Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 527 526 Plance: Let me see the power of the new era!

Chapter 527 526. Plance: Let me show you the power of the new era!

Waiting for the opponent's serve, Pruns also restrained his previous casual attitude.

He knew that he had to be serious when facing such a player, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with him.



The ball bounced off the ground, and Pronce turned his gaze forward, catching the opponent's trace while swinging the racket.

"Good shot! It was hit in the opposite direction!"

"That guy definitely can't catch it like this."

The principle of one step slowly and one step at a time is applicable in many cases. Faced with the reverse fast shot played by Pruns, under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to catch up.

But Qingfeng is different. He can still do a lot of things under the configuration that relies on acceleration.

for example.


"That is.?"

In his sight, Aomine caught up with the bouncing ball with a very fast backstroke, and even made a tumbling backwards backhand.



The shot was obviously played with an exaggerated attitude, but it landed firmly on the side of the inside line and scored.

“I think it’s about the control and balance of the body.”

"There are few people who can compare with Feng Zai."

Murasakihara watched this scene silently and couldn't help but feel pity for his opponent.

Irregular hitting is what Aomine is best at.

On this basis, various actions will be extended.

Aomine is a freak who will not be affected by any standards.

Even Akutsu couldn't compare to him at this point.

Because this is a "technology" that has been engraved in the bones since childhood, and what needs to support this "technology" is the body that has been polished countless times.





"Obviously the offensive rhythm is in Prunce's hands, but he keeps losing points."

Witnessing this scene, Jonard, who is also from France, couldn't stand. As a data master, he directly came to a terrifying conclusion.

That is, the opponent's sense of body balance and ball sense far surpassed Prongs, otherwise he would not be so helpless.


"This round is won by Diguang Qingfeng!"



After being beaten to victory in two games, and not being able to use his own style of play at all, Prons fell into deep thought.

He realized Qingfeng's "outrageous" behavior.

(There are people who have a better sense of body balance than me?)

With astonishment and surprise, Plance found it incredible.

You know, how did he develop this body?

That is based on riding horses and playing ball since childhood.

It took him several years of long-term training while the horse was running and bumping to achieve such a high level of technique and a good body.

But the person I met now was actually better than me in terms of body balance?

He just uses his upper body to enhance his movements, while Qingfeng is even more exaggerated, and his whole body can make moves that surprise him.

Just like before.

Chasing the ball with a back serve + rolling in the air + hitting a backhand?

Are you kidding me? If a normal person was hit like that, his ankle would probably be sprained or his waist would be broken.

That was something he couldn't do no matter how long he practiced on horseback.

So Plance put away his arrogance and was very curious about how the person in front of him could do it.

"Do you understand everything?"

"I don't understand."

Berti glanced at Elmer next to him and asked him, but the latter just swallowed and answered dully.

It was Qingfeng's behavior that was so anti-human that he was stunned.

It was really the first time for them to see such "acrobatic" movements.

Even as a professional, Berti was surprised by Aomine's way of playing.

It's not like he hasn't seen similar players before, but no one can achieve Aomine's level.

The flexibility and balance of the body are so amazing. In that subtle posture, he can perfectly exert force and control the hitting angle.

This can no longer be explained simply by using technology and practice.

On the contrary, it can be called "gifted". It really belongs to the type of people who can't play without talent.

is a strong player

After making a judgment, Berti felt something was wrong.

Before coming, the coach told him not to underestimate the junior high school students in Neon.

Through the observation of the video, he also believed that Atobe, Yukimura, Sanada, and Midorima were threats, but he did not expect that other people could also have considerable strength and abilities.

This is not good news

"What's wrong?"

"A look of helplessness."

"You should be more than this, right?"

Looking at Prance who was still thinking about something, Qingfeng grinned and said.

This French first-year player is capable, but if it is only at this level, it is not enough in his eyes.

It would be a bit boring if you don't get anything anymore.

"Huh, let me show you the power of the new era!"

Hearing this, Pronce came back to his senses and slowly picked up the ball, his tone proud.

At this moment, everyone saw the shadow appearing behind him.

The powerful momentum made everyone notice the power.

"Oh, the first grade can have the power of incarnation from another dimension."


Kise looked at the heavily armored knight who appeared in surprise and couldn't help but sigh.

Today's newcomers really have a higher starting point than the previous generation.

Back then, they were the first country in the country, and they could brag about being able to achieve the state of selflessness for a while.

People like Tezuka and Shirazu who can play seamlessly are the best.

Looking at the current era, the first graders not only have Tianyi, but also have incarnations from different dimensions.

can only say.

"The world is really big."

Just like the powerful opponents they encountered as the competition they first came into contact with continued to escalate.

In the outside world, there are also newcomers who are no less inferior to them.

"Are all the newcomers such monsters nowadays?"

Vulcan was also surprised by Plance's strength. He didn't expect that this foreign freshman with an unimpressive appearance would actually hide such a trump card.

"But that would only arouse Aomine-kun's aggressive spirit."

Looking at Aomine, whose eyes were straightened, Kuroko knew that his partner was happy.

"The more the opponent resists, the more excited Feng Zai will be."

Murasakihara looked at Aomine casually, who was holding the racket tightly, and said in a calm tone.

"He's just that stubborn"

Midorima has always been dissatisfied with Aomine's straightforward behavior, because it's too easy to guess.

"This is really invincible."

Compared to the casual evaluations of their seniors, Imayoshi and the others felt a clear gap.


Kaibin looked at Pronce's posture and clenched his fists slightly, but he was not as anxious as usual.

He only felt that the world of tennis was not that simple after all.

First it was Ryoma, then Kintaro, and now Plance.

This group of talented students in the first grade seems to have gradually begun to enter the public eye.

(However, I will not be left behind!)

He was certain in his heart that Kaibin was just watching as a bystander. As long as Qingfeng forced the other party to exert all his strength, he would be able to determine who would win between him and Pruns.



In the field, knights riding horses and wearing heavy armor launched a charge.

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