Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 702 699 The Phoenix that came back to life! (8k)

Chapter 702 699. The Phoenix that came back to life! (8k)


"It's the baptism of a new whirlpool again!"

"I told you that moves like that won't work on us anymore!"

Byodoin swung his racket, and was bombarded by an astonishing air wave.

The strong spin was immediately wiped out, and the fighter's fist hit the ball hard.


"This game was won by the Neon team"



The two men, no longer hiding, finally showed their amazing strength and evened the score again.

"I can't believe it."

"Obviously in my memory, the two of them must have the ability to resonate in order to steadily score points from Polk and QP."

"But now it's just the full force of synchronization that has already reached this level."

Bismarck touched his chin and looked at the performance on the field. He couldn't help but be surprised by the progress of Byodoin and the ghosts.

"That shows that they actually worked hard during this period."

"That contestant named Byodoin, shouldn't his alternate-dimensional incarnation be a pirate at this time?"

"But now he is a warrior wearing the Holy Cloth"

"They are indeed a group of admirable opponents."

As the head coach of Germany, Canretrou has already learned relevant information from QP.

Therefore, he actually has some control over what will happen during this period.

The growth of opponents is something that must be taken into consideration.

"Well, at this level, although it's a bit surprising, I'm still accepting it."


"It's not like those two haven't become stronger."




Watching the volley ball hit by Polk pass by at a faster speed, Byodoin and Oni were shocked.

"This momentum."

Looking back at the ball that hit the ground and stopped bouncing, Byodoin and Oni realized the changes in Polk.

"That is."


The team uniform screamed as if it was torn to pieces, the burly muscles were exposed to the air, and the arrogance like a red lotus enveloped itself.

The veins are visible to the naked eye in various parts of the upper body. The prominent tire shoulders look too strong. The arms are as thick as big trees. Even the height has increased a lot, and the body seems to have expanded.

Everyone who saw that strong physique was shocked.

"Hey, hey, is that really Polk!?"

"It looks too scary."

"Tougher than Murasakibara-chan?"

Kise was dumbfounded. Even if you burst into clothes, why did your body mutate and swell like you took hormones?

He was convinced that Polk in the future would not be so "perverted."

With a physique that looked like it could lift a strong man like Oni up with one hand, it was really difficult for them to hold their strength.

"The ultimate physical enhancement?"

Yukimura was also full of astonishment, looking at the changed Polk and said in a deep voice.

"This is too exaggerated. I feel like he could kill me with one punch."

Kikumaru opened his mouth, unable to imagine how much energy that body would have.

"Well, that look goes well with the bald head."

"Why are you like Jiren?"

"Xiaobai, what are you talking about?"


Bai Jin felt inexplicably familiar with Polk's changes. That strong body and red lotus-like arrogance were simply the reappearance of someone.

(Understood, at this time it is time to switch to Tezuka and fight him, and directly reproduce the wave.)

Thinking about it with a playful sense of humor, Shirazu was now curious about how Byodoin and the others would solve the problem.

In his opinion, Polk has transcended his limits with this wave of "explosive clothing" and has begun to enter a new world, just like Reinhardt before.

Judging from the extent that Byodo-in and the others are still in the extreme realm, there is a high probability that they will be beaten violently.





The next time I caught the ball, even though the racquet surface was decorated with armor to prevent it from being worn out, it still flew away from my hand.


Just like metal, it hit the wall behind and got stuck together with the ball.

"What kind of strange power is this??"

"And he also controlled his power."

Vulcan grabbed the guardrail and marveled at Polk's performance.

He could achieve a similar situation if he was using the Holy Beast, but he couldn't control the power freely.

If it were him, he would most likely blow away the wall behind and the audience in the front row.

"It's not just a matter of strength, his technical skills have also improved a lot."

"It seems that is his original strength."

"It's not a temporary bonus."

After analyzing Polk's physical condition, Atobe covered his face and saw through the secret.

Unlike Reinhardt who needed to be beaten hard by Shiratsu to break through, Polk reached this point purely on his own.

And it does not rely on any perfection bonus or other temporary improvement moves.

It’s all the “normal” effort that you have trained yourself.

In other words, as long as he is willing and has enough physical strength and energy, he can always exert that terrifying strength.

"Sure enough, he will not sit still and wait for death."

Tezuka, who has played against Polk before, knows his character very well. He is the "strongest player in the world" who is constantly striving to pursue a stronger state.

"Now that he has lost his title as the strongest and has become a challenger, he has once again picked up that pursuit and succeeded in breaking the limit?"

