Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 442: 441 Ice Emperor and Emperor Light!

Chapter 442: The Ice Empress and Emperor Guang!

"Ice Empress! Ice Empress!!"

"Diguang! Diguang!!"

Loud shouts continued to sound from all directions. It was obviously just an outdoor park tennis court, but it looked like a conference hall.

"Is this the gold content of last year's championship?"

"The momentum is really scary!"

"There are people standing behind both sides."

Some people who saw this kind of scene for the first time were stunned.

"I don't know who the two sides will send to fight in the first game?"

"If they are all in the third grade, then there will be a good show to watch."

"How is it possible, when there are newcomers in every school, they will definitely not do that."

Just as spectators, they actually really want to watch that kind of high-end match.

At least the fight is very intense, and the visual effects are full.

"Invite the No. 2 doubles player to come out!"

After the referee announced this, personnel from both sides also began to walk into the court.

"Hyotei's side is Shishido Kazuo"

"Teiguang's side is Ziyuan and Hayama."

"Sure enough, it's all one belt."

When the players on both sides were clearly seen, discussions began to continue.

"Senior, please give me a lot of advice!"

Compared to the excited Hayama Kotaro, Murasakihara is much colder.

In his opinion, this game itself is the end, and it is enough to leave it to Ye Shan to fight.

"Take it easy on me as much as you can."

Stretch out your hand and press it on its head, that huge palm can even completely pinch the top of its small head.

"Yes! I will!"

This kind of scene that can be played to the fullest in doubles is undoubtedly the most desirable.

After all, we all know that Ziyuan sometimes has a "lazy" character when he plays basketball. If he doesn't move too much, he will never take a second look.

Therefore, once someone teams up with him to play doubles, the other person is bound to take on more offense and defense.

Under normal circumstances, as teammates, there would definitely be complaints.

The agreed doubles, why did you "hang up"?

But as far as Diguang is concerned, they still hope that their teammates will "play badly" so that they have the opportunity to touch the ball more.

"It's really enviable, to be able to partner with Senior Murasakihara."

"Why not me."

"Don't tell me, this is simply the fourth singles position."

This abnormal phenomenon makes people feel even more ridiculous.


Taking a breath, Ha Shan held the ball, glanced at the opponent, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then hit the ball.


"What a quick serve!"

"Not bad for a rookie."

The abnormal speed of the ball made people aware of it all at once.

Although it is not comparable to the group of gods in the third grade, Ye Shan's serve is considered outstanding among the rookies.

He himself is based on Xunmin, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an ultra-small Qingfeng.

But unlike Qingfeng, he also has a lot of research on serving.

So unlike the irregular techniques he used, he clicked on "Attack Speed".


"This level, compared with your heavy artillery serve, is no different from stopping."

Ryo Shishido ran into position in an instant, then hit back and made a sound.

"Call back immediately!"

"As expected of Senior Shishido."

"For him who has been practicing with Feng, he is used to fastball and the like."

The serve that was easily returned surprised Ye Shan for a while, but after realizing it, he immediately ran up and hit a volley.

The ball flipped over the net, touched the net and bounced to the corner.

"it's here!"

Feng immediately filled his position, and then counterattacked to the other side.



The ball slid past Murasakihara, but he remained unmoved, standing there like a statue.

"Well, although I know it will develop like this."

"But as an outsider, it really looks weird, right?"

Kise supported his chin, sat on the chair, and commented with his elbows on his knees.

"That's what he does, isn't it?"

"Unless he meets an opponent who makes him serious, that guy Murasakihara will never react."

Qingfeng is already used to this, this match is to bring the new with the old, so don't expect Ziyuan to contribute more.

Other seniors may take care of it, but Ziyuan will only let the newcomers fight by themselves.

If it really fails, he may only move.

"Those who don't know think there is any grudge between teammates."

"Haha, it really looks like that."


While everyone was chatting, the competition in the arena was gradually advancing.

"This game is won by Ice Emperor Shishido and Feng!"



The serve was broken, Ha Shan just set his sights on the two opponents.

"It's really not moving."

"That kind of physique gives people an indescribable sense of oppression."

Feng held the ball, looked at Ziyuan's huge body, and muttered involuntarily.

Obviously Ziyuan didn't make any movements, but he was a little nervous invisibly.

"Don't worry about it so much, just focus on playing your ball well."

"If you can't hold back even a first grader, it would be a shame."

Ask Feng not to pay too much attention to unnecessary things, Shido persuaded.

Although he was actually very unhappy with Ziyuan's playing attitude, he couldn't say anything.

After all, knowing the strength of these monsters, he knew that the other party had the confidence to do so.

No matter how much Hayama loses, Ziyuan has the confidence to win back directly.

Faced with such a blow, it is a failure for Shishido as a senior who cannot protect the younger generation from the wind and rain.

But he still won't give up easily, even if the chance of winning is only one in ten thousand.

"Chotaro, use that!"

Since the opponent doesn't want to move, Shishido doesn't mind speeding up the pace of the game.

As long as the first-year is defeated first, two-on-one, maybe they can seize some opportunities.


Nodding his head, Feng followed his instructions.

He tossed the ball up and hit a stunning hit.



The ball quickly passed through the air, and then hit the ground.

Although there are no exaggerated special effects, the extremely fast movement undoubtedly highlights its characteristics.

Heavy artillery serve!

"So fast! I didn't even see clearly."

"Who is that sophomore? Ice Emperor still has such a strong server?"

"It seems to be called Hocho Taro, right? He also played last year."

Constant discussions began to ring out from the surrounding area, and Feng's serve also caused an uproar.

"Hey, that serve is not bad, for a second grader."

"Yeah, even if I go up, I can't catch it, right?"

As soon as Aomine praised him, Imayoshi next to him said "ashamed".

"Just lie to ghosts, Imayoshi."

"Senior, you are really bad."

"Senior Jinji is not honest at all."

As a result, just after Imayoshi finished speaking, all the first and second graders looked at him, and everyone sarcastically said with black lines.

"Hey, why don't you believe me?"

"I'm telling the truth"

"Who is it that wants to harm me?"

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