Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 147: Chapter 147

Chapter 147. 147. The First Confrontation

"By the way, coach, if Xibo is the third in their singles, then who will be the second and first in singles?"

Kikumaru scratched his head, some didn't understand the opponent's arrangement, and asked coach Sakaki and Osamu Watanabe in doubt.

Only these two can see the opponent's list.

"Single number two is Nash himself..."

But Osamu Watanabe's answer surprised everyone.

"I heard that there is a player in their team because he is on his way from the United States, so he is deliberately put at the end."

Before anyone else could ask questions, Osamu Watanabe continued to explain.

"who is it?"

"The name seems to be..."

"Echizen Ryuya..."

When Osamu Watanabe read out the name, Fuji, Oishi and Kikumaru were startled.

Echizen... Isn't that the same surname as Coach Nanjiro?

(Echizen Ryuya? Why is he on the Jabberwock team?)

For Bai Jin, this person's name is more important than Nash.

This made him hesitate for a moment...

If it was said that he was planning to deal with Nash, the appearance of Long Ya made him undecided again.

Whether it is Nash or Longya, these two people are not easy.

Nash is okay, there should be no problem with losing, but Longya is different.

According to his situation, after a match, maybe all the moves and characteristics of the player will be "swallowed".

Reinhardt, the main player of the US team, has the ability to "repair weaknesses", but any ball that loses points will become his best style of play next time.

That's not a move, but a unique characteristic, just like Akashi's "eyes" and Kuroko's low "sense of presence", Kise's imitation is the same reason.

Even so, Reinhardt was devoured in the competition with Echizen Ryuya, and thus lost the "weakness repair".

Even Byodoin Phoenix gave way to Long Ya by three points, fearing that his moves would be devoured.

Later, when Echizen Ryuya was in the Spanish team, he was asked not to compete with other teammates by the main player Medanore.

All three national team players spoke highly of him.

This shows how fearful Echizen Ryuya is.

Unlike Haizaki's time-limited "plundering", Ryuya's permanent "swallowing" can truly abolish the future of tennis players.

And such a character appeared in Jabberwock's roster, which makes people even more uneasy.

(It's troublesome now...)

It's been a long time since I had such a headache, and Bai Jin really didn't know what to do for a while.

Playing Nash will make Longya face other people, and if Nash is squatting, no one can fight against Nash.

In the main drama, it is also Akashi's two-in-one that surpasses Nash.

But in the world of net kings, Nash not only has three years more training than Akashi, but also has the experience of challenging professional players.

Coupled with Akashi's lack of obvious awakening and flowering, with such a huge gap, there is no chance of winning at all.

Nash's lead in all aspects, Akashi can't reproduce the transcendence of the main drama, and it's unknown whether the two personalities can actively merge into one this time.

And the most troublesome thing is Echizen Ryuya...

This guy's devouring is passive, and it is the kind that is always on without subjective consciousness.

It is somewhat too dangerous for others to face him.

But if he fights against Long Ya by himself, there are risks.

Judging from the situation that Kise can imitate and Nioh can phantom.

As long as he dares to use moves, he will also be swallowed by Long Ya.

(No... If it doesn't work, you can consider learning from Byodoin Phoenix...)

Either hit the ball that Long Ya can't catch, or don't catch it after he catches it.

It's strange to say...Long Ya's devouring seems to be triggered only after the opponent hits back his ball.

Byodoin Phoenix was hit back by Long Ya after hitting the ball with light. He directly chose to catch it with his hands, thus avoiding the consequences of being swallowed.

"He'd better not play..."

In the end, Bai Jin could only pray that the guy wouldn't make it to the last game, otherwise he would definitely be in big trouble.


"Boy, you serve first."

On the court, Xibo spread his hands and gave up the right to serve in a very general direction.

Tezuka didn't show any hypocrisy, but agreed. He couldn't relax against a player like Xibo.

Afterwards, as expected, it was zero-type four bursts...


"What! Why do you all have such a headache serving?"

Xibo scratched his head, and could only watch the opponent serve and score, feeling annoyed.

Even he doesn't have a good way to return this kind of serve.

"Counting Atobe and the unknown player who came out of the phantom, there are already three junior high school students in Nihong who can hit this kind of world-class serve."

Noah looked at Tezuka's performance from the sidelines, and suddenly said in surprise.

"They're stronger than we thought..."

"If you are careless, you will suffer."

Gorgias had a deep feeling for this. In the previous game, if he didn't use Perfection at the last critical moment, something might happen.

"It's impossible for Xibo to lose. That kid can't keep hitting this kind of serve."

Aaron didn't worry about this kind of thing. If the opponent can serve and score, let him score.

As long as Xibo clings to the score, the opponent will make mistakes sooner or later.

"Then I'll be a little more serious!"

Xibo looked at Tezuka, his tall body twisted, and he swung his racket to send the ball.


The air seemed to explode, and the ball swayed through the net.

"Thousands of tempers!"

Seeing that Tezuka's body glowed with colorful lights, Kikumaru immediately shouted.


But what is surprising is that the moment Tezuka caught the ball, Tezuka's racket was directly sent flying.

"Pfft, isn't this force as strong as Sanada's thunder?"

With his eyes wide open, Nioh felt very exaggerated.

In my impression, to be able to achieve such a situation of flying shots, apart from Bai Jin's moves, Sanada's moves are like thunder.


Feeling the numbness in his left hand, Tezuka slowly walked over to pick up the racket and his heart sank.



The racket was knocked into the air several times, but Tezuka still maintained his tempered attitude and tried to fight back.

"What's the matter, why doesn't Tezuka use seamless clothes?"

"Obviously, after a lot of hard work, I can't hit back the opponent's serve."

Everyone was also puzzled, not understanding what Tezuka wanted to do.

"That kid..."

"I'm almost getting the hang of it."

In the stands, Nanjiro stroked his chin, stared at Tezuka's waving gesture and said.

"What are you talking about?"

Ryoma looked at him strangely, not knowing what Nanjiro said.

"Look well, study hard."

"This may be the skill you will try to master in the future."

Patting Ryoma's head, Nanjiro just laughed without much explanation.

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