Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 558 557 He entered the Zone!

Chapter 558 557. He entered the Zone!

After the quarterfinals, the four remaining schools were determined.

They are Teikou and Seigaku in the left half of the competition, and Hyotei and Tatekai Dai in the right half of the competition.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"In the end, those guys from Kanto still took the spotlight."

Higa Naka and the team members from Shitenhoji Temple gathered together to have dinner and discussed the final result of the day.

"I'm sorry, Xiaojin, I can't let you and Li Haida fight again."

"Hmm, it's okay."

"Shiraishi has worked hard enough."

Looking at Shiraishi holding the meat for himself, Kintaro didn't care about this kind of thing.

Although it was a pity that he couldn't play against his acquaintances at Rikkai University in official games, there was nothing to worry about since his team members had tried their best.

"Huh, after all, you guys didn't work hard enough."

Tian Renzhi sat alone on the bench, chewing food in his mouth and said.

"What! You fat pig, you are not qualified to say such things, are you?"

"They are all the top eight. Besides, we have at least defeated Ice King twice. Didn't you just lose three games in a row?"


Noisy sounds began to be heard, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.


"Don't make any noise when eating, and eat honestly."

Mu Shou glanced at Tian Renzhi and said in a deep voice under the latter's horrified gaze.

"Uh, yes!"

Startled by Mu Shou's momentum, Tian Renzhi suppressed all the words he wanted to say.

"Are you regretting it? Kite-kun."

A teasing tone sounded, Osamu Watanabe looked at him and said bluntly.

"Maybe a little."

Hearing this, Mu Shou did not deny anything, but admitted it frankly.

Before the start of the national competition, Osamu Watanabe consulted with everyone in Higa.

That is whether we should work together as teammates from the "same school".

Considering that the overall strength of Shitenhoji Temple and Higachu is different from Kanto, the best way is to integrate them together.

A team that gathers the strongest people in Kansai like that may still have hope of reaching a higher status.

Although transferring to another school is troublesome, it is not impossible.

But in the end, Kite refused. Hikanaka, who he had raised by himself, didn't want to give up just yet.

The same is true for Tiantianbao Temple, so much so that they still chose to fight independently at the last moment of the Third Kingdom.

Then they all achieved a "Quality Eight" record at the same level.

"I don't deny that if we merge the strengths of the two schools, we might be able to reach the semi-finals."

"But it's just a possibility."

"It's unrealistic to go any higher."

The wooden hand picked up the cup and took a sip of water, and admitted it.

Take today's game against Hyokui as an example. If he had Mu Shu, he would have won one more game, but the result might have been the other way around.

But these are all assumptions, and there is nothing to worry about.

What's more, even if the two schools gather their strength, it is impossible to reach the finals.

"Damn it! The last year in the country has ended like this. It's really disappointing."

I don’t know who said this, but many people fell silent.

Compared with the students in the first and second countries, those in the third country are already facing the problem of graduation. If they want to continue playing football again, they will have to go to high school at least.

It will be a different environment

Although the struggle in junior high school is not useless, it is still regrettable to stop like this.

"Come on, your Tiantianbao Temple managed to get to the semi-finals in the first year."

Thinking of this, Kai's tone was a bit sour and envious. They had nothing in their first year at Higa.

"That's all in the past."

Since the rise of the four powerful schools in Kanto, it has been almost difficult to take away positions from them.

Without him, this group of people is really too strong. It doesn't matter if one person is strong, but if the whole group is strong, it will be a big problem.

"Well, there's no need to be so pessimistic."

"Maybe something good will happen to you this year."

Osamu Watanabe looked at the group of junior high school students who were somewhat relieved and immediately began to persuade them.

"Huh? The game is over, can anything good happen?"

"There can't be any resurrection competition, right?"

Of course, his suggestive words didn't bother anyone else.

"Hey, maybe it's something more exciting than the Easter match."

He didn't say what it was in detail, but Osamu Watanabe gave it a try.

As a coach, he has some information channels.

He has also learned about this year's World Championship, and naturally knows that there is someone in front of him who can perform on that stage.

In a weak voice, he spoke slowly.

"Journey to your kingdom."

"It's not over yet."

"Hey, Kaibin, are you in such a high mood today?"

In the evening, Kise and Kuroko, who were not resting in the dormitory, saw Kaibin playing in the public court while walking.

The opponent was swinging and hitting the ball meticulously, like an ascetic.


"Because I can't calm down a bit."

Looking at the two seniors in front of him, Kaibin finally spoke hesitantly.

I have to fight Ryoma tomorrow, so my emotions are running high and I can't calm down.

It really makes Kaibin a little embarrassed.

"The match against Echizen Ryoma tomorrow?"

"I understand how you feel."

"Don't leave any regrets."

Thinking of Kaibin's situation, he stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder. Kise snickered.

"Kise-kun, what you said is just nonsense."

"Hey! Xiao Heizi, this is too much."

But Kuroko's addition made Kise a little nervous.

"Tomorrow's game may be more difficult than you think."

"Echizen Ryoma is not as simple as he seems."

Kuroko ignored Kise's entanglement and instead said to Kaibin.


Frowning, he didn't quite understand what he was referring to.

After he realized the realm of seamlessness, unless Ryoma had the same level of power, it would definitely be his advantage.

"Echizen Ryoma, we have entered the zone."

"He can no longer be the same as he was during the Kanto Tournament."

"There may be unimaginable progress."

Even Kise was startled when he mentioned this.

He rarely uses Zone recently, so he hasn't paid attention to what's going on inside.

“It’s normal not to notice”

"Because even I just found out today."

"There didn't seem to be any sound of opening the door when he came in."

After all, people don't always pay attention to the situation inside the door. When did Echizen Ryoma come in is also curious.

They didn't hear the clear sound of the door being pushed.

This alone is cause for alarm.

In the past, even if Echizen Ryuya sneaked in with the convenience of swallowing, he would still make a noise.

But Echizen Ryoma's situation was as if he was already inside the door, so that people didn't notice it immediately.


Reciting that name silently, Kaibin naturally knew what it was.

It is said by the predecessors that only "chosen" geniuses can enter the realm.

That is the screening port for "powerful people" in the true sense, and those who can enter are undoubtedly "big people" known to the world.

But Kaibin also had confidence and was not afraid, but spoke seriously.

"No matter what, I don't want to lose to him again!"


(19/14)Difference 5

Although it was a little late, I still kept my integrity.

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