Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 170: 170 The First Confrontation!

Chapter 170 170. The First Confrontation!

"Then, I'm coming! Boy!"

After grabbing the right to start, Byodoin didn't have that humble mentality at all. He knew that the boy in front of him couldn't be treated as an ordinary junior high school student, so he just hit the ball.

The slightly shining golden light made Bai Jin startled.

(Light hit the ball?)

(But it seems not perfect yet?)

Seeing the ball flying towards him, Bai Jin waited for it to bounce off the ground, and hit it without hesitation.

But as he thought, this light shot is not too special, and it can even be said that it has no "characteristics" in it.

It's just that it has unusual destructive power, and it's not even as good as Tezuka's "breaking" concept of perfect light hitting.

And in my impression, the light hitting of Byodoin should be of a "destructive" nature, not this kind of whiteboard with no features.

What's more, he probably didn't learn how to hit the ball during this period.


But even so, that strange strength can still penetrate its racket.


Sitting on the referee's seat, Akashi watched the scene silently, but ruthlessly reported the score.

"That's a student from Qingxue, right? After watching his game, I learned some tricks and figured out this trick."

"It works pretty well, doesn't it?"

With the racket on his shoulder, Byodoin said comfortably.

"You are really greedy too, do you learn from what you see?"

Think about Byodoin in the drama traveling around the world, challenging all kinds of strong men, and learning a lot of moves from them.

What Chinese Red Dragon Claw Chinese Firebird Dance. Libyan Great Hail African Lion's Roar. Indian Snake Charmer.

It is conceivable that this guy is never satisfied as a strong man, and he learns anything good.

It also shows his "greed".

Thinking of this, Bai Jin suddenly came to his senses.

"You don't want to learn tricks from me, do you?"

Before Byodoin sent out the second ball, Bai Jin spoke.

With the current "skill column" of Byodoin and the situation of the World Championships, it seems that he really doesn't have many moves that can hold the field.

"Oh, have you been discovered? You are really sharp."

"I wanted to learn it secretly without you noticing."

"But there's no other way, let me just say it!"

"Your move of Kaio Fist! I've learned it."

The action of preparing to serve stopped, he scratched his head without any shame, and then said bluntly "I won't pretend anymore".

"That guy is crazy."

Vulcan stared at his shameless speech, and said.

"However, this seems to be the first time. I want to learn moves from that guy openly."

"Not to mention the high school students in the U17 training camp."

Aomine and the others had already learned about the situation from Akashi before, and then said.

"Doesn't this prove that Xiaobai is really strong?"

"A move that makes people think about it and wants to bring it to the world!"

Momoi said it happily, and didn't feel any embarrassment.

If the moves can really be used by people in the world, then they can also know the performance in advance.

"That's right, Xiao Baijin's moves are obviously useful for so many things."

"But it shouldn't be something you can learn if you want to, right?"

In this regard, Huang Lai has the full right to speak. He has always imitated Bai Jin, so he naturally knows the power and usefulness of those moves.

But likewise, the difficulty of imitation is also frighteningly high, at least Kise can't imitate all of them now.

It is even more difficult to learn.

"That depends on who is studying."

Heizi doesn't think there is any problem. The moves are adaptable to different people in different ways. Some people can learn quickly if they get along well. Some people can't get along well, and they may not be able to learn it in their lifetime.

"Since the other party has spoken, they will definitely not simply give up."

Midorima pushed his glasses, holding a teapot in his hand, and replied.

"Will Bai Zai teach him? I don't think he is such a kind person."

Ziyuan held the pocket with one hand, yawned, and spoke listlessly.

"You're really going straight to the point."


"I have no reason to teach you."

Sure enough, as Zi Yuan said, Bai Jin was not so "kind".

You say you come to learn, so I want to teach?


You said that it is similar to Takashi Kawamura who learned it by relying on videos and Gan Sadaharu's help to sum up experience, and he has no objection.

But he didn't have such a good idea for the one who came directly to learn how to move.

He is not a "carry-on grandfather".

"Hey, it doesn't matter, as long as you are forced to use it."


"Rely on the body to remember!!!"

Byodoin naturally did not give up, but smiled at the corner of his mouth, and hit the second light shot and said.


The golden tennis ball flew through the net, landed on the ground and bounced.

Even if it doesn't have any traits, it's still full of powerful destructive power.


"That depends on whether you can do it."

Want him to use the Out of Bounds King Fist?

Then it depends on whether the Byodoin Institute has that ability.

"Hoo hoo!!"


The ghost looked shocked as the dispelled light hit the ball.

The golden ball of light was swept by the wind pressure, turning into a real tornado and rushing towards its court.

The easiest way to return light shots is to hit the sweet spot.

It is true that Bai Jin did not learn that technique on purpose, but it is a pity.

It doesn't mean he doesn't have a similar method to counterattack.

Burst burst.

This move itself is a super counter move developed for those extremely powerful single moves.

"Hey! You really are merciless."

The light hit the ball the second time and it was cracked, but Byodoin laughed without any embarrassment.

He knew that for the kid in front of him, hitting the ball alone was not a difficult method at all.

So that I have already prepared to deal with it.



But when exposed to the incoming wind pressure, Byodoin still underestimated the amazing counter force.

This time it was his turn to have his racket and court ravaged.

The tornado sent his racket flying, and he was even forced to take a few steps backwards.

The potholes formed in the surrounding grounds indicate the traces of the run over.

"this ball"

The ghost was looking ahead, and he sensed extraordinary power from that ball.

If it's just multiple return balls, it's not difficult to return them according to Byodoin's style of hitting several balls.

But obviously, Blast Liupo is not such a simple move.

It is a counter technique that uses one's own strength to sweep back the opponent's moves.

The more powerful the ball hit by Byodoin, the stronger the counterattack.

"Fortunately, the racket is not broken, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome."

Going to the backcourt to pick up the racket, Byodoin found it difficult.

This means that if he continues to hit the ball, he will be hit back countless times by Blast.

And he may not be able to take it in a short time.

In this case, on the contrary, he fell into a passive state.

(Damn boy, it's really not easy to force him to use that trick.)

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