Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 203: 203 Sleeping Maori!

Chapter 203 203. Sleeping Maori.!


"This round was won by Diguang Qingfeng. The score!"


Under the offensive of irregular batting, Maori struggled to cope.

It doesn't matter if Aomine's movements are fake, and it's hard to figure out what kind of shot the ball is.

It seems to be a straight ball, but in fact, factors such as top spin, back spin, and side spin are hidden.

But it is very uncomfortable to see this change through the appearance of tennis.

"However. It feels like it's almost time to enter."

The heavy breathing that had been panting gradually subsided, and after much deliberation, Maori had to show his true skills to fight against Aomine.

As long as he can enter that state, I believe he will be able to deal with Aomine's irregular shots.

It's a pity that he can't take the initiative to enter now, and needs to delay for a certain amount of time to start.

It was also after he lost three rounds that he gradually felt "sleepy".


Hit the ball and he doesn't move



Aomine, who was just about to catch the ball, suddenly found that Mao Li was already shaking his head with his eyes closed.

He is familiar with that nodding gesture, that is the stupid way he and Kise often doze off in class.

"Fell asleep?"

Kise's eyes widened, he couldn't believe Mao Li's performance, and was shocked.

He couldn't figure out what was going on, could he still fall asleep while playing tennis?

"What hasn't happened before?"

After looking through the necessary information, Momoi did not find similar information.

"Sleeping Kogoro."


"Nothing. Sleeping Maori."

Jumping to a certain set for a while, under Akashi's strange gaze, Bai Jin immediately changed his words.

"He was able to put himself into a state of sleep, maximizing energy and focus"

He roughly only remembered that Mori Kosaburo seemed to have such a trick, but he didn't remember the specific effect very clearly.

Only knowing that the gross profit in sleep will be stronger.

"Really? Can you still play ball while asleep?"

It was Ziyuan who made the sound of surprise. He stared at Moli for a long time, but he didn't expect that tennis could be played so well.

It's fine if you can eat, but you can still sleep and play?

If it weren't for sports, it would have almost become a camp for lazy people.


If it was the former Green Room, it would definitely shout "unscientific".

But he, who has mastered fortune tennis, has broken away from common sense and headed towards the point of no return.

"Sounds very interesting!"

Vulcan couldn't wait to see how Maori would perform.

"I can't imitate this."

Scratching his head, Kise suddenly felt that it was difficult for others. It was fine to just imitate the movements and characteristics, and then play after imitating sleeping.

no no no no

No matter how you think about it, he can't do it.


"I hope you are not bluffing!"

Using the technique of irregular hitting to return the tennis ball, Aomine suddenly said expectantly.

This time the angled kick will turn straight before hitting the ground.


At that moment, Maori moved!

Even though his nose was blowing bubbles and he was snoring softly, he reacted to the ball and made the right response.

"Call back!?"


Seeing that Maori had really done it, everyone immediately exclaimed.


Qingfeng suddenly became energetic, and then hit the other side.

This time it's a straight ball with side spin


But Mao Li seized the real landing point and played a clean tennis ball.


The first time he scored in Aomine's hands

"Not bad"

Being deprived of one point, Qingfeng smiled instead of anger.

He thought that his opponent was not capable, but now it seemed that he had two brushes.

Waiting for Moori to serve again, Aomine began to lower his body.




As soon as the ball is sent, Aomine waits to bounce and hit it back, while Mori chases the correct spot to hit back.

The two began to constantly confront each other.





"This game was won by Shitianbaosi Maoli. Score"


After being held by Mao Li, Qingfeng also roughly understood the principle of his so-called "sleep" state.

"Through dormancy, the improvement of spirit and concentration is deepened, so that he can instantly distinguish the opponent's movement and ball type, and at the same time cause a counterattack"

"In a sense, he restrained Aomine's irregular shots."

Akashi also noticed the other party's performance, and slowly explained.

"That is to say, change balls and the like are useless to him at all?"

"It's kind of like that, because he can tell where the opponent is and where the ball is going."

"What's more, it is not using the eyes, but using the more instinctive "selflessness"."

In a state of deep sleep, playing unconsciously is not something that ordinary people can do.

It can only be said that they saw something new this time.

"It's okay, Qingfeng doesn't seem to plan to procrastinate."

Bai Jin originally thought that there would be a stalemate for a few more rounds, but seeing Qingfeng's grinning face, he knew that he was going to be serious.


A hissing sound instantly awakened Maori who was still asleep.


He was sweating, looked up and saw the leopard shadow behind Qingfeng.





Unprepared, he was disturbed and failed to fall asleep immediately, and Qingfeng's serve directly scored.



On the second serve, he tried to catch it, but was still disturbed by the technique of irregular hitting and couldn't block it.

"What's going on, why can't Senior Maori suddenly be unable to sleep?"

Qian also looked at Maori strangely, not understanding why he did this.

"It's wild"

Shiraishi hesitated for a while, then spoke.

"Shiraishi is right."

"Wildness. That is a characteristic that only very few players can have."

"When fighting against such a player, I can personally experience the feeling of confronting a beast."

Osamu Watanabe sat on the coach chair and explained to his family behind him who didn't understand.


Hearing this, Qian finally understood why Maori couldn't go to sleep.

There is a leopard staring at it, as a human being, if you can fall asleep, you will have a ghost.

"This is really one thing and one thing!"

Osamu Watanabe showed a bitter smile and could only admit it.

I thought that Aomine's irregular hitting was restrained by Maoli, but I never expected that Aomine would use wildness to wake up the "sleeping" Maoli.

This time it was really revealed, and it was back to the original point.


"This game was won by Diguang Qingfeng! The score"


What a surprising change, Mao Li was just about to show off, but in the blink of an eye, Aomine suppressed him back.

(It's so funny)

Maori had a headache and couldn't think of any way to deal with it.

It was unexpected that the "sleep", which had been given high hopes, would be awakened by the wildness.

He hadn't even considered such an outcome before.

"Ah! How could this be?"


good! Reward +1

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