Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 208 208 Power of God!

Chapter 208 208. Power of God!

The cyan light is shining, and that dazzling posture is not unfamiliar.


Tezuka has already given the public a clear understanding of this legendary realm.

"I can't stand against Perfection, I don't even have the qualifications to stand in front of Tezuka."

Although it may be a bit crazy to say this, it is not a lie.

Under that beautiful radiance, if you don't even have the ability to protect yourself from being weakened, how can you talk about fighting against it?


The ball kept bouncing on the ground, Yukimura stared at Tezuka for a long time.

There is no doubt that even Yukimura, known as the "Son of God", is definitely not immune to such influence.

"Then let's begin"

It is impossible for Yukimura to make concessions in his own starting game.

Knowing that Tezuka has a zero-style serve, if he concedes a round, he will inevitably fall into a worse environment.

Therefore, he had to make complete preparations as soon as he came up.


Feeling the cold and silent atmosphere around him, Tezuka noticed something changed in Yukimura.

He was obviously under the influence of Perfect Clothes, but his aura became thinner and thinner.

something is wrong

For the first time Tezuka raised his vigilance.

But when Yukimura sent the ball out, he was still surprised.



Quick serve.

That carefree straight serve score makes it impossible to imagine that Yukimura has been seamlessly affected.

"The minister hits the ball faster than usual!"

"What's the matter? Didn't he hit the perfect suit?"

"come on!!"

An endless stream of voices came from the stands, and people were also full of astonishment at the beginning of the first ball.

"So it's already done, you bastard!"

"That's right!"


Sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, seeing Yukimura's performance, Atobe sighed.

Just like he used to work hard to break the seamlessness, Yukimura is also making such preparations.

Otherwise, as the minister of Kanto, but can't even get through seamlessly, that would be too sad.

the name of the legend will cry



Another serve, Tezuka no longer did not move like the first ball, but found the right position to hit the ball.



It was a strange phenomenon, the moment Tezuka caught the ball, he found a huge power transmission.

It seemed that it wasn't Yukimura who hit the ball.

But a powerful tennis player!

Failed to return perfectly, the ball bounced high over the net.

What greeted him was Yukimura's jumping smash.



Taking the lead at the beginning, Yukimura's strength exceeded people's expectations.

"What's the matter with him?"

"Wouldn't seamlessness work for him?"

Kise looked at this situation strangely, a little confused about what happened.

Even Aomine and Vulcan couldn't understand, and they didn't know how Yukimura avoided it seamlessly.

"Well, is it the same approach as Nash?"

Seeing someone's gaze shifting towards him, Bai Jin hesitated for a while and spoke.


Akashi looked at it for a while, but he didn't have any impression, because when Bai Jin and Nash confronted each other, he had already been carried away.

But he could see that Yukimura did a very special move.


"Could it be."

Everyone thought of Nash's situation in the previous game, and they were stunned.

At that time, Nash was hit by Bai Jin's thunderbolt, and he was cut so bad that he couldn't even hit the net with his serve.

In the end, the choice Nash made was

"Concentrate the remaining strength, spirit, speed, and five senses in one point!"



"Even if it's only for a moment, it's enough to match or surpass your normal self!"


"This game was won by Lihai Taixing Village, the score."


After retaining the serve, Yukimura's stiff body displayed a fighting power beyond the expectations of others.

"I've never seen Yukimura like that before."

Although it was almost a year at Lihai University, it was the first time Liu Lianer saw Yukimura who looked like this.

"Focus on all five senses"

"Have you achieved only this "point" of strengthening?"

Bai Jin was a little surprised by Yukimura's evolution direction

Judging from the performance of Sanada and Fuji, one has more black dragons and multiple cuts, and one has more Aoi Fubuki.

Then it is reasonable for you Yukimura to play zero-sensing tennis to overcome Tianyi.

But the problem is, Yukimura doesn't seem to do that

He explored a new way of confrontation from Nash's performance.

Sky Dragon can weaken opponents

Perfect suit can also weaken the opponent

It's the same type of stand-in! get!

Because of this, Yukimura referred to Nash's approach and developed a new "seamless" method.

If it is said that the perfect clothes weakened his speed and strength to a certain extent, then Yukimura concentrated all the remaining "attributes" in his body in the next swing.

The situation created has ignored and surpassed the impact of seamlessness.

That's why Tezuka felt that Yukimura's serve was fast and powerful, but his aura was gradually thinning out.

Because that was the blow that Yukimura concentrated "everything" in his body.

If Nash called it "the devil's blow".

Nayukimura called it "God's Strike".

If you want to catch this ball, you can't do it under normal circumstances.

It can only be said that the Son of God is so terrifying!

"Is it my illusion?"

"I always feel that the clothes are seamless, as if anyone can break them"

Kise smacked his lips, thinking a little unwillingly.

Although in fact only those few people can fight, but after a long time, you will find that it seems that everyone can do it except yourself.

"Aren't you talking nonsense, if you can't break it, don't you have to wait for death?"

Kagami gave him a disgusted look, and could understand Yukimura's thoughts.

Knowing that Tezuka has Tianyi, if they don't rush to find a way to break the move, then there is a problem.

"But the problem is, I can't break it yet."

The reason why Kise was anxious was that he didn't have any means to deal with Tianyi for the time being.

Double imitation is powerful, but it cannot be completely immune.

As for Akutsu and Yukimura's styles of play, he still can't imitate them.

"It's fine if you don't practice."

"Yamabuki's Akutsujin and Yukimura Seiichi didn't have a perfect way to fight against them from the beginning."

Seeing his anxious look, Akashi immediately enlightened him.

"Heh, no matter how you look at it, I think the guys around are really good."

Qingfeng didn't care about those things, he just looked around, and then expressed emotion.

This is not a modest word, but his true thoughts.

Seigaku's Tezuka, Fuji.

Atobe and Shinobu of the Ice Emperor.

Yukimura and Sanada of Rikai University.

Akutsu of Yamabuki

Not to mention there are still some players who haven't grown up.

In the past, Qingfeng couldn't imagine that there would be so many powerful opponents.

Just standing here and watching them play makes his blood boil.

There was a joyful smile on his face, looking forward to the day when he would fight against a strong opponent, and sighed.

"It feels great to have an opponent!!"

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