Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 212 212 End!

Chapter 212 212. End!

After Yukimura used Zone, people thought that the game would continue.



But what is surprising is that Tezuka's next two attacks were counterattacks.

But Yukimura didn't even move his steps.

"Just standing there and serving the ball is probably exhausting the remaining strength."

"The Zone he used just now made him use up everything."

Without any intention of retreating, Yukimura continued to stare straight ahead.

The zero-sensing tennis ball is already unusable, just standing still and watching is already supported by his will.

Compared to Tezuka's appearance of still having some spare energy, his performance of exhausting everything and using the Zone to grab a point is as fleeting as fireworks.

But Tezuka didn't mean to belittle him, but kept playing the ball with all his strength.

Even though Tezuka was very reluctant at this time, he still hit the sweet spot.

The power of hitting the ball with light is not as powerful as before, but it is still mighty.



We have come to Tezuka's match point. Just one more goal and the victory will be decided!


Compared with the noisy venue before, the auditorium at this time is unusually quiet.

It was as if the voice had been lost, no one was speaking.

They all held their breath, waiting for Yukimura's final serve.


When you hold the ball, you can even feel that the ball will slide out of your palm.

For today's competition, Yukimura has no dissatisfaction, and asks himself, he has done his best.

Evade seamlessly and crack light hits

This is already a record that many middle school students cannot touch.

But even so, Yukimura still feels regretful to some extent.

(Even if you know the ending, you will still be unwilling)

Without being reminded by others, he himself knows what kind of result he will face now.

But he still wants to work hard. Fight for it.


Throwing the ball high, Yukimura bent his body and hit the last shot, shouting at the same time.



Without showing any mercy, Tezuka found the right position and hit the final bare shot.

The golden ball of light flew over the net and landed in the corner, causing a roar and announcing the end of the game.

"This game is won by Aigaku Tezuka!!"



The long struggle was over, and deafening shouts sounded from all around.

"exciting competition!"

Going to the net and looking at Yukimura, Tezuka stretched out his hand.

"You won't be allowed to continue winning in the coming year."

Picking up his arms and shaking hands, Yukimura spoke firmly.

"Ah, I look forward to the return of everyone from Lihai."

This confrontation, if it wasn't for Longya, their Qingxue might not have won.

Therefore, Tezuka did not mean any pride, but respect.

Compared with Qingxue, which is still short of personnel, Lihai University should undoubtedly have a better chance to challenge Diguang.

"Hmph, I'll leave it to you guys for the first year!"

Seeing the handshake between Yukimura and Tezuka, Atobe slowly sat down again, and said coldly.

No matter what he said, sooner or later he would lead Ice Empress to the final stage as well!

But this year, let Qing learn first.

"Tomorrow is the final of the national competition."

"Diguang vs. Qingxue!"

People who realized this turned their attention to the teams on both sides.

At the same time, Baijin and the others were looking at each other with Tezuka and the others.

The strange atmosphere of the two teams also attracted attention.

"Facing the mighty Diguang"

"How much can Qingxue do?"

The staff in Kanto knew the configuration of the two teams to some extent, but it was precisely because they were so clear that they were looking forward to it.

U17 training camp.

"Tomorrow is the last match for junior high school students, right?"

"Ah, you mean the final of the national competition? It seems so."

"What are you guys doing?"

"Organize the materials and photography equipment, and tomorrow we plan to go to the scene in person."

"After all, who made those teenagers so difficult to deal with?"

In the facility, Kurobe, Saito Zhi, and Takuzhi Ryuji were talking to each other.

Saitozhi and Takuzhi Ryuji packed up the relevant items, and said to Kurobe.

"And I think you should feel a lot easier tomorrow."

"I heard that both Phoenix and Ghost will go to the finals."

Remembering an important thing, Saito reminded.

"Shh, don't tell it, otherwise, if there is a group going out, it will sound too bad."

"What's wrong? You guys still come here?"

Holding a wine gourd to drink, Mifune blinked, looked at Byodoin Temple in front of him and said.

"Hey, there's no rule in Hesu that you can't come here, right?"

It's rare to feel relaxed, and Byodoin also has a teasing mind.

The achievement of leading Neon to the semi-finals this year is enough to make people shut up. Although it has not yet reached the number one in the world as expected by Byodoin, it has to be slow.

"Are you here to talk about those middle school students again?"

Glancing at Byodoin's face, Mifune put down his wine gourd and said bluntly.

"All of a sudden let you see through."

"They are stronger than I imagined, and I have a hunch that if I can't lead Neon to win the world number one next time"

"Then their class will be a "miracle" that ends history!"

He didn't hide anything either. He had mentioned the matter of Bai Jin to Sanfuan long ago.

That was a talent that both he and the ghost were optimistic about.

"It makes you have such expectations."

"Looks like times have changed."

Without irony, Mifune looked up at the somewhat hazy sky and said.

He knew what kind of person Byodoin was, so Mifune couldn't ignore his feelings.

He watched some of the videos of the middle school students' battles before, and it was really surprising.

But after all, due to age and physical limitations, he couldn't make it to the stage.

"So, wouldn't it be nice to change the system a bit?"

"Only those who conform to the times can live comfortably."

"You kid. Are you really chattering? Get out!"

Hearing what the other party said, he threw the dried wine gourd to Byodoin, and Mifune spoke in a bad tone.

"Really difficult coach"

Dulu mouthed, after Byodoin took it, he took out the pre-packed wine from the back pocket and poured it into the gourd to fill it up, then threw it back and turned to leave.


Looking at the back of Byodoin, Mifune remembered the previous suggestion of the coaching staff.

(Opening a new training area?)

(What are you wasting money doing?)

(Huh? Preparing for middle school students?)

(Why waste resources doing such things?)

The voice of questioning that sounded at that time still lingered in his ears, but Mifune did not respond.

After they failed at the Byodoin House, he still had hopes for this session.

"King of Germany. Has it made you feel so much pressure?"

But now the intention of the Court of Justice also proved his position and ideas.

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