Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 178: 178 The Impeccable King! Germany!

Chapter 178: The Invincible King! Germany!

"is that a lie?"

"Senior ghost lost like this?"

About a week before the start of the national competition, Baijin, Akashi and the others gathered in the club room to watch the game of the Neon team.

But this time it was different from before.

In the environment of going all the way, they finally came to the semi-finals.

But it is a pity that this time their opponent is Germany, which has won eight consecutive championships.



That desperate strength blocked the way of Byodoin and others.

"how so!"

Vulcan looked at the losing ghost in disbelief, and said excitedly.

That ghost senior is obviously so strong, but he lost so badly?

It's no wonder that Vulcan is so excited, after all, Ghost is really the strongest player he has encountered.

But even such a ghost still fell into the hands of Q.P of the German team.

"Ultimate quality."

Seeing the strength displayed by that young man, Bai Jin's expression was a little complicated.


The jigsaw puzzle that was gradually completed due to his formation led him to be as he said.

become a "god".

Logically speaking, he should have gathered the last piece of factors in his third year of ghost high school, and then reached the ultimate quality.

But now, Byodoin and Oni are both freshmen in high school, but Q.P has reached the "ultimate quality".

That potential and strength are extremely terrifying

This means that Q·P has already defeated players with three different seamless suits.

The light of love, the light of silence, the light of fortitude.

These are three different styles seamlessly, but Q·P has defeated them all and turned them into food for his own evolution, reaching a perfect state!

The ghost in the main drama was even broken by one of his balls, one can imagine how terrifying that is.

Not to mention the ghost that has not yet activated the seamless clothes, it is impossible to be its opponent.

In those two games, Ghost lost 6-0 twice almost ashamedly.

The power of Q.P is simply beyond imagination.


"He who has absorbed the three kinds of reserved light is invincible."

In the stands, Gorgias said with an embarrassed expression.

He once fought against Q·P, and the result was that his light of fortitude was defeated by him and turned into the key to the opponent's evolution.

And now, this person has grown to an unimaginable extent.

He couldn't even think of how to defeat this "god".

Maybe Nash didn't expect that Q·P would mutate so horribly.

"There is always a way"

Noah was not discouraged, but stared at the situation in the venue and said.

The previous Neon trip also let him know that there is not only one possibility for everything.

Even the tiniest things can happen

Since Q.P has reached the ultimate quality through the three seamless clothes, there is definitely a way to defeat him, but they have not discovered it.


"What's wrong? You won the game and you're not happy at all?"

Can Retrou stared at Q·P who was walking back, very surprised by his recent mood.

He is clearly growing, but he seems a little dissatisfied.

"The radiance absorbed in the body tells me that I can go further."

Under the watchful eyes of his teammates, Q·P spoke slowly.

"There is still a new brilliance"

But his next sentence instantly shocked his teammates.

"New brilliance?"

"Could it be that there is a fourth light of restraint?!"

As if discovering some new continent, one of his teammates asked him.

"Should be like that"

"But unfortunately, in the current competition, I have not seen such a player."

"Probably hiding somewhere"

Q·P looked around and scanned the powerful teams one by one, but he still didn't feel anything.

"Since there is a new brilliance, you don't have to pay too much attention to it. As long as tennis exists, you will meet it sooner or later."

Kan Retruu smiled immediately when he heard the words, telling him not to worry.

"Hopefully so"

His eyes kept darting across the field, but Q·P felt faintly uneasy.

The three kinds of brilliance reveal alternative information.

The fourth reserved light is very different from them

It is a super-standard brilliance.

Once the owner opens it, it will be the end of the opponent.

Having never heard such an exaggerated description, Q.P wanted to know where that person was even more.

(Since it is such a powerful brilliance, it is even more worth defeating!)

He who has become a "god" naturally will not be afraid, but is full of anticipation for the possible day.

If there really was such a powerful brilliance, defeating that brilliance would definitely make him stronger again.

The confidence brought by the ultimate quality made him fearless of new brilliance.

After all, it will be another piece of the puzzle for his own evolution.


The doubles is still lost, without any suspense, the struggle of the Neon team is like a ravaged flower, it will break when it breaks.

At the final juncture, Byodoin chose to play in person.

And his opponent happened to be Polk who had experienced in the professional league.

He had only debuted in the professional league for a while, but Polk had already experienced hundreds of battles without losing a single game.

His name has been filled all over the world. He even has the title of "the strongest newcomer".

"What kind of trick of fate is this?"

Through the live broadcast, Baijin was heartbroken for what happened to Byodoin.

It's fine if the ghost is beaten up by Q·P who evolved in advance.

Byodoin even met Polk ahead of time.

The question is. How could the House of Equality win Polk today?

The Kaiwang Fist alone cannot make up for the huge gap between the two sides.

The reason why he was able to win in the main play was because of his enlightened Alaya consciousness and his immortality, which forced him to win against Polk.

But now he has no different dimensions, no immortality, no alaya consciousness

There is absolutely no possibility of winning with just relying on the non-characteristic light hitting and Kaiouken.


Sure enough, Byodoin was forced out of Kaiohken in the first set, but Polk was still able to fight steadily.

In the end, the physical strength of the Byodoin Institute was dragged to the point of exhaustion, and there was no way to pick it up.



Both spirit, will, and body were defeated by Polk's strength.

Trapped in an endless "time loop," the current Byodoin House simply cannot break free.

Repeated attack after ball after ball.


The price is the continuous loss of points, failing to score any small points.

That strange power deeply shocked every player.

"Why do the seniors of Byodoin keep repeating the same offensive line and actions?"

"Because Polk himself is too powerful, he completely crushed the spirit of the Byodoin Institute."

"The brain cuts off the memory and refuses to overwrite it."

"Byodo House Cannot Accept Reality"

"Thus triggering an infinite time loop..He will keep repeating the same attack pattern. And he will not be aware of it"


The scoring of the last goal also heralded the end of Byodoin.


Here, the age of Q.P is raised by one year to be equal to Polk

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