Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 705 702 New Commander! Shirazu Jisung!

Chapter 705 702. New general! Shirazu Jisung!

"Unbelievable!! Just when we thought the German team was going to overtake the score, Neon's Byodoin player and Oni player burst out with amazing power and won the victory."

"Taking into account the previous record, the Neon team actually achieved three consecutive victories in the exhibition match!"

"And the opponents all have generals from various powerful countries!!"

At the moment when Byodoin and Oni finally won, the boiling sound echoed in the air.

Although the venue was in a mess, they cared more about the excitement of this duel.




The back-and-forth confrontation in the three games was really a feast for the eyes, especially the transcendent duel in the last set, which made many people see the peak battle.

“Wonderful move.”

"You win."

When he walked to the net, it was almost difficult to lift his arms. Polk congratulated him with a normal expression.


"This is what is called historical inevitability."

Byodoin was completely leaning on the ghost's back, looking unable to move.

"Don't move, I'm going to be crushed by you."

He could only barely hold Byodoin steady with one hand, and the ghost greeted him.

At the end of the game, their tense hearts finally relaxed, so that the sequelae accumulated during the period completely burst out.

What this resulted in was that both sides suffered varying degrees of damage.

Just like Byodoin, the body has almost entered a state of paralysis, and Oni feels like all the joints in his body are being removed, and he can hardly use his strength.

Polk was no better. His exposed upper body was covered in bruises, purples and reds, and his hands were scarred and full of blood.

The only one who was slightly affected was Q.P. At least he only suffered scratches caused by the impact of the ball.

"I look forward to fighting again in the future."

"Let's wait until next time to shake hands."

Reflecting the king's demeanor, Polk spoke first.

"It was my failure this time, but there won't be another time."

Q·P was next to him, summarizing the problems of these three games and then continued.



Byodoin and Oni just responded with smiles and no words.

Both of them knew that it would be difficult to defeat the two people in front of them one-on-one.

This time the doubles match had to combine many factors to barely win.

If it were a singles match, Byodoin and Oni would have already been defeated.

The golden warriors, ghosts and gods with resonant abilities, and the subsequent enhanced phoenix.

None of this can be accomplished by one person.

Not to mention taking advantage of the Phoenix's resurgence, they could only score by suppressing Polk in turns.

If you want to win in singles, you have to raise your level by at least two levels.

"well done!!"

While they were still far away, Mifune had already asked Ochi and Mori next to him to carry a stretcher.

That loud praise also indicated that he was in a good mood.

There are three exhibition games, starting with Switzerland, then the United States, and finally defeating Germany.

He left behind a good reputation as the "Array Slayer" general, which greatly boosted his arrogance.

I believe that when tomorrow’s report comes out, the Neon Team will definitely become the most eye-catching team in the world.

Even the subsequent history will leave a strong record.

"You guys did it!"

"What a waste of worry."

"Don't squeeze over, it hurts."

The high school students were the first to gather around, holding people on stretchers and communicating with each other at the same time.

Even though there was a scene of victory in their first memory, they were really worried about whether it could be "reproduced".

Especially when Q.P awakened its new glorious power, they all thought the situation was over.

But they didn't expect that the two of them were already prepared.

"Hey Shirazu, Akashi."

"The subsequent competition will be left to you."

"We must win for sure!!"

Lying on the stretcher, he could only barely turn his head to see the white hair on the periphery, and he entrusted him loudly.

"That's a long way to go. The disabled should be taken to treatment as soon as possible."

"Having lost the power of the Phoenix, you won't be able to escape from the hospital so easily this time."

"The two of them are keeping each other company in the ward."

Crossing his arms, Bai Jin looked at the miserable state of the two of them and spoke unceremoniously.

Staring at the destruction of the Kaio Fist + the reshaping of the Phoenix, the pain experienced is no less than dismantling the body's bones and then reassembling them.

Just thinking about it can tell how dangerous it is. It's a miracle that Byodoin can still speak.

A normal person would probably have fainted from the pain.

"Kintaro, I'm sorry about that promise."

"It's okay, Uncle Ghost! You won, didn't you?!"

"I will definitely prove it to you in the competition!"

"We will bring the trophy back, then come and play with me again!!"

Next to him, Oni was communicating with Kintaro, and their happy expressions were very similar.

"Ah, I'll leave the rest to you!"

I haven't experienced this feeling of relief for who knows how long.

You can recuperate with peace of mind and no longer worry about the team's victory or defeat.

It’s great to have someone you can trust and be a trustworthy teammate.

I am afraid that his and Byodoin's injuries are no longer enough to participate in this competition.

But it's not a bad thing that his wish was finally fulfilled.

"Sa, now, the road has been opened."

"We have to cheer for both of them together."

After Byodoin and Oni were carried away by the medical staff, Taneshima looked at the only high school students left around him and spoke.

"of course!"

"Hey, make sure you tease them with the trophy."

"Spare me, I'm so glorious now, I can't even win if I don't win."

Speaking to each other, even the big songs that had never been very enthusiastic ignited the fighting spirit.

"Then, please give me your advice next time."

"Captain and."


While talking, Taneshima, Tokugawa and others turned to the two people at the front of the group of junior high school students and spoke.

"Ah, let us work together to win this competition."

"Really, how can a junior high school student be a general?"

Akashi and Shirazu each expressed different attitudes, but there was no doubt that they both accepted this "identification".

"Tsk, I'll leave it with you for now. If I have the chance, I will definitely get the position of general."

After hearing this, Atobu raised his eyebrows and became greedy.

Junior high school student serves as national team captain

This kind of treatment is much better than that of a junior high school student captain.

No wonder Atobe wanted such a prestigious title.

After all, this means the title of neon number one.

"Before that, shouldn't you decide the winner with us first?"

"Don't worry, one day we will end."

"Atobe, I'm afraid this won't be what you want."

The ministers' conversation was so tit-for-tat that it also aroused laughter from the people onlookers.

At this moment, Mifune appropriately interrupted their heated discussion.

"Alright, boys!"

"It's time to go back."

"Except for the two unlucky ones, everyone else should have a good sleep."

"Before tomorrow's grouping comes out, I need to be energetic!! This time the goal is..."

"Victory in all battles!!"


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