Turning his gaze to a certain white-haired person who was unaware of it, Akashi murmured in a low voice.

Maybe someone ran too far ahead and saw too much of the "road" for those behind.

It gives people a feeling of "ah, so there is still such a realm".

Just like before Nanjiro came to the profession, no one understood it. After Nanjiro came, a group of people realized it and began to understand it.

And Bai Jin seems to have taken on the new "leader" role.

But this time, what he brings to the public is not a move, but a path to the "unlimited" realm.

Undoubtedly, this will once again raise the ceiling for world-class players.





"Ah, the ghost uncle was beaten away."

Kintaro screamed when he looked at the ghost who was directly knocked away because of forcing the ball to catch the ball.


Standing up in embarrassment from the ground, the ghost looked at Polk in front of him angrily.

"Come again!!"

In the next attack, Byodoin and Oni chose to avoid Polk temporarily and attacked QP, but unexpectedly.


"This round was won by the German team"



QP exuded a stronger momentum, and the brilliance that originally confronted Guiping began to be suppressed again.

"Don't get me wrong."

"Becoming stronger has never been your exclusive privilege."

"If you can even surpass us now, then let's try!"

The huge body stood on the court, as scary as the Hulk. Polk said to Byodoin and Oni expressionlessly, and beside him was QP shrouded in blue light.

Polk (beyond the limit - full power state)

QP (ultimate quality-evolution)

"Compared with Polk's growth, QP's brilliance is not solid enough."

"He is trying to combine, intending to create a new glorious power like Akashi-kun."

"But it's not a finished product yet."

Momoi saw the difference between the two at a glance and spoke immediately.

"Tsk, I think Polk's big guy alone is enough for them to chew on now."

Niou was on the other side, looking at the situation that changed instantly in his eyes, and couldn't help but comment.

"No wonder the German team is so calm and composed. It seems they have confidence."

Shiraishi finally understood where the confidence of this group of people came from. Perhaps they saw the possibility of victory from Polk and QP.

"This is going to be really bad. Those two guys will be crushed."

Murasakihara scratched his hair and saw the obvious gap between the two parties.

"Tsk, if you let Vulcan and I go, that's fine."

Aomine put one hand in his pocket and leaned his shoulder against the wall as he murmured.

It may be difficult for him and Vulcan to win one-on-one, but with fusion, backhand beating is not a problem.



The high school students are naturally worried about the current situation. After all, something beyond their imagination has happened.

Seeing the two people being blown away like bowling balls in the field, it was difficult for them to calm down.







There was no flaw left for the two of them to overcome. Even if they were in a state of synchronization and full response, they still couldn't compare to the hard strength of Polk and QP.

"I told you, you can't win this time even if you die!"

"It is our king, Germany, who will change history!!!"

"Just go to hell with endless regret! Byodoin Phoenix, Oni Jujiro!!"




"This set was won by the German team."



With a desperate show of ability to draw points, Byodoin and Oni missed the opportunity to win the first set.

When the two sides returned to the team, it was a completely different atmosphere.

"They performed very well. Facing the performance of you two at the end, they should be hit hard, right?"

“I believe they can win the second set easily while their foothold is not yet firm.”

Canretru sat calmly on the coach's chair and looked at Polk and QP who returned and said with a smile.

"No, coach, the game is not over yet, and we cannot draw conclusions too early."

"Polk is right, it's not time to celebrate yet."

Unexpectedly, Polk and QP had no careless thoughts at all, but responded very calmly.

"Are they both too cautious?"

"With such strength, it's hard for me to think they will lose."

Elmer secretly observed Polk and QP and said at the same time.

"That's why I say you have something to learn."

"If you really want to compete with the junior high school students of the Neon Team, you must always maintain a humble heart to learn."

"Polk and QP also started working hard again as challengers because of this mentality."

Patting Elmer on the head with one hand, Bismarck gave him a very considerate education.

What was their status in Germany before?

The king of nine consecutive hegemonies!

But what are they now?

A loser who should have been defeated by neon in the future

The persistence and mentality of the two are different.

Therefore, Polk told them from the beginning that they should no longer regard themselves as the old king and stagnate, but should learn from the environment of the new era and work hard.

Only then can they create a new future.


"I got it!"



Compared to the relaxed atmosphere of the German team, Byodoin and Oni were sitting on the ground with their heads lowered and their faces unclear.

The beads of sweat that continued to appear on their foreheads fully demonstrated their state.



