Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 373 Chapter 372 One-sided situation!

Chapter 373 372. One-sided Situation!

"In that case, I won't be polite."

Although Nioh won a round first, Himuro did not panic, but planned to deal with it seriously.

"That action."

"It's Yang Yan hitting the ball!"

Just from the throwing posture, Vulcan has already seen the action of the ice room.


"The ball disappeared!"

It was like a phantom of swinging the racket twice, and it was completely impossible to tell how many times Himuro made the serve.

He completed the time difference attack by himself.

And the breath of the ball's disappearance also made him puzzled.

"Air blocking!"

That's one of the more famous combinations in the ice room.

It has the illusion of Yang Yan hitting the ball and blocking the breath, even the wildness of Vulcan can't see through it.



Swing through, the ball disappears from the path, and then reappears on the other side.


Nioh still maintained Tokugawa's phantom, but did not make a sound.





Just like Nioh did before, he also scored three consecutive serve points, and Himuro did not give in.

"Okay! One more ball! Just win this round."

"come on! Come on!!"

"The winner is the Ice Empress! The winner is the Ice Empress!"

The deafening sound came from the rear, and these were the morale boosts that accompanied the scoring.

"Forget it"

"There's so little to show."

After Nioh lost three goals, he did not continue to maintain Tokugawa's phantom.

The degree to which he reproduced himself was just like Tokugawa's performance just now. Although he knew that Tokugawa still had a deeper level of power that he had not used, it was impossible for Nio to dig it out.

It would be too wasteful to open a phantom zone now and simply touch the five dimensions to suppress the formation.

"Have you given up?"

Although he didn't know who Nioh would become in the next moment, Himuro didn't care, but continued to play the combination of Kagero Hitting and Breath Blocking.

"Well, there are actually many people who are good at dealing with this kind of moves."

"But there is just one person who seems to be able to suppress you in particular."

When Nioh waited for the serve, his tone was playful.

"call out!!"


Holding the racket, he drew a beautiful landscape in the air, grabbed the ball hidden in the air, and let it move in a curved way in the field of the ice room.



That exaggerated technical ability also made people see their identity clearly.

Always maintain a faint smile and a chic posture, just like a prince.

"Today's wind."

"It's very refreshing."

"It's from Qingxue."

"Fuji Shusuke!"

That figure is not unfamiliar, on the contrary, it is full of reputation.

"Did you take advantage of the eyes of the mind and the cover of mayflies?"

"The combination of Yang Yan's batting and breath blocking was solved in one fell swoop."

"Back then, Lord Vulcan suffered a lot."


"For Fuji Shusuke, that combination is actually not a big deal at all."

It's not that they look down on the ice room, but in their view, Fujisuke, who is famous for being a genius, is himself a master of court art. Just look at the skills he developed that look like special effects in movies. superhuman.

The combination of Ice Room's Kagero hit and breath blocking is powerful, but the open-minded Buer will still notice the flaw and fight back.

"King Ni, it seems that he doesn't intend to give the other party a chance."

Yagyu looked at Nioh's performance, and knowing the character of the other party, he said firmly.

"He's more serious than expected."

Sanada crossed his arms and commented on the scene very calmly.

Although this guy is usually playful and laughing, he is still very reliable at critical moments.





The next two hits by Yang Yan combined with breath blocking were still hit back by "Fuer".

"The dragon and the phoenix return to the nest!"

The most gorgeous dragon and phoenix appeared on the field, once again scoring points and allowing it to take the lead.

"One more ball and Nioh can win another game."

After gaining the lead, it takes one more point to end the round. Everyone quietly watched.

(It's amazing.)

(If it is possible to reproduce the true deity)

(How can I defeat a weird and changeable player like you?)

It was also the first time to meet such a player, and Himuro began to think carefully.

In my impression, I have never encountered a "diversified monster", so it is a bit difficult for him to deal with it.

(only step by step)

There is no good way to think of it for the time being, so Ice Room can only choose to continue playing.

But without countermeasures, the result will be continuous loss of points


"This game was won by King Lihai Daren"



Having completely experienced a feast of gorgeous ball skills, it took people a blink of an eye to realize that the game had reached this level.

"Continuing to hit the ball with Yang Yan has no effect."

"Simply hit the ball, and the opponent will hit it back with a unique skill."

"The most important thing is that the moves are not repeated"

"You can't adapt even if you want to."

"The technology and experience that the ice room itself relies on is useless in front of Fuji Shusuke"

Even Shishido Ryo and Yueren who were outside the court could see the unfavorable factors in this game.


His thighs kept shaking, Vulcan looked at the situation on the court, feeling a little restless.

"Vulcan Lord, no matter how excited you are, you can't change the reality."

Glancing at him, looking at the creaking chair, Heizi reminded.

"That man, I can only say that he chose the wrong opponent."

“Affinity is too bad”

Midorima held a black handkerchief in his hand and commented.

"Doesn't this prove that Nioh's vision is really vicious?"

"I picked Fuji Shusuke as the target right away, and he is indeed the player who can most easily suppress the ice room."

Kise looked at Nioh who had taken a big lead and praised without hesitation.

Players of their type are best at deciding which "card" to use based on the opponent's style of play.

As long as you get it right, you can easily win

In the past, Himuro was able to play back and forth with Vulcan. It was purely because Vulcan's playing style was restrained by Himuro.

But now when he met Fuji Zhousuke, who was more skilled and experienced than him, he was overwhelmed at once.

Because there are many moves and skills.

It would take a while for the ice room to get used to one of the moves.

But the problem is that the number of Bu Er's moves is not counted by "one", but by "heap".

This made it so that before Himuro could think of how to break his last move, Nioh changed a new move and hit him with a new one.

Just come out, you haven't finished this question yet, I will put another question on it for you to cover and force to continue.

So much so that Ice Room's train of thought was interrupted so frequently that he couldn't cope with it at all.


"This game will be won by King Lihai Daren!"



After breaking the opponent's serve again, Nioh showed a very serious expression of "Fu Er".

"Is this the strength of the so-called second in command?"

"It's amazing!"

"The opponent has no chance to resist!"

Whether it is from his temperament or the magnificence of his skills, the audience is deeply attracted.

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