Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 132: 132 Unbreakable Iron Man: The advantage is mine!

Chapter 132 132. Unbreakable Iron Man: The advantage is mine!

"Ball 6."

"Ball 4."

"Ball 2."


As Tezuka declared every time, the number of goals scored was just right.

Like a magic operator, accurately score the score.


When everyone came back to their senses, the score had unknowingly drawn a big gap.

"Shiraishi's tennis doesn't work for him at all."

"Is the state of selflessness such a powerful move?"

Having never seen such a tragic Shiraishi, Renzu Qian also shouted worriedly.


Chitose witnessed the hazy brilliance, with a strange color in his eyes.

"Look, he's changed again this time."

Tachibana Juhei pointed at Tezuka who had undergone new changes and shouted.

"Colored light? What is this?"

With too little knowledge, I can only ask questions again and again.

"Thousands of tempering. It is another move that is equivalent to the brilliance of talent."

"Possesses the characteristics of the future ball's power, speed, destructive power, and double counterattack."

While introducing it to his family, Osamu Watanabe didn't care.

Coach Sakaki, besides wanting to give a blow to someone at the beginning, is he not? It's just a pity that the opponent's hands are full of big and small kings, so he can't get through with a bunch of small cards in his hand.

That being the case, it is better to increase your knowledge, and then use this to review and learn.





(It's too strong. The ball's strength, speed, rotation, and destructive power are all doubled.)

After failing to chase the ball again, Shiraishi bent over and supported his knees with his hands, panting, beads of sweat dripping on the ground.

Having never encountered such a master, Shiraishi has also discovered his current shortcomings.

He paid too much attention to the one-to-one style of play, and it was impossible to deal with such a player who had no dead ends.

"Sa, go all out!"

But before Shiraishi could continue to comprehend, he heard Tezuka's voice, and when he looked up, he found a blue light shining there.

"This is.?"

"It's so dazzling!"

"What's wrong with him?? Why can the body emit different lights?"

Not understanding what happened at all, Kansai's seat erupted in commotion.

"Flawless. It's amazing."

"At this age, the student who can fully control the realm of selflessness can be said to be the first in all ages."

Even though he knew it in his heart, it was the first time for Osamu Watanabe to truly see the seamlessness of the clothes.

"That is the last door to the realm of selflessness"

"Known as the strongest seamless"

"Neon has never been turned on since the former professional gamer samurai Nanjiro."

If you just use your mouth to describe the seamlessness, this group of young people may not be able to realize its horror.

But to put it another way, it will allow them to understand how high Tezuka's standard is.

"The same move as the former professional player?"

"Is he really a junior high school student like us?"

"What kind of monster group is Kanto?"

Sure enough, many people's faces changed after they understood the gold content of the seamless clothes.

Unbelievable, frightened, curious, etc. stared at Tezuka in the venue.

Even Mao Li, who was leaning on the chair with blank eyes, regained his luster, staring at the shining blue light.

"Tsk, that guy Tezuka is really noisy."

"I really want to teach him a lesson."

Seeing that the "limelight" was taken away by Tezuka, Atobu curled his lips, somewhat unhappy.

"That's what you said, you can't beat him."

Hearing this, Yushi Ninzu couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Did you say something? Shinobu?"

"not at all"





Far beyond the previous confrontation, Baishi felt the gap in realm for the first time.

If it is said that his previous talents were radiant and tempered, he can respond to some extent.

But the flawless clothes really made him at a loss.

He is like a frozen statue, he can only watch Tezuka score continuously without being able to react and stop.


"The game is over! This round was won by Kanto Tezuka! The score"


It wasn't until the last ball landed that Shiraishi realized that the game was over.

"Thank you for your advice!"

"Thank you for letting me see such a powerful game."

Walking to the net, Baishi did not waver, but stretched out his hand and said gratefully.

"No, that's what I should do."

Also reaching out to shake hands, Tezuka shook his head without saying anything.

He could somewhat guess what Coach Sakaki was thinking. The reason why the intensity of the confrontation was gradually increased this time was to let Shiraishi experience more.

As for whether the other party can learn something from this, that is another matter.

"Shiraishi, are you okay!"

As soon as he walked back to his seat, Shiraishi was greeted by Kenya and others.

"It looks okay, minister, Shiraishi didn't die like Maori."

Yuan Zhe also looked left and right, then patted his chest and said happily to Ping Shanzhi.

"Senior, Senior Maori isn't dead yet."

"Uh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, hahaha!!"

Faced with the communication of his teammates, Shiraishi smiled and recalled the game carefully.

(Yes, see more high-level competition.)

(this will set up what you are trying to achieve)

(If there is no target, it will wander around like a headless chicken, not knowing where to fly.)

Osamu Watanabe looked at the innocent Shiraishi, and knew that this time it was a success.

The strength of his peers can set an example for him. Tezuka himself tends to perfect and impeccable style of play, which is a natural teaching material.

There are so many places where Baishi can gain enlightenment.

"Please enter the singles number one of both sides!!"

At this moment, the referee's voice sounded.

"It's time for me to play, I will bring back my only victory!"

Bupo Iron Man put the cloth belt in his hand on the chair, and then said.

"iron Man."

"He should be able to win."

"He is the real master of Shizile Middle School!"

Seeing his leaving back, some Kansai contestants felt certain and discussed.

"That's not good"

But what Osamu Watanabe said made them stunned.

"What do you mean? Coach?"

Not understanding what Osamu Watanabe meant, they asked subconsciously.

"You think Tezuka, who can control the realm of selflessness and open the final door seamlessly, why is he ranked second in singles?"


Hearing this sentence, some people lost their minds, and then reacted.

Such a strong Tezuka is placed on the second singles?

If you follow the law of strength and weakness to arrange singles positions

What kind of monster would singles number one be?

I didn't think about it before, but now that I think about it, I'm terrified.

"Could it be!!"

"That's right. Is that the one?"

"The opponent's singles No. 1 is the real player who defeated Tezuka Kunimitsu in the match."

"Even though the national competition has not yet started, he has already been hailed as the NO.1 player in the middle school circle"


"Baijin Zhixing!!"

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