Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 183: 183 The Ice Emperor and the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple! Mori vs. Jiro!

Chapter 183: The Ice Emperor and the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple! Mori vs. Jiro!

"Ice Empress!! Ice Empress!!"

It was still the vast shouts of solidarity, surrounding the stadium which was not that wide.

The deafening sound continued to sound, and it also exerted different pressure and motivation on the players of both sides.

"It's an exaggeration..."

"The exaggeration makes people envious..."

Wiping his glasses with wooden hands, he said calmly, looking at the abundant manpower around him.

"Isn't this what you expected, Mr. Wood Tee?"

Watanabe sat on the chair and looked at him with a grin.

"I still want to thank you for the opportunity..."

After finally winning this competition, Mu Shou naturally wouldn't waste it.

It already has the ambition to dominate and contend for hegemony, and of course it will fight even more for all beneficial resources.

Facing Osamu Watanabe's invitation, he accepted it.

Wouldn't it be great to challenge the four strong schools in Kanto?

At least when he returns to Higa in the future, he can integrate the shortcomings and advantages of his family and others, and then open up a path that belongs to them.

"Invite the number three of the singles from both sides to come out!"

Following the referee's declaration, the respective teams stepped out of each other.

"Ah, I just came here..."

Cilang yawned, looking a little confused, and then walked slowly into the venue.

"Ah you are?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Cilang had some vague impressions...

It seems to be the senior who was defeated by Yukimura?

"A lot of advice!"

Mori Kosaburo smiled, not surprised by Jirou's question.

He was a genius recognized by the world before, but it was only after being baptized in the youth trials that he fully realized his weakness.

In the past, he just played with an indifferent mentality. He just did what he wanted to do in training, and he didn't do it if he didn't want to.

Fortunately, the blows given to him by the village and the hard work of everyone in the selection competition inspired him a lot.

Even though they are so strong, they still haven't let up...

At that time, Maori did not understand their persistence.

But after seeing their thoughts and fighting spirit of chasing each other clearly, it also aroused the self-motivation that Maori has always lacked.

People who are younger and more talented than him are working so hard, there is no reason for him to just watch.

And it also made him realize that if he continued to be lazy, losing the national competition would only make it worse. Don't lose a crucial game and regret it for the rest of his life.

Since then, Maori has come out of the trough and has gradually grown.

Now is the time for him to show results in the game.


Maori's first game, he took a careful look at Jiro's position, and then hit the serve.



The ball bounced off the ground after crossing the net at a very fast speed, Cilang was still a little dazed.



Cilang turned his head to look at the tennis ball that had bounced out of the court, and regained consciousness a little.

"If you fall asleep on the field, it's still a bit too fast."

Maori looked at his dazed look and reminded him.

The second ball was played again, Cilang didn't careless this time, but ran to the point where the ball landed.


Swing the ball back and he's ready to hit the net in an instant.

"Good at volleying..."

Muttering the other party's information in his mouth, Maori turned around and hit the ball, hitting a straight ball parallel to the landing point.


That tricky angle passed under the armpit of Cilang's left hand and scored.


Score again, the situation seems to have become favorable.

"So, it seems that he is not an ordinary person."

Atobe observed Mouri's movements with his eyes, and opened his mouth after noticing his skillful control of the joints.

In the youth trials, this person was easily defeated by Yukimura, and Atobe never cared about it.

But now it seems that the other party seems to have stepped out of the shadows, and has become a different person.

"Maybe he made a bad move."

Turning his eyes towards the people in Sitianbao Temple, Atobe said as if he had expected something.


Won the first game, Maori played very well.

"That's right, you shouldn't be the kind of guy who is suitable for indulging yourself."

Osamu Watanabe saw that Mori had gone well, and said in a low voice.

In the past, it was because Maori had the "rebellious" ideas held by young people, even if he tried to force him to train, the effect would not be very good.

Simply let him see if there is any opportunity to change.

As a result, Osamu Watanabe did not expect the opportunity to come so suddenly.

Junior Tryouts...

Although there are certain risks, but considering the profit \u003e loss, he still took a gamble irresponsibly.

And the result is that Maori is reborn...

After working hard for more than a month, although there may still be a gap between the top junior high school students like Atobe, at least it should not be a problem to deal with the second-class players.




Cilang's serve, he did not turn around, his good volley skills and wrist movements were seen through, and he couldn't interfere with Maori at all.

"He's amazing!"

Shaking his head violently, he was completely awake, Ci Lang said happily.

That excited attitude made it seem like he wasn't the one facing the loss of points.

"what can we do about it!?"

Holding the ball, this feeling of being helpless, Jirou seldom felt it from people other than Atobe and the others.

"Student, please serve quickly!"

Seeing that the time was about to pass, the referee urged a little.


After pondering for a long time, Cilang temporarily had an idea, and then hit the ball.

"No Internet access, have you changed your strategy?"

Staring at Jiro who didn't run forward, Mori said in a low voice.

"In that case..."

"So be it!"

As if thinking of something, Maori chose to hit a short ball.

"Hey, have you been fooled?"

Observing the course of the ball this time, Jiro ran forward, and then played the classic tennis ball.

"Unfortunately... I have seen through it a long time ago."

But before Jiro was too happy, Mao Li's voice also sounded in front of him.


At some point, Mao Li rushed to the front of the net and lowered his body...

He scooped up the landed ball with his racket and hit a jumping lob.



The calculation was seen through, and Ciro lost his serve.

"I have learned about your information..."

"So it's easy to guess what options you can make when the volley doesn't work."

It's not that Maori has the so-called data intelligence, but he guessed it simply by eliminating the possibility.

It can only be said that Akutagawa Jiro's playing style is too easy to grasp.

He seems to have great volleying skills and enough wrist flexibility to hit any ball back, but as long as he hits the ball tricky enough, he may or may not be able to catch the ball.

"If it was me in the past, maybe I would still fight hard with you?"

Looking at Cirou's tangled expression, Mouri showed nostalgia.

The physical gap between him and Cilang is not that huge, and it is only natural that he can gain such an advantage after suppressing the opponent technically.

This is why Atobe feels that letting Jiro meet Maori is a bad move.

Maori's changes are beyond Jiro's ability to handle...

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