Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 587 Mach 586 serves!

Chapter 587 586. Mach serves!

"Pfft, Xiao Midorima, what the divination said about getting your wishes come true, is this what it means?"

Kise looked at the phantom on the field and couldn't help but snickered.

Due to boredom, he deliberately watched it with Midorima in the morning, so he also knew the content.

"whispering sound"

Hearing Kise's words, Midorima raised his eyebrows, very unhappy.

If he were to play like the Phantom of Nioh, he would definitely find it hard to accept.

I was on the field to play, but it wasn't him?

"Haha, this is not a kind of... Then what? Tauren?"

"Qingfeng-kun, have you read too many pornographic books?"

"Heizi, this guy is not serious anymore."

The conversation between Aomine, Kuroko, and Kagami also caused most of the team members to chuckle.

(It’s not good. If you are discovered by your seniors, you will be killed instantly.)

Even Takao, who has always been a partner, is holding back and does not dare to laugh openly.

There is no way, this situation is really too delicate.

"Hey, Takao, did you laugh just now?"

"No, no, I didn't!"

"You boy!"

"Ugh!! Help, help.!!"

Seeing someone being choked, the first and second grade students could only pray to him secretly.

"However, if I take you as my opponent, then Nioh-kun has made the wrong calculation."

Momoi interrupted everyone's suppressed laughter atmosphere, and then spoke slowly, with a confident smile on her cute face.


Hearing Momoi's words, Kise reacted and looked towards the field.

"Let's talk about Xiao Murasakibara's experience in dealing with us."

"Those are far superior to those from other schools."

Hearing this, Vulcan and others did not continue to speak, but they knew very well in their hearts.

In the entire Imperial Light, Murasakihara is undoubtedly the one who has been "beaten" the most.

After all, that natural physique and strong defensive power are the best "targets".

So once everyone wants to test some new moves or exercise their offensive abilities, they will pick Murasakibara.

Although Murasakibara always looks lazy and refuses, most things can be solved by just asking him to eat snacks.

This led to Murasakihara actually having a good understanding of the playing style of these teammates and being able to deal with them skillfully.

Although there are still uncertainties in dealing with the green room



"Ah, if you want to hit Green Boy, you have to find a way to prevent him from catching the ball, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Under the surprised gazes of others, Murasakibara used his huge physique to hit back smoothly.

The speed of the ball was so fast that Nioh was unable to react immediately.

"Really or not, you are so big but you swing the racket so fast?"

"Yeah, I feel like he completed his swing and scored just as quickly as he closed and opened his eyes."

"Isn't it usually said that if you are big, your speed will be relatively slow?"

The constant chatter in the audience also expressed their astonishment towards Murasakibara.

"No matter what, there will always be times when you can't catch it."

Niou didn't care about the loss of points just now, but instead spoke in Midorima's tone.


The second ball was sent by him, and the effect of the uncontrollable ball was also taking effect.

Murasakihara did not let go of the ball, but rushed over and swung the ball. Many people watched intently.

Take it?

Can't take it?


The ball hit the racket surface with a weird rotation force.

"Enhancement of rotational force! Fortunately, as long as it can be stabilized, it is not impossible to take over."

Seeing the effect of this ball at a glance, Vulcan immediately said with joy.

Everyone knows that Midorima's uncontrollable ball contains "power, destructive power, spin force, and speed force." Among them, power and destructive power are the most troublesome, followed by speed force and spin force, which have the best chance of counterattack.

The first three are the most unreasonable. Only the strengthening of rotational force will give people an opportunity to take advantage of them.

No matter how strong the spin is, once the opponent grasps the direction, he can still follow the trend.

"Tch! It's still not stable."

Seeing the ball rebounding high, Murasakihara curled her lips and said unhappily.

Although it was blocked, it cannot be said that it was completely followed.


The figure leaping high immediately hit a smash, and this time it landed at a speed that was impossible to catch.



Unable to catch the ball, Murasakihara was helpless.

This is the reason why he doesn't really want to play with Midorima.

Fighting back all depends on luck. How does the opponent play?

It's like a lottery, and it's one-sided.

Unless you can directly suppress Midorima's counterattack and serve, you will be "disgusted" no matter what.

Even if you can call back ten times, Midorima only needs to "win" one of them and he will score.

Not to mention that when your luck is better, you can achieve one goal and one point.

This is the self-created "luck tennis", which is completely different from the traditional tennis style and data tennis.

Except for Nioh, it is difficult for anyone to recreate him again.

It is clearly positioned as a "world-class skill", but to be honest, in the eyes of everyone, the upper and lower limits of this thing are beyond even the power of another dimension.




"This round is won by Tatekai Dainin!"



Taking the lead to win the game, Nioh perfectly reproduced Midorima's level of strength.

"As expected, among us, the most difficult one to deal with is Midorima-chan."

Looking at Murasakihara who was obviously passive, Kise also knew how troublesome that was.

Although Murasakihara has experience in dealing with miracles, facing Midorima is not something that experience can solve.

A guy who plays luck is absolutely unpredictable unless he is unlucky today.

"It's not my style to just be beaten passively."

"Green boy, you have to pay the price."

He didn't treat the other party as an outsider at all, but as a person himself, Murasakihara said angrily.


Retaining Midorima's own attitude, Niou carefully observed Murasakibara's movements.

"I won't let you have the chance to meet me again."

On the contrary, Murasakihara mustered up his energy and threw the ball up.

(Bai Zai, do you have any strong serving moves that you can teach me?)

(Huh? Why is it sudden?)

(Because when playing with Green Boy, he will always touch the ball, which is very troublesome, so I thought about how to prevent him from touching it. After thinking about it, the best thing is to use a swooshing fast ball, right?)

(In that case, there is a move that I highly recommend you try, although it is not mine.)

(Huh? What is it?)

(The one used to serve the ball will definitely suit you.)




By the time Nioh came to his senses, the ball had already flown over from the opposite side and was rolling on the ground.


"So fast!"

"what is that?"

Almost most people did not see the trajectory of the ball clearly and were shocked.

"That kind of unique height and physique will naturally provide the best matchmaking."

"My serve and smash are as good as Murasakibara's extraordinary power."

"Only those who can react when faced with that ball are really crazy."

Shirazu looked at the stunned Niou and knew that he didn't know Murasakibara's intelligence information at all.

If Murasakibara could use that move now, the threat would be extremely huge.

That's what Ochi Moonlight, who is 226cm tall, is using.

Mach serves!

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