Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 320 319 Two people in one!

Chapter 320 319. Two One!


The ball was sent again, and Ken also ran to the position to hit it back.


With sharp movements, Kikumaru paused in the trajectory of the ball as it crossed the net and waited.

He moved his eyes, looking left and right.


With a thought, Kikumaru hit the ball towards Ishida Yin's left inner foot.


Aware of the targeted ball played by the opponent, Ishida Yin frowned, adjusted his body and stepped back, and then hit the ball back with a backhand posture.

A golden beam of light flew towards the direction of the boulder.

"Is that also a wave ball?"

"It's amazing, can you hit backhand?"

Kikumaru was surprised when he saw this. He thought that hitting the inside of the opponent's foot would make his hitting posture uncomfortable, and it should be able to seal the so-called undulating ball.

But I didn't expect that the opponent could hit it even with a backhand posture, which was really surprising.


Grasping the ground with both feet, twisting the waist to drive the strength on the arms, Dashi swung towards the wave ball that hit him.

(Compared to the ball played by Eiji, it is more powerful.)

The touch on the racket made Oishi make a judgment and hit back.

"Even Oishi Shuichiro can hit back the wave ball?"

"Oh my god! Aren't these two really powerful players?"

Both Yuji and Xiaoharu couldn't care less about "playing around", their eyes widened.

(The 40-style wave ball is also hit back.)

Ishida Yin frowned, feeling troubled about this scene.

"In terms of speed, I am the star of Naniwa in Osaka!"

Qianye arrived at that tricky corner kick at a fast speed, and stopped in position before the ball hit the ground.


Hitting towards the unguarded area directly opposite, Qian also observed the opponent's movements.

"I'm coming."

Kikumaru leaped and hit the ball back the moment it passed the net.

That swift figure was no slower than Kenya's movements.

(The upper limit I can currently play is the 80-style wave ball)

(But...even I can't hit that swing shot many times in a game.)

Running towards the place where the ball landed, Ishida Yin was also weighing how to deal with it next.

The 50-style swing ball he hits normally is still within the range of the arm.

But once this limit is exceeded, the burden will increase.

The 80-style fluctuating ball is the upper limit, but it is almost enough for him to hit 2 goals in a game.

Just now the 30-style wave ball was easily returned by Kikumaru, and the 40-style wave ball was also returned by Dashimian without changing his color

This means that he must at least increase the power of the wave ball to a higher level before it can be effective.

That is to say

This time he must play

"Form 50!! Wave ball!"

The golden light beam bombarded out, and the target pointed directly at the center of the opponent's court.

"Here we come, Eiji."

Even though the sight was blocked by the figure in front of him, Oishi could still see the audience through Eiji's eyes.


Kikumaru stepped aside, leaving Oishi alone in the middle of the field.


Swinging his arm and hitting it with a racket, Dashi felt a familiar smell now.

It is the same as Kawamura's normal tiger ball.

"Call back again!!"

"is that a lie?"

"That's Ah Yin's 50-style wave ball!!"

I don't know how to describe the astonishment in my heart anymore, my vision has been broken again and again, and my heart and lungs are about to stop.


When the worst result came out, Ishida Gin and Ken instantly fell into a passive state.

"Ayin, don't be so anxious at the beginning."

"Try other methods first."

Qian also patted Ishida Yin on the shoulder, and stopped his "superior".

He knew that if he didn't talk about it, Ishida Yin's attitude would probably continue to increase the power of the wave ball.

It's not a good sign to be so full of fire when the second ball is just started.

"I know."

Nodding his head, Ishida Yin also extinguished the way of continuing to improve the swing ball.

At present, he only needs to maintain the acceptable 50-style swing ball, and there is no need to improve it.



Oishi served again, and then triggered Ishida Yin's 50-style swing ball.

Kikumaru crossed the midfield and hit him in the opposite corner with a straight swing.

(Kikumaru is in that position, and if I swing the racket here, Oishi can't see it at all.)

(that is.)

(Here is your blind spot!)

Kenya rushed over and then aimed at the blind spot of Oishi's vision.

Unless Kikumaru forcibly chased that ball, they would definitely win it.


But to his astonishment, Da Shi seemed to have seen through his actions long ago. The moment the ball hit, he had moved to the point ahead of time and hit a net-wiping counterattack.


"how so?"

"Did he already know that I would fight like this?"

Oishi's completely predictable action made Qian also puzzled.

Logically speaking, there was no reason for him to be able to move so quickly when his vision was blocked by his companions.

And the idea of ​​being in place directly, seems to have seen him play.


“What a ridiculous approach”

"As far as the tacit understanding between the two is concerned, even if one of them closes their eyes, it will not affect their tactical communication and style of play."

Gan Sadaharu pushed his glasses, his face looked so sinister against the reflective lenses.

"How would they know that Kikumaru and Oishi are basically two people now?"

Fuji smiled, and seeing the two of them together also reminded them of their previous memories.

(That is, even if one of you has your eyes closed, you can share vision as long as the other one opens them?)

(Almost like that meow!)

(So, it is very difficult for a ball to hide from our two pairs of eyes. There is almost no dead angle.)

(Even the touch of hitting a ball, we can sense each other.)

(The coach is really amazing, even taught you such a method?)

(Hey, it's more than that.)

(Yeah, thanks to this, we're stronger in coherent situations.)

That was the question that Fuji had asked when he played against Oishi Kikumaru during training.

At that time, the dragon and phoenix returned to the nest he played was easily deciphered by Kikumaru and Oishi, so he became curious.

Knowing that the two have already practiced the so-called "two people in one", even Bu Duo was greatly shocked.

From Gan Sadaharu, he also knew that what the two of them had was not just a shared vision.

More than that, as they say.

(Oishi and Kikumaru, their doubles combination can be said to have far surpassed last year's Teiko.)

That's Tezuka's evaluation of the two becoming stronger

If last year's Oishi and Kikumaru had this level, then they would not lose to Kuroko's "connection" in the state of "synchronization".

This is why the two will be full of confidence this year.

Because they really took a step to the limit under the education of Nanjiro.

The situation on the court has completely turned to one side. With the joint efforts of Oishi and Kikumaru, Ishida Gin and Ken are also having a hard time coping.


"This game is won by Aigaku Oishi and Kikumaru!"



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