Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 164: 164 Echizen Ryuya!

Chapter 164 164. Echizen Ryuya!

"In other words, we really won this time, right?"

Although he didn't play at all, Vulcan still shouted excitedly.

"That's true."

Even Sanada, who usually speaks very rigorously, had a hint of joy in his tone.

It's not an easy thing to beat that team in a coaching match.

This is probably the first group of junior high school students to defeat them.

"Happiness is a good thing, but it cannot change the fact that there is one less opponent."

"If we really want to continue, the outcome is unpredictable."

Yukimura was not too optimistic, but reminded.

It seems that this time they won 3:2, but it was also because the opponent was absent.

Otherwise, it's really hard to say what the next game will look like.

At least they don't know what kind of strength this player named Echizen Ryuya has.

But since Jabberwock can be selected, there must be something special.

You must know that Jabberwock's conditions for selecting people to join the group are still very demanding.

"Ahh, how rare, do you actually feel that you are inferior to the other party? Mr. Son of God."

Atobe turned his head and glanced at Yukimura, as if joking in return for his previous statement.

In the last singles number one, if Bai Jin can't play, then there is no doubt that Yukimura will be left to make up.

So after Yukimura finished that sentence, Atobe couldn't wait to "make up the knife".

"Hehe, it's the blind arrogance that makes people unable to see the truth, isn't it?"

Yukimura replied softly without making any sarcasm from the art department.

In the past, he would not be so cautious and modest, but after seeing the masters in Kanto and Kansai, Yukimura would not feel that no one is invincible.

Not to mention that the members of Jabberwock are actually quite strong.


But before they continued to speak, Nash walked over with Xibo's support.

His expression was not as careless as before, nor was he arrogant, but he spoke very calmly.


Bai Jin glanced at him in surprise, this guy's personality should not be so good in his impression, right?

The bad performance in the theater version made him have some preconceived stereotyped memories of this group of people.

"Apologize to the kid from the previous game for me."

"I underestimated him."

"But if there is a chance to meet again in the future, it will not be so easy."

After just saying these few words, Nash left the venue with Xibo and the others.

"What is that guy talking about with a look on his face?"

"Who knows."

"It's just the loser who refuses to admit defeat speaks!"

Hearing the communication in his ear, Bai Jin didn't care but was thinking about other issues.

(Meet again?)

(At least it has to go to the World Championship.)

(This year's World Championship has no chance for our junior high school students again.)

If you think about it carefully, if you really want to meet Nash in the future, it may be in the third year of junior high school.

At that time, junior high school students were allowed to participate in the World Championship to target Germany, the king.

But two years later, he thinks so.

If he meets Akashi again, Nash may lose even faster.



"Damn it, is it still too late?"

After finally running to the outside of the arena, Echizen Ryuya shouted unwillingly when he saw the flow of people coming out of the stadium one after another.

If it wasn't for the breakdown of the Shinkansen, he should have arrived long ago.

What the hell.

Such rare emergencies can occur.

"Long Ya, you really are here."

But the next moment, hearing a familiar voice, Long Ya's pupils shrank instantly.

He looked up suddenly, but found Nanjiro standing in front of him.

"Old dad."

Never expecting to meet Nanjiro here, Long Ya was stunned for a while.

"Although I heard that you have joined the Jabberwock (destroyed neck dragon) a long time ago, have you been able to control yourself freely in this kind of event?"

Nanjiro looked at him, without his usual hippie smile, but asked seriously.

Long Ya's "swallowing" is an extremely terrifying ability.

A long time ago, Nanjiro discovered his specialness, and specially warned him that he was not allowed to seriously play with Ryoma.

That powerful ability that was completely uncontrollable made Long Ya an unstable factor.

Any player who fights with Long Ya will be "swallowed" by his moves or special abilities.

Even teammates are no exception.

Team breaker.

There is nothing wrong with saying that.

After all, he can't control that ability at all, so that he will accidentally take away other people's tennis balls. In this case, he can't usually play practice games with his teammates.

"What, it turns out that the little one was called back by you."

Scratching his head, Long Ya spoke without answering Nanjiro's question directly.

"It seems that you still haven't."

"I'm not that weak, father."

Before Nanjiro could say anything, Long Ya interrupted him first.

"Although it cannot be completely controlled, as long as the triggering conditions are not met, nothing will happen."

"In order to play normally with Xiaobudian, I have made a lot of efforts."

Stretching out a finger, Long Ya explained while turning the orange that she took out from nowhere.

"A trigger condition?"

Staring at Longya for a while, confirming that he is not lying, Nanjiro also sensed his restrictions on himself.

Devouring is a very dangerous ability, but it doesn't mean it is omnipotent.

There are still corresponding trigger conditions.

And as long as that condition is not met, Devour will still not be activated.

The reason why Echizen Ryuya joined Jabberwock was because he could train around the world.

He might be able to find a way to control Devour somewhere

But, after so long, I am somewhat disappointed, because there is no such method.

Only by identifying the trigger conditions can he avoid the use of devouring, but even so, it cannot allow him to enjoy playing with all his heart.

still looks a little painful

(devoured and unknown?)

The figure of Bai Jin suddenly flashed in his mind, and Nanjiro always had a premonition that the two would meet in a certain arena.

The many moves controlled by that boy may be the best "food" for Long Ya's "swallow".

But as for whether Long Ya will be "suffered to death", Nanjiro has no way of knowing, after all, the upper limit of the two of them cannot be seen through.

And now the two miss here, perhaps for better confrontation in the future.

Although it is not good to think like this, Nanjiro will somewhat look forward to it.

"So, Dad, what about the little ones?"

"You kid still have time to laugh here, because of you, your teammates lost the game!"

"It's not so important in the game! If I knew that the Shinkansen would break down, I wouldn't have contacted the captain to ask for a place in the game."

"So you're still a long way off!"

"Damn it, Dad, tell me where the little one is!!"

"Find it yourself!"


It's five chapters, I'm too sleepy, and I'm rushing to work without stopping when I get home.

It's finally over. sleep.

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