When Tokugawa and other high school students gathered around, they could only hear the hearty laughter of Byodoin.


"Really, little girl, you are really right."

"We were really beaten to a pulp."

He slapped his knees with both hands and stood up from the ground. Byodoin swept away the previous dullness and spoke.

"Although we don't want to admit it, we are indeed no match for them at the moment."

"In this regard, we are really a bit stubborn and overly arrogant."

Ghost also stood up from the side, and then looked reflective.

Before the game, he and Byodoin were both talked to by Shirazu and Momoi.

But even so, the two still chose to fight in order to reproduce their future glory.

They were unwilling to give up such an important matter as defeating Polk and QP to anyone.

After all, the memory of the defeat two years ago still remains. How can it be so easy to let go of everything that has been involved in these two years?

No matter what, they want to defeat each other with their own hands.

"Yes, yes, you say you are not as good as the other person, but you look like you have no intention of giving up."

Too lazy to correct anything, Momoi could only see the emotions of "the boss" from the expressions of the two of them.

"Stop talking nonsense."

"There's only one thing you can do now"

"Then bring victory back to me!"

"If you can't do that, go back to Neon."

As the head coach, Mifune walked over from the front and criticized unceremoniously.

"It's so strict."

"I would feel crushed."

Mori looked at Byodoin and Oni with a wry smile, admiring their determination.

To be able to laugh in this state without losing his fighting spirit is simply too strong-willed.

"Hip-hop, now we can only believe them, can't we?"

"Tono, you occasionally speak human words."

"Kimijima, what do you mean?"

"Well, there's no point in arguing about this now."

"Let's see what Byodoin and Oni plan to do."

The heavy hearts of the high school students were instantly dispelled, replaced by superficial trust.

"Stop being so noisy, the game isn't over yet."

“It’s better to watch carefully until the final declaration comes out.”

"Should I and the ghosts fail like lost dogs, or should I defeat them again?"

"You'll find out in this round."

The two began to pick up their rackets, and after a proper rest, they prepared to return to the court again.

Tokugawa also jogged a few steps at this time, and then shouted two words towards the two of them.

"I will watch you until the end."

"I must be the one to defeat you!"

The words caused the two of them to pause for a moment.

As if they remembered something, Byodoin and Oni both turned to look at Tokugawa and said in unison.


"We will wait for you at the end of victory."

"Go to a higher realm. Then you will be the top high school student in neon!"

After speaking, the two of them immediately returned to the court without any infatuation.

"For now, we are alone."

"Yeah, there's nothing to worry about."

"The only thing I want to think about now is to win!"

The burning fighting spirit was transmitted from the two of them, which was a kind of consciousness called "struggle".

"Didn't you give up?"

Polk and QP naturally felt the high spirits of the two.

Although I know that Byodoin and Oni are not players who will be easily defeated, I still pay my respects to their persistence.

Rivals aside, they are a really good group of players.

"Polk, you said that"

"We can't win even if we die, right?"

Lifting the racket and pointing it at Polk, whose upper body was exposed, Byodoin suddenly asked.


Not understanding what the Byodoin wanted to say, both Polk and QP were filled with doubts.

"In this case, we must win while still alive."

"After all, there is another guy who wants to surpass us."

"He's still waiting in the team. We can't fall down here."

It was Gui who answered him, with such an unwavering tone that it was really hard for people to believe that they would have such spirit.

"Humph, that's just a delusion."

"Even if you have activated the resonance of your abilities now, you will not be able to shake us with the immortal ghosts and gods."

Without any thought of humility, Polk said without mercy.

From the moment he and QP put their best efforts, they would no longer be afraid of the possible resonance of abilities between Byodoin and ghosts.

Immortal ghosts and gods?

The kind of method that can only defeat the original method is no longer enough for them who have surpassed themselves.

"Hey, don't worry."

"The winner hasn't been decided yet, right?"

However, they were not overwhelmed by the opponent's momentum. Byodoin and Oni's mentality was quite stable.

They have already gone through hundreds of battles, so naturally they will not give up easily.

And just as they decided, this time it was not "win even if you die", nor was it "can't win even if you die" as Polk said.

Instead, "win while staying alive!" This is the unanimous idea reached by Byodoin and the Oni.

A hazy light began to shroud the two of them, the warriors and ghosts appeared again, the Alaya Consciousness and the seamless power were blessed again, and the pure white light was still connected to each other.

"Synchrony. Ability to resonate."

"Have you finally reached your original height?"

