that people are familiar with.

"It's really cunning, you didn't say it after rehearsing it?"

Fuji looked at Akashi with a smile, and said calmly.

"There is no rule that you have to speak out such moves as brilliance."

Omo Akashi didn't take it seriously, but responded easily.




Recaptured the points, once again came to the perfect serve.





Phoenix's serve was still effective, and Buer held the racket, and then closed his eyes.

(It's actually very easy to crack to shine.)

(But the eye of brilliance is stronger.)

In training, he has already played against the talented Tezuka countless times.

Therefore, there is also a way to recognize and crack the weakness of this trick.

But the eyes of brilliance are far beyond that, and it is not yet clear whether his current methods will work.



"I see."

This time Akashi was surprised, Fujina concentrated his energy to the highest point, and after closing his eyes, he only relied on his intuition to play the ball.


The first prerequisite for the activation of the eye of brilliance is that brilliance is the first step, followed by the formation of the eye of the emperor.

If there is a problem with the talent from the first rehearsal, even the Eye of the Emperor of Heaven cannot correct it.

It's like Kise's double imitation can't see through

(But, unfortunately.)

(The other I still have eyes.)

The eyes of different colors were revealed alone, and Richiji took over the body, and then hit the ball to the corner.



Bu Er opened his eyes in surprise, looking at the falling trace.

"If you seal it up, you will be radiant, but if you can't seal it up"

Atobe has a deep understanding of this body feeling, he explained with a smile.

The Eye of Brilliance is two parts in itself.

It's meaningless just to have the ability to seal it up, Akashi himself still has "eyes" to use.

Relying on the "eye of the heart" can crack the talent, but it can't break the "Eye of the Emperor of Heaven".

But I know that the "Eye of the Emperor of Heaven" also has weaknesses.

Tezuka once cracked it.

The "Eye of the Emperor of Heaven" is based on the opponent's body movements, breathing, etc. to know the opponent's next action.

Therefore, as long as you delay your actions to the limit, the time left for Akashi to react will also be reduced.

This kind of action has high requirements on the explosive power and physical strength of the players.

But it can be done

"But in order to gain an advantage in one breath, it really has to be like this."

Closing his eyes, Fuji planned to try to use new moves to fight against the enemy. He only hoped that Akashi would be able to detect the weaknesses of those moves later and crack them.

His new tricks have also been used by opponents to gain an advantage, but they were all cracked in the end.

"It's the phoenix returning to the nest!"


First, he played the well-known phoenix return to the nest, and Akashi quickly went online to fight back before it landed.

He has already noticed that Fuji is starting to target the "Eye of the Emperor", but Akashi doesn't care.

Even if I don't have the eyes of brilliance now, I can still deal with everything.


"It's the White Dragon!!"

The tennis ball went over his head and bounced straight into the corner.


"Ah! It was cracked immediately."

Obviously it was the white dragon who tried to join the change, but Akashi still caught the track and jumped up and smashed back.

"Kirin caught!!"

He hit a new return without hesitation, and it fell from the sky in an arc like a star falling.


But Akashi retreated to the bottom line and won it by wiping a tennis ball.

"Cracked the new triple comeback in one go."

"It's really a similar scene."

This kind of picture, Atobu feels like he has seen it somewhere.

That was a fight with Fuji when he forced his way into Qingxue before.

He did the same at that time.

It can only be said that these three tricks have been looked down upon by them, and they have no applicability at all.

Unless there are new changes.

"The fourth type of counterattack!! Mayfly shroud!!"


The new move was taken out, and the diversified and trackless rotation instantly scored points.

"A new move?"

Seeing a move he had never seen before, Omokashi murmured in a low voice.



But what Fuji did not expect was that Akashi cracked the score when he used the mayfly cover for the second time.

(how come.)

(This is too fast to see through.)

I thought I could at least get a few more points, but the second goal was a failure, which is really unbelievable.

"You are a very skilled player."

"It's just a pity."

(I have dealt with such players since I was a child)

Akashi opened his mouth to narrate, but stopped abruptly, adding inwardly.

From playing tennis with Bai Jin since he was a child until now, not to mention too many moves he has dealt with, and he has sufficient experience in dealing with them.


The score was equalized again, and Fuji began to fall into a disadvantage.


He still played the Phoenix serve, but this time he looked a bit at the end of his rope.

(At most one serve.)

Holding the ball in his hand, Akashi judged the limit of Fuji.

Just like Tezuka's zero serve and Atobe's Tannhauser serve.

His phoenix serve also reached the limit after 4 innings.

"What are you going to show next?"

If you don't seize the opportunity, Akashi will catch up completely, so for Fuji, the next round is very important.

(Use that one.)

Eyes still closed, Fuji has been restricted too much in this round.

In order to seal the eye of brilliance, he was forced to use the eye of mind and the power of the last ability to act.

Movements are already very restricted.

Akashi served the ball, and Fuji rushed forward in an instant, swinging the racket and making a different movement.

The tennis ball slides when it touches the surface of the racket, and even flips it over to perform high-speed friction.


Seeing this strange way of fighting back for the first time, Akashi was somewhat surprised.

"The ball you hit will never go over the net again!"

Guardian of Hetonk Switzerland.


As stated in the Fuji declaration, Akashi's counterattack hit the net this time.



There should be another chapter at noon.

Then make up the 1 chapter that is owed at night.

Regarding the follow-up of Ziyuan and Kawamura, I have to wait until the end of the game to write, because there are plot arrangements for them.

The new tiger was only unconsciously played by Kawamura, and it was impossible to reproduce it a second time.

Ziyuan is broken, and his price will definitely not be light.

If you feel dissatisfied because the plot is too killing, you are right, because the process itself restores the main drama. Although Murasakihara does not catch the ball, there is nothing wrong with it (if you catch it, you will have a new future)

If you want to scold, you can scold, because you feel that you are uncomfortable watching, but I still have to write what I should write. As for whether you should continue to watch these two people after the follow-up, it is another matter.

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