Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 665 662 Contact between the American team and the German team! Reinhardt VS Polk (4K)!

Chapter 665 662. Contact between the American team and the German team! Reinhardt VS Polk (4K)!

"I am Can Retru, the coach of the German team"

"I'm the captain of Team USA."

"Ralph Reinhardt."

"He's Nash Goldo Jr."

In a training facility, Reinhardt and Nash met the German team's head coach Can Retru.

"First of all, thank you for accepting this invitation. I can feel your confidence as a powerful country."

Sitting on the sofa, after complimenting him first, Can Letru smiled.

When they find someone to play training matches in Germany, they are afraid that others will not accept it.

In addition to Germany being very strong, there is another way that it wants to hide its own strength from prying eyes.

After all, the World Championship is approaching, and at this juncture you, Germany, have been asking for private training matches. Isn’t this unreasonable?

What's more, it's hard for the top teams in the world to put down their minds and accept it if they come with other purposes.

"Let's forget about the boring opening remarks."

"The reason why you are looking for us is not that simple."


Nash glanced at Polk, who had just walked from the aisle next to him, and said unceremoniously. His overly arrogant words made Reinhard smile helplessly, but he did not stop him.


"Then I'll go straight to the point."

"The videotape I sent to you before"

Kan Retru looked at the young and energetic Nash and knew the other party's domineering character, so he didn't care too much, but he was interrupted again before he finished speaking.

"I did not see."

"Even without looking, we know how strong Team Neon is."

I thought it was just an act of making trouble, but what Nash said next surprised Can Retru.

"Although it sounds incredible to say it this way"

"But what exactly is Team Neon like, we on Team America should know better than you."

Reinhard thought about the future scene, and then responded seriously.

"Oh, would you like to hear the details?"

Hearing this, Kan Letru was quite curious about the other party's source of information.

You know, he has never heard of the American team taking the initiative to contact the Neon team.

Even for schools in Nagoya, Team USA did not arrange for anyone to go there.

The only way is probably to have two junior high school students who have returned from studying abroad in Neon.

But can the strength of the students in Neon Junior High School be described by the abilities of those two people alone?

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe those ridiculous facts, right?

So Can Letru was curious about where Reinhardt and Nash's confidence came from.


Polk frowned and sat beside them without speaking. He could tell from the calm attitudes of Reinhardt and Nash that what they said was true.

It wasn’t that he was pretending to show it to the German team, but he really recognized the current situation of the Neon team.

"This involves a very important secret."

"Although we have only recently come into contact with it, it does not hinder its effectiveness."

"I believe that will be a truth that will surprise you all."

When it came to this point, Reinhard did not say it clearly, but closed his eyes and whispered.

"I see."

"Is this why you didn't accept the training match before, but you agree to it now?"

"That seems to be a very important secret."

"But you are not worried about sharing that secret with us."

"Otherwise we wouldn't be here today."

There was no rush to ask questions. Can Retru and Polk showed the calm demeanor of the king very well.

"Hey, did you react so quickly?"

"It is indeed the king of Germany."

Seeing that the other party immediately saw through the purpose behind it, Nash crossed his arms and leaned back on the sofa with his legs crossed and said unhappily.

(There is no need to use this fact to criticize the German team.)

(When we agreed to the training match, they already guessed that we accepted it for a certain purpose.)

(So ​​hiding it is not the best plan.)

Thinking of what Reinhard had said before, Nash was already used to his foresight.

Although I don’t really want to expose this kind of thing in the future, as long as the World Championship starts, it will spread sooner or later, and this cannot be stopped.

The difference is just a matter of sooner or later.

But too late a spread is not a good thing for the US team.

Because the Neon Team, as the strongest enemy in history, may have already begun to transform in advance.

They need more "friendly forces" to test.

Even if sharing this secret may put the U.S. team itself in danger, it has to be done.

The first few teams that compete in the World Championship must be the ones most likely to collide in the exhibition match.

Therefore, we must use the other party to maximize the bottom of the situation to deal with the future.

As an "ally", there is absolutely no one better than Germany, which has dominated Germany for nine consecutive years.

As for what to do if Germany becomes stronger?

Reinhardt doesn't think that's a problem to worry about right now.

Because no matter what, the Neon team's "all-star" lineup is more worthy of concern.

It would be too embarrassing if the German team was kept secret this time and it was easily defeated.

In Reinhardt's view, the Neon Team, which has a large number of people, needs to rely on other countries to use "human lives" to support them.

The events of the World Championship are very close to each other. It is also a way to consume more opponents and reduce their options.

As for who will pick up the slack in the end, it depends on the luck of each country.

"In fact, we already know the outcome of the World Championship."

"In the end it will be the Neon team that will win undisputedly."

"Even if they are the two strongest players in the German team, they will still fall at their hands."

Reinhard picked up the tea on the table and revealed the news unhurriedly.


Even with Kan Letru's mature experience, he couldn't understand Reinhard's meaning at this time.

Do you know the outcome of the World Championship?

Does this so-called "knowledge" refer to inference or something else?

Instead of refuting or denying anything immediately, Kan Letru just analyzed it calmly.

"It seems that you do have information that ordinary people don't know."

Polk's frown never relaxed, and he said cautiously.

The German team also knows about Reinhardt.

This man is not a player who talks freely.

Whatever is said must be confirmed facts.

Although the content is a bit beyond comprehension, the other party will definitely not tell such a "lie" without reason.

"Haha, it sounds a bit fanciful, but it seems you still believe it."

"Well, if you just talk like this, maybe it's not credible enough."


"Let this speak for itself?"

Seeing that Ray Cantrew and Polk really didn't rush to refute, Reinhard also admired their reaction.