Undoubtedly, the two of them have now entered the realm they should be in the future.



"I told you, it's meaningless."

But when the game started, Polk still showed strongly that what he said before was true.



"It will no longer be you who win."

QP waved his racket and hit a sharp corner kick to win the score and said calmly.




"This game was won by the German team"



Taking the lead in winning the game, the strength shown by Polk and QP was disappointing.

"How come, you can't win even with synchrony and ability resonance?"

Sitting in the audience, Kirihara and his fellow Neon residents were a little excited.

You know, a single synchronization and ability resonance are enough to reverse many games, but when the two are combined, they are still used on the two fierce men of Byodoin and Oni, and the result is still useless against Polk and QP. That's a little scary.

"Don't worry, the seniors will definitely find a way."

"Hush, stinky viper, there is no basis for what you say."

"Asshole, do you want to fight?"

"Okay, instead of making noise here, let's watch the game quietly."

"Imanyoshi, you are too cold."

"There is nothing we can do about it. We are not athletes. No matter what, all we can do is pray and support our seniors."

"Other than that, it serves no purpose."

"Tsk, although you are telling the truth, it's really infuriating."

"So, let's go for it."




"This game was won by the German team"



After a long time, the referee's declaration sounded, and the entire venue fell silent for a while.

"The situation is still the same as then."

As soon as Polk and QP returned to their respective positions, they suddenly heard the joking voices of Byodoin.

This sentence made the two of them frown involuntarily.

Same as then.


Just one game away from victory.

If you really want to say it, it is indeed what Byodo-in said. How similar is the current situation to the future?

The only difference is that they won the first set.

The members of the German team have more intuitive ideas.

(You still hope for victory in this situation?)

He was only one game away from winning, and the ability resonance he was counting on was not enough to threaten Polk and QP.

With such an all-round advantage, how could they still lose?

Are you kidding me, Polk and QP can find opportunities to win the last four goals no matter what.

How is this opponent going to win?

Totally impossible!

"Although I am sure I can win, I still feel inexplicably uneasy inside."

Bismarck held his chin with one hand, feeling a little flustered for some reason.

"Because victory is so close, it feels a little unreal to change history."

Berti glanced at him and understood his mentality. It was obviously the feeling of panic before success?

After all, once you win, it will definitely change the original trajectory.

"Senior, it's your illusion. Are you still nervous?"

Elmer looked like he was doing nothing. In his opinion, Polk and QP would definitely win, and there would be no more surprises.

"Should have won it"

"hope so."

After saying this, everyone looked towards the field.

"Hmph, we will be the ones who win in the end."

As he prepares to serve, Polk's voice is full of Ling Ran. He will not be careless, so at this moment he will still reserve his best performance to meet the attack.


But just as he was about to serve, golden flames shone in front of him.

Looking up, I saw a huge golden phoenix soaring in the field.


"Is that the Phoenix from Byodoin?"

Compared with the Winged Divine Dragon summoned by Bai Jin, this is only the source of Byodoin's "immortality".


No matter how many times you try, you will be reborn.

That is what Byodoin's "Phoenix" represents, and it is also the basis for his use of Alaya consciousness without any damage.

"I told you, Polk."

"This time it's either you have to win even if you die, or you can't win even if you die."

“But live and win!”

Confident and domineering shouts came from the front, and the golden phoenix caused fierce flames to cover each other's incarnations.

What is now in front of everyone’s eyes is

Golden ghosts and gods.

Golden fighter!

The erupting flames and brilliance merged together and seemed to become the fuel, making the flames even more powerful.


Blocking the front with one hand, the brilliance brought by the ultimate quality was completely suppressed.

QP's pupils were wide open and he felt unbelievable.


Even Polk was moved by it. You must know that even in future memories, the two of them only showed the power of the immortal ghost Alaya.

And now this one.

What kind of image will the golden ghosts and golden warriors formed by turning Alaya's power and seamlessness into fuel?

This scene has never been seen in the future.

The unknown is scary.

This is reflected in everyone.

"It's incredible that they have simply outdone themselves again."

Although it was a "miracle" that relied on doubles, there was no doubt that at this moment, Byodoin and Oni had definitely surpassed their future selves.

"What an amazing momentum!"

Blocking the front with one hand, Vulcan said in surprise as he could feel the scalding temperature.

"Now, someone is going to be in trouble."

Bai Jin leaned against the wall leisurely, put aside the unnecessary worries in his heart, and became happy.

He feels that the most interesting thing about playing tennis in this world is the possibility that the opponent will suddenly become stronger due to a change in mentality.

