Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 274 273 Relief!

Chapter 274 273. Relief!

tiger roar





Accompanied by a huge bang, when everyone came back to their senses, they found that the iron net that originally surrounded the stadium had collapsed.

The frightened onlookers all stepped back.

"What happened?"

"It's tennis!"

"I saw it, it was the tennis ball that broke the iron net!!"

Some people were still a little dazed, but some people who noticed were frightened by this situation, and pointed at the iron net in one corner and said tremblingly.

Looking around, some of them discovered that half of the iron nets that were originally at the four corners had disappeared inexplicably.

It was as if the upper half had been swallowed by some horrible creature.

Looking at the picture, most people fell silent.

"Tezuka. That seems to be"

Buer opened his eyes, recalling the sounds and images he had heard before, and asked with some uncertainty.

"That's right, it should be the power of another dimension that Coach Nanjiro said."

"It's amazing power"

Tezuka crossed his arms and looked at the half-disappeared iron net behind the ice room, and couldn't help but praise it.

"Really brought out something amazing"

Atobe put down his hand, waved away the dust, feeling a little unhappy.

Originally, I put Ice Room in Dan San against Vulcan this time, in addition to seeing his details, I just wanted to solve his "inner demon" by the way, and maybe I could make him a success.

But now it's all right, he doesn't know if Himuro has been relieved psychologically, but Vulcan has obtained "physical" relief.

To sum it up, Atobe feels that this wave of communication with Akashi is a bit "numb".


Not to mention other people, even Akashi's expression became a little subtle at this time.

Such familiar fluctuations.

Akashi will never forget.

That's the taste of another dimension

Although he knew that the Potential Zone must be able to guide a kind of potential power of himself, but the Vulcan was guided out of an incarnation of another dimension?

To be honest, no one expected this to be the case.

"Hey, Bai Jin, did you see it just now?"

"What the hell is that?"

Qingfeng only vaguely saw a white figure passing away, in order to seek an answer, he turned to look at Baijin.

For the understanding of different dimensions, no one present understands better than him.

"What else can it be?"

"It's a different dimension"

"It's almost the same as Akutsu back then, because Vulcan couldn't control it, so it was restricted by Zone to the range that it can play at its current limit."

"However, judging from the results, the destructive power that erupted was astonishing."

There is nothing to hide, Bai Jin explained.

From here, he can see the difference between Vulcan and Aomine

The two played different styles before, but they were somewhat similar in style.

But now the growth paths of the two have been staggered from each other through the potential zone.

Qingfeng can continue to tap the power of the Zone. Maybe he can be the first person to find out the secret.

Vulcan directly exposed the "end" of wildness.


The different-dimensional creature that was summoned just now is undoubtedly a "holy beast" with a divine personality.

"This power has not been fully released, it is already so scary."

Because the ball was uncontrollable, Vulcan hit it at an upward angle, so that there was no "tennis murder incident".

But in terms of that explosive power alone, it is the most powerful shot Baijin has ever seen.

The destructiveness even goes beyond light hitting.

"I don't know whether to call him poor or lucky?"

Looking at the frozen ice room in the field, Bai Jin felt that his fate was too rough.

It's okay to be in the black basket, at least he can be called the first person under Miracle and Vulcan cheerfully calls him brothers.

But the problem is on the Wangwang side, and it is obviously out of touch.

You must know that the Vulcans in the United States in the past could not beat him at all, but now the Vulcans can not only chase points, but even know their own "different-dimensional power" through the potential zone, and have a bright future.

This makes the ice room embarrassing.

I was looking back to see when you would catch up, but you suddenly rushed to the front, making it difficult for me to watch?

"competition is over!!"

"This set was won by Ice Emperor Ice Room"



The referee finally announced the result of the game after confirming that there was no other situation on the field.

Vulcan's last ball was not hit within the field of the ice room, but was hit diagonally upwards like a baseball.

So it's a ball out of bounds.

It was because of the destructive power of this ball that Vulcan had no choice but to hit the ball upwards, so that he lost the game.

"Winning is the same as not winning."

Atobe had a slight headache. If it weren't for the effect of typing on the spot, he really suspected that he was being tricked by Akashi as a tool.

"Is this the competition for junior high school students?"

Tokugawa's expression was very delicate, and he couldn't believe the scene he just saw.

Even though he was defeated by Atobe many times, he has never had such a shocking moment.

If that ball really hits the court, I am afraid that no player can catch it without incident, right?

"It is recommended that you slow down your mentality."

"Since the Kanto Competition, you may often see such a scene."

Reminiscent of last year's situation, Renzu kindly reminded him.

Vulcan's performance was unexpected, but for middle school students who have already experienced the storm, this is no longer something to be surprised about.

Although several strong schools may not be able to do their best in the Kanto competition, it does not prevent collisions between peers.

Especially ministers and second-in-command players.

"Hello, ice room."

"Are you okay?"

Still immersed in that indescribable scene, Ice Room suddenly heard Vulcan's voice.

He looked up, only to find that Vulcan was looking at him with a serious face.

"You really are still very good."

"Let's play tennis together next time."

Before the ice room could say anything, Vulcan continued to speak.

Originally, when he heard the first sentence, he wanted to refute something, but following the second sentence, his lips moved and he remained silent.

Even though Vulcan has the confidence to surpass him, he has never changed his attitude towards him.

On the contrary, he was there to care about whether the relationship between each other would change.

(You, it's because you think too much all day long that you restrain yourself.)

(He's way better than you, never thinking about these things.)

(If you used this stuffiness in other places, maybe you would have achieved something already.)

Alex's words sounded in his head, but Himuro didn't understand at that time.

Now it seems that he was completely unfounded.

(what the hell)

(Even if the self becomes stronger, nothing will change in our relationship.)

As if he breathed a sigh of relief, his whole body was no longer as tense as before.


"It doesn't look like nothing was gained."

Seeing Himuro's posture, Atobe was a little surprised.

"That's right."

"Stop worrying about the brotherhood, wouldn't you just concentrate on playing tennis?"

"Tennis is so much fun after all."

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