Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 257: 256 New Zone!

Chapter 257 256. New Zone!


Even in the state of "wild selflessness", there is a trace of hesitation in the face of the ignorance opened by Yakutsu.


In just this moment, the ball has flown back through the net.


But Qingfeng turned his head in an instant, walked like flying, and chased after him abruptly.


Although the ball was received this time, it was obviously a lot more difficult, and the counterattack was slower than before.

As soon as he hit the ball back, Qingfeng failed to adjust his body immediately.

This led to Yakujin catching this loophole.



The body has just hit the ground, but the ball has already bounced off the court.

The second ball was fired again, and Yakujin turned into three people again, which made Qingfeng unable to see through the details.

As a result, it is impossible to grasp the timing of Yakujin's counterattack, so that it is easy to miss the best opportunity to save the ball.


"It's the light hitting the ball!"

The golden ball was hit by Akutsu on the left, and the dangerous breath exuded.

Although Qingfeng was a step late in responding, he still chased after him.


But because of the position, he failed to hit the area completely this time, so that the ball returned and flew out of bounds.



"This round was won by Yamabuki Akutsu!"



"He really controlled the ignorance."

Seeing that the next two goals were scored by Akutsu who had no knowledge.

Bai Jin stared at Ya Jiujin, not knowing how to evaluate his growth.

Logically speaking, as the predecessor of Alaya Consciousness, Wu Wu Consciousness is not so easy to bear.

But looking at Akutsu's appearance now, he doesn't seem to be affected at all.

This made him curious, what kind of training this guy has received in the past six months.

that day.

In the dark tunnel, Yajiujin groped alone, except for the bumpy road, there were no lights or creatures.

He keeps walking on that path

Even he himself does not know how long he has been on this road.

Ever since he gave up the power of Asura that the old man said, he has walked into this bottomless abyss.

In this empty environment with nothing, if it was the former Yajiujin, he would have raised his shoulders and left in a fit of rage.

But now after he experienced the cultivation in the six corners, his mentality was surprisingly stable, and he didn't have any anxiety.

Waterfall training during the day and meditation at night

Continue to walk in this weird headless cave when you are free.

Day after day, I don't know how long it has been.

He finally grasped the domain leading to "spiritual consciousness".

Thinking back on all that, Akutsu didn't have any dissatisfaction, but only the joy of gaining great power.

Under the guidance of Zone, he was inadvertently inspired to unconsciousness, but now he can actively use it.

Even if it is only the predecessor of Alayashi, he has been able to separate two people without causing excessive damage to the body.

After knowing this, Akutsu knew that the training taught by the mysterious old man in Hexagon had come in handy.

He has never felt so happy.


"This round was won by Yamabuki Akutsu!"



With a single swing, he won the last ball, but Akutsu remained expressionless.

"So strong."

Seeing Akutsu's performance, Kise was deeply shocked.

The display of ignorance completely raised Yakutsu's firepower by more than one level.

The light hits the ball, the seven-headed dragon flashes

These two moves were actually used by him with Wuwushu's clone.

The lethality that was exposed was vastly different from before.

"His mental value is too high!"

Aida Reiko's eyes widened, but she couldn't believe it. Through her ignorance, she saw the bottomless spiritual power.

She couldn't imagine how such a monster could exist, both physically and mentally.

In her cognition, only Minister Akashi and Vice Minister Baijin can fight.

"Is senior in danger?"

Having never seen his seniors encounter such a dangerous situation, Gao Wei muttered with his eyelids twitching.


Midorima stared at Akutsu for a long time, his eyes flickering.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Qingfeng is the self who can beat last year's national competition.

Even though everyone else has grown tremendously, at one point they all felt they might have gotten too strong.

But unexpectedly, the player Akutsu was not inferior.

Facing Aomine who has entered the "wild selflessness", he is even more superior in using his ignorance.


Akutsu, who was just about to serve, suddenly stopped the movement in his hands, and turned to look at Qingfeng, who had changed in front of him.


"It literally kept me awake."

Twisting his neck and making a comfortable sound, Qingfeng suddenly spit out words.


"Hey! It's normal to speak!"

"But, is this considered sober?"


Seeing that Qingfeng regained consciousness, everyone didn't react for a while.

He scratched his head, ignoring his sweaty cheeks, as if he was engaged in some ideological struggle.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to become so strong at all."

In just half a year, the gap between him and himself was evened out.

Qingfeng would be lying if he said he had no idea.

However, he was now overwhelmed by that huge sense of excitement.

The arm holding the racket was trembling faintly, it was not from fear, but from uncontrollable pleasure.

"Tch, use up what you have."

"You're not the type to throw in the towel like that, are you?"

Staring at Aomine, Akujin curled his lips. Even though he has gained the advantage now, as long as he wins the serve in this round, he will win. But Ya Jiujin didn't underestimate him.

Why did Qingfeng, who has always maintained "wild selflessness", wake up in the last round of this critical moment?

Yakujin believes that he, like himself, will be able to control that state, but he still chooses to release it at the most critical time, so he must have something in mind.

Because they are players of the same type, Akutsu also understands the choice made by the Youth Summit.

"All right."

"Honestly, liberate it now."

"I don't know what it's going to be like."

Qingfeng walked back and forth on the baseline, then paused, holding the racket and talking.

"After all, I seem to have sunk too deep."

"So much so that I can't control it well."

"You have to be careful, what will happen next... I don't know."

Closing his eyes as if he was narrating some terrible situation, Qingfeng restrained his breath.



But at this moment, as Qingfeng opened his eyes, a violent cyclone erupted from his body.

Purple-black electric light emerged from his eyes.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but this time the range of the electric light coming out of his eyes has slightly increased.

It seems to emanate from the eyes, like a halo, spreading around in a circle.


Yajiujin is no stranger to that kind of field. He also sneaked into it during the cultivation period, but he still hasn't discovered new power, so that he temporarily stopped exploring.

Reminiscent of the previous "wild selflessness", Akutsu also sneered and looked forward to it.

Unconsciousness is in effect, and two clones stand beside it, showing three different attack routes.

"Then let me see."

"What kind of tricks are you playing!"


Add more! (6/10)

Although there is still four more shifts to go, it seems that the monthly pass is going to be full again, and I will try to pay it off before the end of the month.

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