Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 277 276 Encounter!

Chapter 277 276. Encounter!



"This round is won by Teiko Baijin!"

"Score. 5-0!"

Surprisingly, Baijin didn't use any skills, but with his own ability, it was hard for Tokugawa to resist.

"His style of play is so weird and varied."

Taking a deep breath, although his physical strength was not consumed much, Tokugawa was still at a disadvantage.

Every time they fight hard, the winner will be decided between three or four goals at most.

But unlike the players Tokugawa has encountered in the past, Bai Jin is also good at playing various change shots.

Especially the details hidden in each ball are always hard to guard against.

The spinning ball has the offset of the racket.

The straight ball adds the power of self-ejection.

So many times that Tokugawa was unable to catch the ball well and was forced to make all the balls go out of bounds.

"That bastard, Baijin, says he doesn't use tricks, but he does some of them secretly, right?"

Tokugawa may not have noticed, but Aomine still doesn't know his bad taste?

"When the spiral pill is disassembled, only the offset rotation force remains."

"Again Chidori has only strong penetrating power."

"That guy did it on purpose"

There is a hidden trick in it, but anyone who has watched his game knows what it is.

"But this is also Bai Jin-jun's technology here."

Heizi didn't care about anything, after all, Bai Jin was the only one who could play tricks like this.

Take out your own moves and play them as normal tennis without special effects.

"Oh, I feel like I can do it too."

Observing that movement, Kise moved his arms and thought about it carefully.

"Ah, can Bai Zai get rid of him quickly?"

"I want to go home."

Lazily complained, Ziyuan was a little impatient.

"However, does that guy really deserve such treatment?"

Vulcan glanced at Tokugawa, but didn't feel any strange aura from him.

This high school student is too far from the Byodoin and ghosts he has seen before.

"It's just that I haven't been able to tap my own strength yet."

Akashi stared at Tokugawa, who had great potential, but it hadn't been developed yet.

There is nothing wrong with saying that the future can be expected.

Atobe's "bet" this time is risky, but worth it.

Once Tokugawa can grow up smoothly and gain the corresponding strength, maybe Ice Empress will be able to gain powerful combat power in the blink of an eye.

Judging from his ambitions this year, it might be the strongest one, and hitting the whole country is not a dream.



"Yo, Tokugawa-senpai."

"Have you learned anything from this fight?"

A smash scored points, Bai Jin looked at him and asked seriously.


Tokugawa remained silent. He had discovered his shortcomings, but more was his "confusion" about the future.

Although he can raise his lower limit by exercising constantly, he still doesn't have any powerful skills or methods to deal with strong opponents.





The point difference was constantly opened up, and Tokugawa seemed powerless.

"Don't be so depressed. Things that you can't solve by yourself may be solved by others."

But Bai Jin's words reminded Tokugawa.

He didn't know what to do, but he believed someone would.

"I hope that the next time we meet, seniors can find their own path."

"In that case, there must be a wonderful game."

The last time he hit the ball, Bai Jin made a move on purpose.

The blue lightning pierced the throat, heralding the end of the game.

"Have you two found your goals now?"

Atobe looked at Himuro and Tokugawa in front of him and asked respectively.

"I used to care too much about unnecessary things."

"I let you down before."

"But... I want to start working hard again today, maybe I can see a different world."

After thoroughly settling his "private affairs", Himuro no longer struggled with the relationship between him and Vulcan.

Whether Vulcan becomes stronger or he becomes stronger, the two sides will never change.

Since he still doesn't want to give up tennis, he will naturally try to become stronger, even if this road is full of difficulties.

"That's right, what was the lifeless look like before?"

"Talent is what can determine a person's upper limit, but that's not all."

Atobe is very satisfied with Himuro's change of attitude.

Because it means that this guy is finally freed from the fetters of "brotherhood".

This means that he still has the potential to improve.

"I may still have something missing that I haven't learned."


On the other hand, Tokugawa gave a new answer.

"Oh, then you can go."

Before Tokugawa finished speaking, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Atobe approved his request.

(Sarcasm, this time the bet may not be completely won by you, Akashi.)

"Ah, it's finally over, you can go back."

"The next Kanto competition is one month away."

"It's been a long time to spare."

"Do you want to be lazy?"

"No, no, I just feel that I want to go to the national competition soon."

As the victors, the few people in Diguang didn't particularly care. Although they would be happy, they wouldn't be too excited.

"National competition?"

"That's true."

After nagging, Momoi understood Kise's thoughts.

After all, it can be seen from this competition that all schools are stepping up to train newcomers.

Even if this phenomenon is changed to the Kanto Competition, I am afraid it will not change.

A real fight with real swords and guns may only be seen in the national competition.

It's a once-a-year opportunity after all.

I believe the fight will be more intense than last year.

"Where are Akashi and Shirazu?"

Midorima looked back, only to find that Akashi and Shirazu had left at some point.

"They said there seemed to be something to deal with, and they said they should let us get back to the car first."

"Ah, the two of them are sneaking around to do things again."

"It's unreasonable!"

Hearing this, the others were startled, not knowing what the two of them wanted to do.

"What a coincidence."

"We can still meet here."

"I just happened to pass by here."


At a corner Atobe, Akashi, Yukimura, Tezuka and others met together.

"Everyone seems to have become a lot stronger. It seems that there will be a bloody storm in the Kanto competition."

Yukimura looked at the few people around him, looking forward to it.

"Oh, the premise is that you are willing to end in the Kanto competition."

Atobe tilted his head slightly, breaking the situation.

"Atobe, I'm full of confidence this year."

Tezuka looked at Atobe and felt the rising momentum from his body.

"After all, there are already many outstanding players gathered under him."

"It's normal to be ambitious."

Akashi didn't care about that, because Teiko was stronger anyway.

Compared to the exchanges between the four ministers, Sanada and Baijin did not say anything.

The atmosphere here is already tense.

People watching from a distance didn't even dare to approach.


so close! As of tonight, I don't know if it will exceed 5100

Now counting it is just a (10/19) gap.

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