Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 582 581 The last remaining heat!

Chapter 582 581. The last remaining heat!

"This set is won by Teiko Shirazu!"



The No. 2 singles match ended with Shirazu winning by a big score.

Although the process was a bit unexpected, it was full of old-fashioned meaning.

"It's stronger than it was back then."

Holding hands, Shirazu looked at Tezuka and said.

"No, relatively speaking, if I could have noticed it earlier, maybe it wouldn't be like this."

Tezuka shook his head, not satisfied with this.

Before the start of this competition, Nanjiro also told him that he might still lose.

But Tezuka still chose to face it because he wanted to see what he could do.

Judging from the process, he is stronger than before, but Bai Jin is not the same.

In terms of results, Tezuka failed.

After all, he lost "6-1" in the Kanto Tournament back then, and now he also lost "6-1" in the final game of National Three.

It really makes people wonder if they have become stronger at all.

"Pfft, you are strong enough now. The reason why you lose is because I am stronger."

"With your strength, even if you join the profession now, there will only be a gap in experience."

"There are very few people who can beat you head-on."

Letting go of his hand, Bai Jin didn't deny his power. If you look at the difference between Tezuka in the series and Tezuka now, it's a huge difference.

There is no doubt that he can achieve greater things.

“But this isn’t the end of junior high school, is it?”

Hearing this, a slight smile appeared on the cold face, and Tezuka said.

"Yes, there is still a chance."

Nodding, Bai Jin also knew what Tezuka was thinking.

Yes, this victory or defeat does not mean the end of each other, it is just a new beginning.

Although the national competition has come to an end, their era has not yet passed.

Tezuka still has a chance

Bai Jin will always stand in that position and wait for them to come.

The peak called "the strongest"


"That's basically the end of it."

Haizaki looked at the doubles who were getting ready to play and spoke with a somewhat bored look.

Seigaku's Tezuka and Fuji have already lost, and there is no player stronger than them.

Even the doubles team known as the golden combination couldn't gain any advantage in front of Di Guang.

Even if they win, they have no hope of playing No. 1 on their own.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, Qingxue's journey across the country has ended here.

"I'm afraid they know it themselves."

"But I still want to do my best to use the last remaining heat."

Qianshi looked at Oishi and Kikumaru, who were still on the stage with high fighting spirit, and did not see any frustrated expressions on their faces.

"Senior!! Come on!"

"Qingxue!! Qingxue!!"

The stubborn voice of aid still echoed in the ears, and Qingxue's team was still full of energy.

"It's just that I won't shed tears until I see the coffin."

"Our junior high school career is over."

Crossing his legs, Haizaki put one hand in his pocket and spoke in a low voice.

Although there is still high school, whether he wants to continue playing tennis is another matter.

After all, he was initially forced to play by Akutsu, and later he got used to practicing every day.

But the hard work along the way made him somewhat tired.

Compared to those monsters, he still seems "not qualified".

"Ha ha."

"Maybe, but it's not that life is over. Good things will still happen in the future."

Qianshi laughed when he heard this, but he was not as depressed as Haizaki.

"You two are making a lot of noise."

Akutsu looked back at them, and then said unhappily.

"Hey, is this the result?"

After finishing speaking, he stared at Tezuka and Shirazu who were walking back to the team with his sharp eyes, his tone filled with a little dissatisfaction.

"Wait for me!"


"Tezuka, it seems that we haven't changed from before."

Standing in the team together, watching the doubles match starting in front, Fuji suddenly said to Tezuka next to him.

"Ah, it will continue like this."

Knowing what Fuji was talking about, Tezuka responded as coldly as ever.

Yes, they have always been on the path to becoming stronger.

It has not changed since the day my original intention was awakened.

Even if the national competition ends here, it will still not stop.

"I love this gift from God."

"That's what enjoyment means, right?"

With emotion, Fuji picked up his usual racket and took a look.

"They are the same."

"So, witness it until the end."

Looking at Oishi and Kikumaru in the field, Tezuka concluded.



Hearing the sounds of Oishi and Kikumaru, Fuji opened his eyes and focused his attention.



Facing Qing Xue's golden doubles, Di Guang sent...





He dunked the racket and scored a point while knocking the racket away. Kagami clenched his fist in excitement.

"Hey, don't I have nothing to play with if you do this?"

Looking at Kagami who scored the smash with great displeasure, Aomine said.

"That opportunity is too good, how could I resist it."

Not paying attention to Aomine's complaints, Kagami responded happily.

"I remember, don't Kagami-senpai and Aomine-senpai hate teaming up with anyone other than Kuroko-senpai?"

Aida Reiko looked at the two people strangely, but this time there was no dislike for each other on their faces.

You know, when Kagami and Aomine were asked to play doubles before, they looked boring and annoying.

However, Reiko can understand.

Unless they are together with Kuroko, one of them is bound to be unable to perform well if they are too strong.

How can it be so harmonious now?

"Hey, this is a secret."

Momoi, who was beside her, covered her mouth and laughed, as if she had thought of some interesting scene and then said.

"Ah! Senior, tell me."

Hearing what Momoi said, Reiko was immediately interested and asked quickly.

"Well, you'll always see it when you get the chance."

With a mysterious expression, Momoi smiled and made a fuss.

"Ah, Huo Zai and Lu Zai look like they are not worthy of my appearance."

Having already started eating with a snack bag, Murasakihara knew the result.

He, the nominal number one singles player, seems to have no need to appear on the stage.

According to the momentum and strength of those two people, the battle with Qingxue will end here.

"There's no point in appearing."

"Qing Xue has no one worth your while."

Although it was a bit hurtful to say this, Midorima still said it.

No one can refute this fact. After all, there is no stronger player than Aigaku Tezuka and Fuji.

It is simply impossible for the remaining personnel to face Murasakibara at this time.

"In the past, I might have been happy."

"But now"

"It will be a little unhappy, huh."

When it came to this point, Murasakihara just expressed his inner thoughts.

He also wanted to fight a strong guy.

No matter who it is

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