Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 675 672 is coming!

Chapter 675 672. Arrival!

"Why did you suddenly summon us today?"

Kikumaru looked at the junior high school students gathered around him and said curiously.

The training team members from Teikou, Rikkai University, Seigaku, Hyotei, Yamabuki, Hikachu, and Tentenhoji Temple are all gathered in the stadium.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, we were called here."

Marui Bunta, who was standing next to him, shrugged and blew bubbles and was also very puzzled.

"They say the coach of our junior high school students is coming."

But Liu Renji's words made them all startled.

"Ah? Is she that cute girl from Di Guang?"

"The minister and others specifically mentioned this before."

At this point, a group of people reacted and were surprised.

"The name seems to be"

"Momoi Satsuki."

Tachibana Kippei was still thinking about the name, but Himuro touched his chin and said it right away.

He once went to Diguang to meet the Fire God, and he also saw the girl during this period.

"I heard that Akaashi and Shirazu specifically asked her to be the coach of junior high school students."

"Why should a girl come?"

"Kafi, you talk too much."


It fully demonstrated what it means to question the "iron-blooded policy" but be pushed back by the top leaders of the family. Kai could only shut up and stop talking.

"You have relatively little contact with Diguang. I'm afraid it's hard to know how powerful that girl is, right?"

Oishi smiled and looked at the people in Higa who were a little unconvinced and the members of Shitenhoji who were a little confused.

"She is very powerful, but it's just because she was overshadowed by the too strong strength of the Diguang players."

"When I was in Guoyi, her formations and various countermeasures made us in a hurry to deal with it."

"Even that Atobe praised her ability."

Recalling what happened back then, Dashi still sighed a little, unknowingly so much time had passed.

"Hyotei's minister?"

"By the way, it's too late for you to express your dissatisfaction now."

"Because it's almost confirmed that the other party will come here to take office. Haven't you been told by your own minister?"

"Ah? Really? Mu Shu, then why don't I know?"

"Although Shiraishi has told us, it doesn't really matter, as long as we can play ball."

Different treatments highlight their own styles and make them a little confused.

"I also heard that the coaching staff gave her a lot of power, and they must have great trust in her ability."

"It's best to be mentally prepared. Maybe she'll be a little unhappy and your list will be gone."

"Chitose, what you said is very scary."

The more the exchange continued, some of them became inexplicably frightened.

I didn't care much about it before, but when I thought about it, if the girl named Momoi had such great power, I really couldn't ignore her existence.


"What's wrong? You're restless."

"I'm still a little nervous."

"Really? Do you actually have such emotions?"

As Shirazu led the way, he looked at Momoi, who was slightly tense, and communicated with him.

"You have to know that he is the first junior high school coach to compete in the World Championships. And as a female, I have to bear pressure from all aspects, so of course I will be nervous!"

"You're not a noob, just be responsible for winning the game."

Wearing a peaked cap, pink hair tied in a high ponytail, and a blue and white jacket and trousers, Momoi complained dissatisfiedly.

"Ha ha."

"Okay, just use your usual skills."

"No matter what happens, we will settle everything for you."

After laughing twice, Bai Jin reached out and touched her head. The soft touch from the hat made her feel very comfortable. He then comforted her softly.

Letting Momoi take on the coaching position was not just a whim.

It was the result he reached after discussing with Akashi and communicating with Tezuka and others.

As a sign of respect, even Shiraishi, Senshi, and Kute informed him.

In the end, the ministers and deputy ministers of each school had no objection.

Even Shiraishi and Kite, who didn't know Momoi very well, had no intention of playing devil's advocate at this time.

In their opinion, even Tezuka, Atobe and others recognized the girl's ability, so there must be some means. In this case, why not sell this favor?

It's not a bad thing for them anyway.

"But you can't let go."

"Otherwise, if others think we are channeling, we will be in trouble."

"I wouldn't do that kind of thing!"

Bickering with each other, the two kept walking side by side.

"By the way, how is Atobe-kun's injury?"

Having entered the training camp, Momoi asked curiously, remembering what happened some time ago.

She learned on the phone that Shirazu and Atobe played a training match, but at the end Atobe was sent to rescue due to excessive physical function.

As for the follow-up, she never got the follow-up.

"Well, it's just that he's not dead."

"But according to the doctor, a normal person won't be able to recover for more than half a year."

"As a result, he started to get out of bed and walk on the third day."

When it comes to this matter, Bai Jin is used to it.

Compared to being struck to death by lightning in the Byodoin drama and being able to come back to life on his own twelve hours after death, Atobe's situation was nothing at all.

Isn’t it just overdrafting the body’s functions?

He is not an ordinary person. As long as he rests for a while, he will be fine.

It would be a shame to fail to make it to the World Championships for such a ridiculous reason.

"Really? Then it seems I have to take the time to check the medical report to confirm his recovery."

After silently writing down this matter, Momoi thought about it and said.

As a member who can make decisions, she naturally has to carefully examine each team member and cannot make blind judgments.

"Have you started to get into character yet?"

"It seems there's really no need to worry."

"Ah! Don't say it out loud. This will suddenly make me care again!"


"Hello and welcome, Coach Momoi?"

"Hello, that's a little bit like that."

As soon as he walked to the court in the junior high school student area, he saw the players lining up. Yukimura's voice greeted them, which made Momoi a little uncomfortable.

She still felt weird adding the word coach after her name.

"Please give me more advice."

"To each other, Tezuka-kun, Shiraishi-kun, Kite-kun, Senseki-kun."

The leaders were standing in the aisle, and Momoi also greeted several people in turn.

Then she walked to the front, looked down at the players on the court, and began to take a deep breath and declare loudly.


"I am the coach of the U17 training camp junior high school representative team. Momoi Satsuki!"

"In the following time, I will inspect your training and performance."

"Although I know some people still have questions, since I have been invited, I will do my best to do things."

"I have the right to change the playing list, so don't think of ignoring my advice and suggestions."

"In terms of the list, I will not favor anyone. Who can be selected depends on your own ability."

"There are less than ten days until the World Championships. I want to get to that stage more than any of you, so..."

"Give everything you have to prove yourself!"

Seeing that Momoi had given up her previous nervousness, Bai Jin felt relieved.

His little girlfriend is really good at getting into the zone and has strong abilities, so there is nothing to worry about.

As for what will happen in the end, let nature take its course.

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