Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 160: 160 Summon Thunderbolt!

160 Chapter 160. Summon Thunderbolt!



There was no way to catch it, and Nash's racket broke directly.


Looking at the other party's situation with lingering fear, Nash realized that his arms were trembling unconsciously.

(can not stop.)

Why this happened, Nash didn't understand.

Because of fear? Because of fear? Or what other factors?

It was something he had never experienced before, never felt so overwhelmed like this.

(what the hell is that?)

Even his breathing became a lot heavier, and Nash found that just standing in front of such a "foreign object" would feel the shock from his soul.

Different dimension?

How could there be such a powerful different dimension?

Just looking at that huge head almost occupies half of the field, and its invisible body stretches all over the city.

Like a snake, it is generally entangled in the roofs and corridors of various buildings.

Compared with such a creature, his demon king is as small as a baby.

(Is this your strength?)

(compared to that guy when he was a kid)

(Simply trivial.)

Recalling what Akashi said before, his face became embarrassed.

(as a child.)

(How could such an absurd thing happen.)

Aware of the metaphor hidden in the words, Nash couldn't believe that there would be such an outrageous thing.

If Akashi had seen this kind of thing when he was a child, Nash didn't think it would be safe.

We must know that the stronger the different dimension, the greater the impact on the players.

A different dimension of this scale should not have appeared in the world at all.

Walking off the court, Nash changed a new racket amidst the terrified expressions of his teammates.

(my body.)

When standing on the court again and trying to hold the racket tightly, he found it difficult to use his strength.

Because of the trembling before, he didn't notice any changes in himself, but when he calmed down, he began to find something wrong.

Then he saw Bai Jin hit an ordinary serve.

In desperation, he didn't think about those things carefully, he tried to run back.




no touch serve

Obviously the ball didn't land very far, and it wasn't a fastball or powerball, but Nash felt that his running speed, swing speed and strength had all weakened a lot.



For the third serve, this time he was on guard in advance and tried hard to hit the ordinary serve, but he hit the ball due to lack of strength.

This time, Nash was sure that his body had indeed been "weakened".

"How much of the physical ability you are proud of can be mobilized now?"

Looking at Nash who was struggling just to catch the ball, Bai Jin questioned expressionlessly.

In the attack of summoning thunder bombs, all five dimensions (strength, speed, physical strength, technology, and spiritual power) of oneself will be reduced.

Because there is no specific subject for the experiment, Bai Jin cannot define the reduced value very well.

But that's by no means a small price to pay and may even be higher than the seamless weakening impact.

But looking at how embarrassed Nash is now catching the racket, he knew that the so-called high barriers had been shattered by the power of God.

In addition to being hit by the coercion of the Osiris Sky Dragon, he also has to bear the effect of summoning lightning bombs. Under the double pressure, how much strength can he exert?

"This inning was won by the junior selection team, the score"


"You've been wrong about one thing since before"

"The hell you mentioned is not worth mentioning compared to the abyss that Akashi has seen."

"The spirit and willpower he possesses are far beyond what you can match."

"So, don't use your humble knowledge to judge him for me!"

When Nash hit the ball back and couldn't even pass the net, Bai Jin knew that he had lost the possibility of confronting himself.

The illusory gods dissipated from the sky, and the dark sky became clear again.

"What the hell was that just now? It's scary!!"

Only then did Huang Lai realize that his back was covered in cold sweat. He felt a little cold just watching from the sidelines.

"Ha, is that what he's leaning on? What a monster."

"However, thanks to seeing this creature, I seem to have a new experience."

Atobe opened his closed eyes, carefully remembering the feeling just now.


"It's a wonderful experience"

Like him, Yukimura just felt it from the sidelines. Under the heavy pressure, they couldn't describe how terrifying it was.

"Tezuka, how are you doing?"

Fuji tilted his head and asked Tezuka thoughtfully.

"Ah, that feeling is completely different from anything I've encountered before."

Nodding, Tezuka replied with a serious expression.

"What? What? What are you talking about?"

Kikumaru looked at these people incomprehensibly, and said curiously.

He only knew that the feeling brought by that monster just now was too scary, and he had no other physical sensations at all.

"It's too early for you."

Midorima pushed his glasses, took the conversation, but did not explain.



Qingfeng and Vulcan were silent, but the wild nature of the two showed their high fighting spirit.

The wild nature was liberated under such a terrifying coercion, and became excited.

"Little ghost, did you feel anything from the scene just now?"

Nanjiro turned his head and glanced at Ryoma, and said to him.


Ryoma remained silent, but opened his eyes wide, recalling the previous situation at the same time.

(Yes, that's what it is.)

Seeing that he really felt something, Nanjiro nodded and was much happier.

The new dimension that the white-haired boy displayed is really amazing, even Nanjiro, this is the first time he has seen such a large-scale individual.

The sense of oppression that it brings is simply extraordinary.

But it is not without benefits to encounter this kind of thing.

It's like growing through suffering

If the Sky Dragon Divine Power brings absolute oppression, then it will be able to resist and turn it into spiritual food, then there will be great progress.

Tezuka, Yukimura, Atobe, Midorima, Vulcan, Aomine, and Fuji, even though they didn't face God directly, they were still affected by the rest of the power.

Although it was not as much "persecution" as Nash, they also forced themselves to hone their spiritual will in that high-pressure environment.

Back then, Akashi died directly "spiritually" once because of facing the sky dragon.

It is also because of that that the spiritual power of Richishi and Haohan was born, although it has not been liberated until now.

It can only be said that this may be the tradition of the traitorous dragon.

While having a powerful force to defeat the enemy, it will also be backlashed in a certain way, so that others may gain stronger strength.

"But don't you think it's weird?"

"It was obvious that something that big appeared just now."

"The rest of the audience didn't seem to overreact at all."

Momoi looked at the damaged wall ahead from the audience stand, and asked Ziyuan in a strange tone.

"who knows"

"Maybe these people can't see the dragon at all?"


Thank you for the reward of "Heavy Rain After Summer". According to the regulations, there is one more chapter, and I will make it up as soon as I can see if I can make it up today.

Tsk, a careful look at the monthly pass is enough... How come it's so fast, obviously it's only been a day since the last time the monthly pass stamp was added.

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