Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 246: 246 You Will Die!

Chapter 246 246. You Will Die!


"not enough!!"


In the U17 training camp, Tokugawa once again challenged Oni, but what greeted him was still the ruthless counterattack.

This is not the first time I have felt the shock from the racket.

But even so, it would be very difficult for him to pick it up every time.

Even though he got exercise from Mifune and improved his physique, it was still not as good as the ghost of today.

"What a hardworking kid."

Irie still can't get tired of the current battle situation. Tokugawa is indeed not strong enough to touch the ghosts, but he is struggling step by step with his feet on the ground.

It seemed that the memory of Gui Yiqiu defeating him was no longer a shadow.

In the case that Byodoin has not returned yet, even if there is an overseas expedition, it is led by the ghost.

It just so happened that when everyone had nothing to do but train, the appearance of Tokugawa gave Irie a new focus.


The racket was knocked into the air, and Tokugawa panted and looked at the ghost in front of him, his eyes full of stubbornness.

"Nice look."

"Facing the strong without fear, able to challenge again"

"You have improved a lot."

Oni naturally didn't use all his strength to fight Tokugawa, but it didn't prevent him from admiring this kid who dared to face himself.

"I will knock you down!"

"Be the strongest here!"

Walking towards the racket that fell on the ground, reaching out to pick it up, Tokugawa said stubbornly.


Oni didn't answer Tokugawa's words directly, but just snorted.

If you don't count Byodoin who went out, he is indeed the strongest in the training camp.

Even Zhongjima and others are not as good as him who exercises more.

Since the disastrous defeat to Germany's Q.P in the last World Championship, Oni has been determined to become stronger with Byodoin.

They can't just lose like this.

No matter what, they will have to work hard in the last World Championship.

Two years is enough for them to do a lot of things.

"Tokugawa-san, please come to the monitoring room."

Before they could continue to communicate, the sudden sound of the radio stopped the movements of his hands.

"Huh? The coaches are calling you again."

"What's going on?"

Irie listened curiously to the call on the radio, and turned his gaze to Tokugawa to ask.

"excuse me."

Picking up the racket, Tokugawa had to give up this sparring session. He apologized slightly to the ghost, and then trotted away from the court.


"Last year, among the five schools in Kanto, the only ones who didn't make it to the top four in the national competition of junior high school were Hieti and Yamabuki?"

Kurobe picked up the school materials in his hand and read them one by one, and then said.

"Shanbuki met Qingxue, and Bingdi met Sitianbao Temple."

"But Yamabuki lost because he was not as good as Aigaku in terms of hard power."

"Ice Empress lost due to lack of personnel, but if Ice Empress has one more powerful doubles or singles player, the ending may be different."

Saito Zhi shook the envelope in his hand, and then explained.

"It's not clear exactly how schools are doing this year."

"The previous regional competitions and the current competitions can't observe useful information at all."

"But there is no doubt that they are leading the first-year rookies in the team."

Takuzhi Ryuji thought about the previous information, so he set his sights on the letter in Saitozhi's hand.

"Echizen Ryuya of Seigaku has left, do you want Tokugawa to go to Seigaku?"

Kurobe frowned, and asked Saitozhi.

"Well, that's a good idea, too."

"But I think that with the desire to win the championship, there should be another school that will pay more attention to the existence of Tokugawa-kun, right?"

Saitochi looked out the window, and could already vaguely see Tokugawa running towards him.

"Now the competition is in the fourth round."

"Exclude Lihai University who is not in the same competition area."

"After this round, the semi-finals will be another confrontation between Teiko, Hyotei, Aigaku, and Yamabuki."

"I'm sure that will be a pretty good experience for him."

Putting a leaflet on the table, Saito Zhi also told Kurobe and Takuzhi Ryuji the answer.

"Bang bang!!"

"Come in!"

There was a knock on the door, knowing Tokugawa's arrival, Takuzhi Ryuji motioned for him to enter directly.


As soon as he walked in, Tokugawa caught a glimpse of a letter thrown in front of him, and then he was puzzled.

"From today, you will go to junior high school to study as a high school student."

"It's only April now, and I can come back after the national competition in September."

"I have communicated with the Ministry of Education and the school, and there is no problem."

Saitozhi looked at Tokugawa who was full of doubts, and then explained.

"I go to junior high school?"

For a while, he didn't understand what the arrangement was, and Tokugawa was stunned.

According to his student status, he is currently a freshman in high school, but it is a bit strange that he is suddenly asked to go to a junior high school for a semester.

Not a repeat student

"It's natural for you to have questions, but let me just say it straight."

"I hope you can become a regular candidate in the tennis club of that junior high school, and then work hard to win the national championship."

"This is not an easy thing"

Facing the words of the coaches, even Tokugawa couldn't understand the meaning and arrangement.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't have any spare time for him to go to junior high school to play some games.

But he has always received help from the coaches here, so he naturally knows that the other party will not do such a thing for no reason.

It can't be that there will be more training people than the U17 training camp, right?

"By the way, the semi-finals of the Capital Competition will start in about three days. You'd better report today."

"If you are in a hurry, you can arrive at the school before this afternoon."

"I believe that with your ability, it shouldn't be a problem to win the first election."


"Tokugawa-kun, what's the matter? Could it be that he was kicked out by the coaches because he lost to the ghost?"

Passing the road with Oni, seeing Tokugawa walking towards the gate with his ball bag and luggage on his back, Irie stopped him and joked.

"Did the coaches tell you to go somewhere?"

Ignoring Irie's exaggerated claims, Oni glanced at the envelope in Tokugawa's hand and asked.


"I was told to go to a junior high school and participate in this year's competition there as a high school student"

Tokugawa didn't hide anything, but confessed.

But the moment he finished speaking, Tokugawa suddenly noticed that Oni and Irie's expressions had changed.

Irie, who always liked acting, became serious, while Oni showed a serious expression.

"What's wrong? Senior?"

Not knowing why Oni and Irie did this, Tokugawa tilted his head and didn't understand.

"Although I don't know what school you went to."

"But it must be one of those five."

As if he knew very well about the affairs of the middle school, Tokugawa heard the meaning of caution from the words of the ghost.

But the words the other party said the next moment caused his pupils to shake violently.

"Give you a piece of advice."


"If you go to junior high school with a playful mentality"

"you will die!"

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