Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 623 622 World-class player? There are a bunch of them here!

Chapter 623 622. World-class player? There are a bunch of them here!


"This round is won by Kise from the junior high school student group!"



"real or fake."

"He actually perfectly reproduced Daqu's two-sword style?"

An unimaginable scene appeared before his eyes, and Kise's movements were almost replicated as if he had appeared in person.

"Not only the movements, but also the speed and strength of the swing are consistent."

"Is there really such a guy in this world?"

It's nothing more than that they will be shocked, it is really incredible.

To know a player's playing style, it cannot be easily reproduced by imitating and learning.

It requires a wealth of understanding and experience, as well as a lot of practice.

And Kise, who just witnessed it on the court for a while, was able to perform at the same level as himself?

This is so scary!

"Who is that guy?"

“I’ve never seen this type of play before”

Wu Gu felt that he was not feeling well. The other party's outstanding performance made him deeply realize the gap in talent.

Most people can understand this.

Kise, who can imitate easily just by looking at him, is actually the easiest player to get hit by.

After all, this has nothing to do with strength, it is purely a sense of pressure that comes directly.

The skills and moves you have worked hard to practice can be reproduced by the opponent just by watching them, and they may even be able to do them better than you.

When you think about it this way, it’s hard not to get upset.

"It's almost like I'm playing ball with myself."

Daqu looked at Kise's appearance, and then murmured in a low voice.

"Now, if we don't use our full strength, it seems like it won't work."

As they agreed, the First Army usually only uses 60% of its strength in the training camp.

But once the so-called "60% strength" is no longer used, it stands to reason that more should be released to fight.

Unless you deliberately want to lose or don’t want to use it

In the drama, Tokugawa worked hard, but byodoin still only used the "60%" level to fight him. This was not discovered by Tokugawa until the World Championships.

The picture that seems to be about to win after a hard-fought battle is just a reflection of the moon in the mirror.

What a depressing fact.

And now the same is true for Daqu.

Facing Kise's strange imitation gesture, if he fights according to his current strength, it's hard to say what the outcome will be.

(The reproduction of movements, although incredible, also limits flexibility.)

(As long as you know this, you may not be able to find a flaw.)

But he was not anxious or lost, but tried to find ways to attack.

To put it bluntly, imitation is a kind of reproduction and reproduction of gestures.

This is a relatively "rigid" action mode.

Because based on the possibility of recurrence, the opponent will only choose from the actions he already has.

In this case, you can also capture your opponent's next action through some details.



"Hey, hey, can you still switch at any time?"

With this idea in mind, Daqu tried it out, but realized that what he had thought before was too outrageous.

After luring Kise into a two-sword swing, he took advantage of this loophole to attack.

But Kise's exaggerated speed interrupted all his delusions.

"Huh? Isn't that of course?"

"I'm not stupid enough to keep repeating my opponent's moves without changing them."

Kise looked at Daqu's headache expression, and then said relaxedly.

A flawless imitation.

That was Kise's masterpiece. If he just imitated his opponent's movements, it wouldn't be considered a tricky ability at all.

It's not a rigid state of selflessness. Of course Kise can adjust it according to his own ideas.

As mentioned before, it is possible to use Daqu's two-sword technique to transform into other people's movements midway.

It’s more of a truth to “transform in an instant”.

Even without using perfect double imitation, Kise can easily accomplish this.

That is to say, the rhythm of pseudo-"double" imitation is achieved in the way of "1 changes to 1".

This was also the front-end play method he used to develop the "double imitation".

After all, if you just blindly repeat the opponent's actions, the opponent will of course be able to follow the traces and prepare for a counterattack.

"forgive me."

"It's almost like fighting a group of people."

Just thinking about the situation he would face later made Daqu Ryuji feel troubled.

Because this means that he has to fight against many "unfamiliar" players, and he has to deal with their opponent's skills while also deciphering their defensive patterns.

This is simply like an on-site exam. The ability to adapt to changes in situation and the ability to deal with recruitment are indispensable.

It’s just that Daqu will feel a headache.

Anyone who meets Kise will not feel relaxed.

"Ryuji feels very uncomfortable."

Taneshima looked at the situation on the field and suddenly laughed.

"Of course, right?"

"It's not easy to deal with an ever-changing player."

Mao Li can also understand the other party's mood. For him who graduated from a junior high school, he is more aware of the difficulties.

"Maoli, what was your previous junior high school like?"

Kimijima glanced at him, and then suddenly asked.

"Hmm, are all the heroes competing?"

"No, it should be said that the four kingdoms stand in harmony, right?"

"Can you tell me more about it?"

In order to prepare for the future, Kimijima listened with interest.

"Hyotei over there, the school that Yue Guang once led, did you see that person? The director, Atobe Keigo, has entered the national competition for three years and achieved the top eight, runner-up, and semi-finals."

"Aigaku, that's Minister Tezuka Kunimitsu. The dragon and phoenix returning to the nest used by Kise is the player standing next to him. Fuji Shusuke's stunt also entered the national competition in three years, and the results were runner-up, semi-finals, and semi-finals. .”

"Affiliated with Rikkai University, the director, Seiichi Yukimura, the deputy directors, Genichiro Sanada, and Masaharu Nioh, all have abilities far beyond those of junior high school students. They also entered the national competition in the same three years, with results of semi-finals, semi-finals, and runner-up."

"The last one is Teikou, the minister Akashi Seijuurō, and the deputy minister Shirasatsu Tomosei. They are all junior high school students who are familiar with Byodoin and ghosts. I won't describe them specifically. You just need to know that they have obtained many outstanding achievements from many powerful schools. A three-year champion knows the value of it."

After thinking for a moment, Maori knew what Kimijima was planning to do, and then explained.

"By the way, Yamabuki, which has always been the fifth strongest school, had professional player Aku Tsujin as its singles ace."

"If I remember correctly, these schools are all from Kanto, right?"

"That's right"

"What kind of chaotic era have you experienced?"

After hearing this, Kiritani, Kaji, and Kimijima felt a heavy sense of pressure.

They now understand why Maori, the No. 7 player, is so strong and hardworking.

This guy's feelings were also forced out by that kind of extreme environment.

"So, if you don't work hard, you will only fall behind."

"In that kind of environment, hard work, talent, potential, and time are all indispensable."

“Once you fall behind, it’s hard to catch up.”

"If you think that the other party is a junior high school student and are careless, then just like the Byodoin says admitting defeat is the most honorable way to die."

"Most of the junior high school students in those four strong schools have world-class strength."

In the end, many people were immediately silenced.

Most world class

Is that a level that they have finally honed after working hard and seeing the world, but in front of this group of junior high school students, they are as numerous as wholesale cabbage?

"So it is inevitable that they will have such a title to describe their junior high school students."

"Unparalleled in ancient and modern times."

"Age of Miracles"

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