Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 561 560 Zero Guard!

Chapter 561 560. Zero Guard!


Looking at Kaibin's choice, Ryoma felt a little subtle.

What's the use of hard work and brilliance at this critical moment?

To be honest, it's not like he doesn't know how to do it.

Even with the so-called second-level talent, he knew how to use it.

If everyone has it, it can basically be ignored.

"5 goals!"

But Kaibin didn't care about him that much, and just hit the serve directly.

Two kinds of white light also infected Ryoma's body in an instant.

Naturally, he would not underestimate Kaibin who opened the double doors, nor would he be so arrogant that he could deal with it normally.

After all, the increase in Shuangmen's strength is real. If he dares to touch it in a normal way, the end will not be any better.

"Both sides are tempered and talented!"

"In this case, the party with pure strength has a better chance of winning!"

Seeing this scene, those who knew about it were watching closely.


"The ball fell to the center! Kuzuryuu Sen is coming!"


Seeing that the ball landed straight in the midfield, many people didn't understand.

"Look, he's not showing off his Nine-Headed Dragon Flash."

But what is surprising is that Ryoma did not seize this opportunity to dodge the Nine-headed Dragon. Instead, he took half a step to the left in advance, and then swung over without hesitation.


The ball that bounced off the ground did not jump forward at all, but instead jumped to the side.

And that position happened to be where Ryoma swung his racket.


With one hit, the golden ball of light rushed to the opposite side instantly.

"Have you already used your talent to see through this?"

The sudden change in the irregular bounce seemed to have been anticipated by Ryoma.

(Don’t look with your eyes)

(Fight based on the feeling of your body.)


The ball flew over, and Kaibin ran over without hesitation to try to block the ball.

He knows that he has not mastered the so-called sweet spot play, so if he really wants to hit back this ball, he must use what he has learned.

(What should you do if you encounter a ball that you cannot return during the game?)

(Don’t you have a great method of trial and error?)

(Use the first bright features to rehearse the simulation until you succeed.)

Using the information he had collected, images of counterattacks flashed through his mind as Kaibin analyzed them.

This is the convenience of talent rejuvenation to a certain extent. As long as it is used properly, it can be used as a "turnback" ability.

After all, simulating this thing is itself a brain test.

"If you want to fight back, the only place is here!"

After countless "failures", Kaibin finally found the right position and hit it.


The surging destructive power was impacting the racket, and Kaibin was constantly reducing the force.

"Hey, it's not bad."

As if thinking of something, Ryoma had already anticipated what would happen next.

In any other situation, it would not be so easy to solve just by hitting the ball.

But it seems that Kaibin's current situation is enough for him to barely get through that difficulty.


The net was torn, but thankfully the tennis ball bounced back.


The tennis ball slowly landed in the air, but Ryoma jumped up and hit it back with a "whirlwind smash".

"I really didn't even give you a chance to breathe."

"The boy from Qingxue already expected that he could barely block it."

There is no doubt that Kaibin, who has lost his normal racket, is simply difficult to resist.

But even so, he still made the right choice, which was to lift his hand up, hold the throat of the racket behind his back, and use the flat surface at the bottom of the handle to hit back.

"This is the 5th goal!!!"

Kaibin shouted as the swift impact hit the oncoming wind pressure.


Although the ball was hit back, the racket also flew out of his hand.

"Double counterattack whirlwind smash!!"



Ryoma did not hit the ball hard to catch the ball, but was in that state and it was not easy to counterattack.

Unless you find a sweet spot to hit the ball, ordinary interceptions will have no effect on the double whirlwind smash.

"It's unbelievable that even though he was in the same state of brilliance, he still scored according to the absolutely declared number of goals."

"Obviously it seems that Echizen Ryoma is stronger."

Kaibin's hard fight finally brought him some life, and everyone was impressed by him.

"Oh, come on."

Looking at Kaibin who picked up the broken racket and returned to switch, Kise personally threw him a new racket.


After receiving the racket, Kaibin was slightly startled, and then responded in a deep voice.

Through the confrontation just now, he regained a lot of confidence.

Sure enough, he still has a chance to fight with Ryoma now.

This month's efforts were not in vain.

"I'm serious this time."

As soon as he returned to the court, Kaibin found that Ryoma had already stood and waited, and he then shouted to him.

"Yeah, so I have to be serious too."

The reason why he lost in the confrontation of brilliant talents was that Ryoma underestimated the extent of Kaibin's explosion.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for Kaibin to catch the blow that brought him back to life under those circumstances.


"5 goals!"

"4 goals!"

After hitting the serve again, Kaibin and Ryoma suddenly shouted in unison.


Kikumaru stared at this scene and suddenly became interested. It was obvious that both of them were confident that they could suppress the other.

"Ryoma actually declared a goal earlier than him."

"Is it possible that the other party will be more powerful?"

It’s no wonder that some people think so. After all, the key to brilliance is “who can see further.”

(Not dragon horse him.)

(Using the second-level talent glow!)

After seeing through the techniques used by the other party, Kaibin realized that it was not simple.

This kind of talent has not yet been widely promoted. If Longma can use it, it will undoubtedly be very detrimental to Kaibin.

This means that he does not have any advantage in the two-door competition.


"Not hitting the ball?"


Although it's not clear why Ryoma didn't hit the ball completely, Kaibin still seized the opportunity and hit a sharp whip.

"It's time for the 4th ball!"

"What will be the result?!"

Seeing that Ryoma was about to fight back, many people became nervous.

"That posture.?"

"Zero short ball?!"

But Ryoma then lowered his body, turned his body slightly sideways, and put the racket in a downward posture.

That familiar gesture immediately aroused people's reaction.


Knowing the seriousness of the situation, Kaibin naturally would not relax and tried to rush to the net.



But under everyone's surprised gazes, Ryoma hit the ball back with a strange slip-and-shoot rhythm.

"That is.?!"

This move directly confused many seniors in the third grade of junior high school.

This is because Ryoma's body is in a zero-style short ball posture, but his swing is in the form of the guard of Hekaton Kreis.

"Could it be!!"

A terrible idea emerged in everyone's mind.

At the moment when the ball lightly passed the net and fell, Kaibin also arrived and then picked up the ball and hit back.

However, the ball passing through the net did not happen. Instead, the ball directly hit the net with a wonderful trajectory.



Looking at this scene, Kaibin was stunned.

"This move is called."

"Zero Guard."

After scoring, Ryoma raised the brim of his hat and explained with a confident expression.

At this time, some people gradually started to react in the silent arena.

"Tezuka Kunimitsu's Zero Short Ball"

"Fuji Shusuke's Guard of Hekaton Kreis."

"He used these two moves together??!!"


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(19/15) poor 4

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