Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 461 460 Oh my God! Lucky door!

Chapter 461 460. I'm God! Lucky door!



"So why did you play this game for nothing?"

Ruoren sighed, looked at the two people fighting in full swing in front of him, and said in a helpless tone.

Please, they came here to watch the match scouting, not to be counter scouted.

But it's a pity that when he and Kirihara found Kintaro, the other party had already fought with the person wearing the Seigaku uniform.

Originally, he and Kirihara planned to prevent this fight, but when they saw Ryoma's use of brilliance and perseverance, they also extinguished that heart.

"Although I know that Qingxue's freshman is quite strong."

"But isn't Kintaro also exposed?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, data is not effective for that guy."

Compared to Ruoren's worries, Kirihara felt that this was an insignificant matter.

After all, Kintaro's growth rate is simply unpredictable.

You must know that Kintaro struggled even with him when he first joined the company.

But now, after constantly challenging Nioh, Sanada, and Yukimura, he has mastered the seamlessness, and he has grown to the point where even the third-year seniors praise him.

"However, that guy from Qingxue is also very powerful."

"Being able to play like Kintaro."

Ruoren looked at Ryoma who was constantly fighting against Kintaro in the field, and his tone was admirable.

Kintaro is a veritable physical monster.

Although his physique is so small, he is definitely stronger than many third graders.

After challenging Nioh, Sanada, and Yukimura a hundred times each, he was awarded the new student

Its abundant physical strength, exaggerated strength and fast speed, full of mental power, and superb technical power are all at an exceptional level.

He was described as "a genius capable of catching up with the ministers", which made Kirihara extremely envious.

"Echizen Ryoma."

"Although he performed very well."

"But after all, he will not be Kintaro's opponent."

Kirihara looked at Ryoma, who relied on his brilliance and hard work to fight Kintaro, and made a judgment.


The ball slid sideways, and Ryoma glanced at it but was unmoved.

Taking advantage of the two gates of the Selfless Realm, the confrontation between him and Kintaro could only be a 50-50 split.

He did this by relying on his understanding of his style of play and a lot of game experience.

If he had faced someone who knew nothing about him, he would have been directly suppressed and beaten.


(Yukimura-senpai changed your future)

Ryoma took a deep breath and finally understood how the future Kintaro managed to have less internal friction than him.

When his future self is frantically consuming his energy to grow, Kintaro should also be in the same state.

But the strange thing is that Kintaro is not as "overdrawn" as he is, but is closer to a down-to-earth growth.

At that time, the future Ryoma never understood what was going on, but the current Ryoma does.

Yukimura Seiichi

Third-year minister of Lihai University

In the world, players from other countries call him the "god" who can change cause and effect.

The "hidden thunder" that Kintaro should have encountered was all avoided by Yukimura using "change the future".

(whispering sound)

(Just talk about how I will grow to be more efficient than myself in the future.)

(It turns out that Yukimura-senpai was tricked!)

After understanding, Ryoma felt inexplicably envious for a moment.

You must know that whether it is training or confrontation, if geniuses like them try to use their potential to forcefully realize their actual strength, it will definitely affect the so-called "foundation".

To put it bluntly, it is that the burst becomes stronger, but after the stabilization, it is just a hollow person.

In the main drama, Ryoma grew up so much in the national competition in one breath, but the new King of Nets didn't even have a perfect match at the beginning.

Kintaro was able to avoid those "unfavorable factors", which not only greatly shortened the time required for growth, but also achieved twice the result with half the effort.

For example, Kintaro spent a day in the next month to forcibly complete a month of growth. Excessive rapid growth made the body a little overwhelmed, and it should have left a lot of "secret injuries".

But during training, Yukimura used the ability to "change the future" to force his so-called "one day" correction into "half a month."

That would be within the range that Kintaro's body can bear

All the risks that should have been eliminated directly.

Rapid growth without any price

How could Ryoma not be envious of this?

Even though he now has some of his future self's memories and experiences, he still can't eat them all in one go.

You still have to dig in slowly as your body grows.

On the contrary, Kintaro didn't have that kind of worry. He might not even know how much help Yukimura-senpai had.

"You are amazing!"

Looking at Ryoma with a smile, Kintaro was very happy.

It had been a long time since he had met a peer who could compete with him on an equal footing.


"Much stronger than I thought."

No wonder my future self was so "impatient" at that time.

Not to mention that there are still a lot of seniors to surpass ahead of him, even Kintaro, who is of the same age, is better than him.

At that time, "he" could not become an official team member. In this environment, he was probably really anxious and wanted to become stronger at all costs.

Gradually understanding the "difficulties" he once faced in the future, he also found it ironic.

"You haven't gone all out yet, have you?"

"Use it."


Looking at Kintaro, Ryoma didn't flirt with him, but said bluntly.


"You know this thing?"

"Well, I was going to use it too."

"You have to hold on."

Startled when he heard this, Kintaro scratched his head and said in embarrassment.

In his opinion, if the opponent is fighting with him like this, it is a bit disrespectful for him to hide it.


The blue light began to envelope the body, and the familiar breath made Ryoma's body tremble.

"This is"

"It's perfect!"

Regardless of the pictures in memory, this is the first time he has actually faced each other on the field.

"Coming soon!"

Even though the voice had not been conveyed too far, Ryoma already felt a ball shadow flashing in front of his eyes.


The ball bounced off the ground and punctured the barbed wire before leaving the field.

"It's almost over."

"Open the seamless Kintaro."

"That kid can't win no matter what."

Ruoren looked at this scene with a firm tone.

To be able to do this with a first-year attitude, only the top seniors in the third grade can have such treatment.

They firmly believe that Kintaro is the strongest rookie in this class, not one of them.

Sitianbao Temple can put people here, it is really willing.


"One day I will also learn to be seamless!"

Kirihara pouted, looking at the blue-glowing picture, muttering in a small voice.

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