Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 338 Chapter 337 Fujisuke VS Kise Ryota!

Chapter 338 337. Fujisuke VS Kise Ryota!

"Sa, let's see who is the first person on both sides!"

Atobe looked at the upcoming game below and snapped his fingers.

"No matter how Qingxue arranges."

"The initiative of this game is in Diguang's hands."

"Only if Diguang is not so utilitarian, then at least they still have a little chance."

With the words spoken, the referee below also announced the debut of No. 3 singles.



"That's interesting."

Seeing the personnel appearing on both sides, everyone was surprised.

Qing Xue Bu Er Zhou Zhu!

Teiko Kise Ryota!

"Is a perfect imitation a master of grandeur?"

Watching the two people shaking hands and talking on the court, those who knew their nature showed expectant expressions.

"Qingxue doesn't know if they are aiming at the first three rounds, but judging from Diguang's configuration, it seems that they don't intend to directly use last year's style of play."

Liu Lian'er watched the game, which was regarded as a major event at the beginning, and carefully observed it.

"That would be boring."

"If it's really used that way, it will appear that they are too fussy."

Although Diguang's three-game suppression and victory last year was the most affordable formation, it is also the scene that individuals least want to see.

After all, Diguang is different from other schools, they have many talents to play on the field.

If they are worried about not being able to win the competition and use the strongest players from the first three games every time, then they will feel sorry for themselves.

"Although it is a good thing for other schools."

"But it also fully shows that they have the confidence to win the game."

"Whether he wins or loses, Teiko's Akashi Seijuro will bear the corresponding responsibility."

Staring at Akashi sitting on the coach chair, they noticed the latter's silent expression.

"I didn't expect it to be you"

"Haha, luck is really good."

Fuji and Kise stood in front of the net shaking hands and facing each other, full of surprises at the players they met.

Fuji thought the worst case would be against Akashi

Kise also thinks it will be other players besides Tezuka and Fuji

"Look at the results."

"Not bad at all"

Suddenly, the two spoke in unison.

For Kise, there is nothing more exciting than meeting Fuji.

That gorgeous skill, just like real efficiency, made Kise want to fight Fuji a long time ago.

For Fujitsu, Teiko also sent a message by placing Kise in the singles three.

They won't go out of their way to win the first three games without thinking.

(In that case, Tezuka)

(It seems that, as you think, you will meet him as you wish.)

Glancing at Tezuka outside the court, Fuji also knew the follow-up confrontation position.

"Do you want heads or tails?"

"Well, let's face it."

They didn't give in to each other, but chose the right to start very formally.

"Fortunately, my first attack!"

Turning the racket and getting the starting right, Kiseichi shook hands and said happily.

"Then please give me your advice."

Bu Er didn't regret anything, but politely finished speaking, then turned and walked to the field behind.

"You can't be careless when dealing with you."

The other party's modest attitude did not make Kise take it lightly, because at their level, they all knew that any negligence could become a factor of failure.

"First of all, let's warm up."

Holding the ball in his hands, Kise thought for a while and smiled.

Throw the ball up with a wave of your hand, and at that moment twist your wrist to drive the spin of the ball in advance.


Buer caught that subtle movement and knew the opponent's plan.

Phoenix serve!

For Kise today, imitating such a move is not difficult at all.

"It's really naughty."

Looking at the familiar trajectory, it is absolutely impossible for Fuji to let him score just like that.

Not to mention the zero-style serve of the same type, he has caught countless times in training, and he knows his Phoenix serve even more.

Lower your body, and wait for the moment the ball hits the ground, the racket also followed.

Toss the ball by touching the ball with the front of the racket.

"Then I'm not welcome."

Jumping high, Kise displayed a jumping power that was not his own at all.

"Meteor smash!!"

The phantom of Vulcan coincided with it, and Kise attacked passionately from the very beginning.


The red meteor fell straight towards the ground, it was so dazzling.

"Smash the ball against Bu Er!"

"That's a self-inflicted trap!"

Kikumaru looked at the turbulent shooting star, but didn't have the slightest worry.

In this regard, Bu Er directly resorted to that trick.


The ball flew high, but drew a beautiful curve in the air and finally landed on the bottom line of Kise's court.

The fusion technique of double counterattack!

Linyi cage net!


When Kise hit the ground, the ball had already floated out, so that the score was a foregone conclusion.

"It's just the beginning, is the fight so intense?"

One side imitated Vulcan's inhuman jumping ability and strongest smash.

The other side used their adept fusion skills.

"For them, that level can only be regarded as a warm-up."


It was already impossible to imagine what kind of confrontation these two would have. The confrontation just now was enough to make most players helpless.

"Then continue!"

Kise threw the ball up again, also twisting his wrist, but this time it was no longer Phoenix's serve.


The airflow condenses around the sphere, and even intensifies the rotation of the tennis ball, causing it to change in shape. The wind blade visible to the naked eye is spinning violently like a windmill.

Spiral Shuriken!

"Hoo hoo!!"

Striking violently, strong wind pressure blows around.

I do remember that this move was only used last year when Tezuka and Bai Jin confronted each other.


The moment I tried to catch the ball, I felt as if my arm had been pricked by a needle, and I lost control of it, so that I couldn't hold the racket firmly, and then dropped the shot and lost points.


This kind of back-and-forth intense match really refreshed the audience's horizons, even just watching, they all felt excited.

"Sure enough, this kind of ball cannot be touched directly."

Rubbing his wrist, Bu Er noticed the regained consciousness, and said in a low voice.

The kind of attack on the meridians must be resisted by specific means, otherwise, once it is touched, it will lose control of the hand for a short time, making it impossible to fight back.

"Kise Ryota."

"He's only been a year and four months away from playing tennis."

"It's become an unimaginable player now."

Gan Sadaharu flipped through Kise's "resume" and spoke highly of it.

"Only played tennis for over a year?"

"That senior is actually so powerful?"

"Is this the so-called genius?"

Compared to Tezuka and the others who were already used to it, Momojo and the others were full of astonishment.

"The Miracle of Imitation"

"Kise Ryota!"


Speechless, my car was rear-ended when I parked on the side of the road. The other party's reason was that they didn't pull the handbrake, which is a bit outrageous.

None tonight.

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