When many people encounter this kind of thing, the first thing they may think is that they are abnormal or joking.

Pointing to the stadium outside the window, Reinhard said calmly.


"Okay, I plan to let Nash"

Glancing at the deserted court, Polk agreed. He originally thought that the opponent still planned to let Nash come for "revenge."

Unexpectedly, Reinhard's words attracted his attention.

"No, I will fight you personally."

"The strongest professional player ever"

"Jurgen Borisovich Polk!"


"I heard that Polk is going to play a training match with the head coach of the US team?"

"Only one game system"

"Oh, I have to go and see it."

The members of the German team got the news soon after, and then gathered in the lounge, and then a group of people invited them.

(They won’t ask for this for no reason)

(Also, what Reinhardt said struck a chord with me.)

Holding his chin with one hand, Q·P recalled the content of the conversation told by coach Ray Cantrew, and felt an ominous premonition.

(You actually said that Polk was the strongest professional player ever?)

That strange description really made Q·P very concerned. As a staff member of the German team, he would not miss any information about his opponents.

Since the other party dares to say so, he must have some confidence.

“Knowing the outcome of the World Championship”

"Is it possible that they can see the future?"

After deducing such a result, Q·P's frown still did not relax.

This seemingly most absurd conclusion is exactly in line with the other party's performance.

If this is the case, everything will make sense.

"if it is like this"

"That's not a joke."

He is wise and will not deny what he has not seen based on his own opinions.

That seems to be the most unlikely fact, but in this environment it is the most consistent.

"All in all, the confusion will be solved at the end of this game."

Whether the opponent has seen the future or not, through this duel between the generals, there will be an absolute conclusion.


"Why don't you let me go?"

"I am confident now."

“Are you confident that you can get a few games and then get beat?”

In the lounge, everyone from the US team gathered. Nash was about to say a few words, but was interrupted by Reinhardt.

"If Polk is not serious, you may indeed be able to win this victory."

"But in the process, he is destined to deal with it seriously for the future of Germany."

"You can't win at the moment, and the final result will only make you lose your confidence even more."

Without saving face for his friend, Reinhard opened his eyes and scolded sternly.

Reinhardt knows better than anyone the level of Nash who has gained future memories and become stronger.

But this is still not the reason why he can face Polk.

The latter is far more powerful than imagined

In the entire American team, he was the only one who had a chance of winning against Polk at this time.

"Okay, okay, don't fight about this kind of thing."

"Nash, it's not like you don't know Reinhardt's style."

"Since he did this, there must be a corresponding reason."

Seeing that Nash was a little angry, Dudu immediately came out to smooth things over.

"Yes, Nash, Captain can never do anything wrong."

"Isn't this how we've always been here?"

"It's just a training match. Sooner or later there will be a chance."

Xibo was also advising in front of the peacemaker. He knew that Nash now wanted to rely on his strength to challenge Polk for revenge. Even just winning a set would motivate him, but now was not a good time.

"whispering sound"

The memories of past defeats were still fresh in his mind, and Nash could only grit his teeth and say nothing more.

He really wanted to see if he could forcefully steal a set victory from Polk at the moment.

Even if it was just a false victory, that was important to him.

"What a stubborn senior."

Kaibin sat astride the chair, watching this scene and murmuring softly.

He has been called "Dragon Horse" before, but it seems that Senior Nash is the same.

And since getting the future memory, Nash may have become "weaker".

This "weak" refers to psychological and spiritual aspects.

"Still a long way to go"

Standing next to Kaibin, Ryoma stared at this scene, but lowered the brim of his hat with his hand and commented.

In my impression, Nash's final performance in the Future World Championship was far from excellent.

Mainly because he made a private appointment with Akashi to play, but was beaten "6-0" twice by Omo Akashi and Uto Akashi respectively, which can be called the biggest shame in history.

After the fight, my mentality immediately exploded.

The other members of the American team were not as miserable as him, and some of them still won one or a few games no matter what.

Nash's loss was too "tragic", which made him look out of place.

This time I finally knew the outcome in advance, and I will naturally work harder if I don’t give up.

But this time, whether he still has the courage to face Akashi is another matter.

After all, everyone can see that he now feels an inexplicable fear of "Akaashi".

So Nash is looking for "confidence", maybe to fight Akashi again, or to seek psychological salvation.

He needs a victory against a powerful enemy to satisfy his soul.

There was no way, the two games between the World Championship and Akashi really broke Future Nash's heart.

It would be an understatement to say that it was completely devastated.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out why Akashi could become so strong.

Two years ago he was still able to suppress it, but two years later he couldn't even win a game.

Doesn't this span make people wonder who is the high school student?

Reinhard also understood his situation, so he tried to help him as much as possible.

In this training match with the German team, in addition to negotiations, there was also an intention to revive Nash.

No matter what, they were friends who grew up together, and he didn't want to see the other person continue to be so "decadent".

Although Nash can't deal with Polk, there are always guys in the German team who can make him regain his confidence.


"Heads or tails?"

"Whatever, you go first."

Standing in front of the net, Reinhardt and Polk exchanged words with each other, but the latter directly pushed them away.

"As expected of you, you are so confident."

Without any subtlety, Reinhardt walked back to the baseline with the ball and then said.

"But it is also your strength that guarantees such confidence."

Seeing Reinhardt preparing to serve, Polk took his stance, holding the racket tightly and observing.

It is rumored that this mysterious "Captain America" ​​has the ability to "repair weaknesses."

Taking this opportunity, Polk also wanted to see what the trick was.



Wake up, drink a cup of coffee and order a meal.

It’s really refreshing to write.

I have changed some content, there are a lot of typos.

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