The most intuitive one is the protagonist Ryoma.

Commonly known as the number one cheater.

Then came Akutsu, Kintaro and others.

After all, this is not the first time Bai Jin has experienced this. Which player against him has never had something similar happen to him?

To put it more generally, this phenomenon is called “idealism”.

In the world of Ultraman, it often happens that the powerful form cannot defeat the final BOSS, but in the end, the BOSS is defeated by the basic form.

How unreasonable and incomprehensible.

It cannot be explained by any scientific or fantasy basis.

But "it" just exists, making it impossible for people to take the initiative to approach it.


QP's whole arm trembled when the racket touched the opponent's return shot.


Even he, who is known for his calmness, could not suppress the horror in his heart at this moment.


"Armed and domineering"


After seeing the scene of the racket being penetrated for a long time, many people were shocked.


"Oh oh oh!!"

The stadium, which had been suppressed for a long time, finally erupted into deafening shouts again.

"It actually burned away the Armed Color Haki. That phoenix flame has special attack performance similar to that of the Overlord Color."

"Quite capable."

Atobe put his hands in his pockets, admiring the changes in these two people.

Without some opportunity and hard work, it would be impossible to achieve this level.




"This time it's Polk's turn to knock the opponent's racket away!"

On the next ball, Polk hit back himself and knocked away Byodoin's racket to score.

"I told you, you can't win!"

Standing on the court in the most powerful posture, Polk declared loudly.

"Heh, let's try it then."

Unwilling to admit defeat, he picked up the racket, and Byodoin raised his head in response.







"One more goal!!"

"One more goal!!!"

The scene has reached the final point of the match for Germany. As long as they score this goal, they will win the game.

"We are at the end of our rope."

"Even if there is such an outbreak, can Germany still not be defeated?"

In the stands, in the seats of the American team, Xibo was already sweating as a spectator.

"No, from now on, the shots played by Polk and QP are no longer effective against Byodoin and Oni."

On the contrary, Reinhard noticed the doubts and said with determination.

"They seem to be constantly adapting to the confrontation."

"The damage caused by the impact will recover again and again, and then they will show stronger strength."

Nash also saw through the state of the two people and commented on them.

"The more injured you are, the stronger you will be after rebirth?"

Long Ya leaned on the chair and watched the situation on the field with interest.


Ryoma has been watching silently. Competitions of this scale are rare.

"This is the end!!!"

On the final serve, Polk gathered his strength and hit a shocking blow.

"I've seen enough of your tricks."

"It's our turn next."

Byodoin ran to the landing spot first, and then swung his racket to hit the ball the moment it bounced off the ground.

Without the slightest fear of the incoming ball, he just touched the ball with his racket, as if he had transformed into a "Little Golden Man".



The violent impact roared in the field, and even from a distance, cracks appeared in the walls of the audience seats.


At this time, many players had already picked up their rackets, and at the same time they were exploding with momentum.

"It does have some information."

Compared to other stands and seats, the Neon team is the easiest.

Because the momentum erupted by the four ministers was enough to offset the oncoming impact and would not allow any remaining power to spread.

"The space is distorted."

As if a vortex was created, the air flow was constantly rotating, and it looked like an electric fan was constantly rotating. The center of it was at the point where Byodoin's racket touched the ball.

"Take this golden blow!!"


With the roar of Byodoin, he finally fired a golden flash.



The ball passed through the net at an extremely fast speed, even tearing it apart, and then hit the ground hard, knocking away both Polk and QP who rushed to catch the ball.


Smoke and dust began to fill the air, and the entire stadium looked extremely messy because of that ball.

When the dust finally dispersed, what came into view was the scenery that had turned half of the stadium into a "rock pan".

"40-40!! Even split!"

Analyzing the annihilated tennis ball from its broken position, the referee finally announced the score.

Witnessing this scene, Byodoin and the ghosts stood on the left and right of the court, holding their rackets on their shoulders at the same time. The golden warriors and the golden ghosts and gods were revealed behind each other, and a soul-stirring sense of oppression came to their faces.


"Let the counterattack begin!!"

ps: Eat a feast!

I originally planned to stop writing it when I reached 2k, but I felt that it would not be a good idea to stop there. Then I made up to 4k, but the ending of 4k didn’t feel very suitable, so I ended up rushing to 6k. In the end, I thought I had written all 6k, so I just added 8k. Let today be a 10,000-word update...

I'm really convinced...what kind of self-imposed force.

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