Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 716 713 The poison called

Chapter 716 713. The poison called "kindness"!







"Isn't it still the same as before?"

"Purely using my body as a cushion to hit back Hercules' ball."

"The body will only be injured in that situation, why not avoid it? What on earth was Team Neon thinking?"

After the exchange of venues, each other's offense and defense started again, but what was puzzling was that Oishi and Kikumaru were still using the same method to deal with it while maintaining synchronized power.

Faced with the ball deliberately aimed at the body by Heracles, they did not choose to dodge. Instead, they held the racket in front, grabbed the ground with both feet, and used the body behind as a cushion to forcefully share the power of the ball.

The advantage of this method is that it allows them to fight back reluctantly, but the disadvantage is that the body will gradually bear the impact, causing injury.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"


"This round was won by the Greek team."



As if angered by their stubborn gesture, the god Hercules increased the force of his blows.

This time, it even penetrated Oishi's racket, and the ball hit his abdomen and sent him flying.



The body hit the ground heavily, and the visible injuries and pain filled everyone's field of vision.

"No matter how you look at it, it seems that neither of them has a chance of winning."

"Gallows doesn't pose much of a threat, but Heracles is beyond the stage they can handle."

Inui Sadaharu picked up his notebook and kept writing, but it was difficult to imagine the possibility of Oishi and Kikumaru's victory.

"If they want to defeat the god Hercules, only they can do it."

Liu Renji turned his attention to the group of players ranked among the top "NO.14" and said with determination.

The deification of Heracles was stronger than expected, and it was no longer a monster that ordinary people could handle.

"Furthermore, Hercules' style of play is quite violent, and every attack must be directed towards the player."

“If you don’t catch the ball, you’ll lose points, and if you catch the ball, you’ll get hurt.”

"Perhaps it would be better to stop and let Oishi and Kikumaru go on like this."

After hesitantly glancing at Momoi, who was motionless, Liu Renji didn't know what to say.

"I guess as a coach, she wants to stop it more than anyone else, right?"

"But after all, it was from the coach's perspective and the players' own thoughts. She chose to understand."

"From this point of view, she also knows that she is unqualified as a coach."

"Forget it, that kind of meaningless speculation."

"In May, she simply thought those two people could win."

"As a coach, it would be too sad if you don't even believe in your own players."

"You have to have confidence in them."

The sound of the exchange also attracted Bai Jin's attention, and he finally made a conclusion.


“After all, who hasn’t come across like that?”

Tezuka and Fuji know this very well. In the past three years, they have witnessed the stubbornness of many players.

Some cause miracles, and some regretfully fail.

But no matter what, the process itself must have a crucial impact on the growth of the players.

"It's okay. The worst we can do is let them have a table with Byodoin and Oni after the game."

"As long as you can't die, you can always be saved."

Atobe looked at Oishi and Kikumaru who were knocked away again, his tone full of seriousness.

"You guys"

"It's really strict."

Yukimura smiled helplessly, but didn't object.

If he is on the field, no one is allowed to interrupt the game.

He has to grit his teeth and continue on the path he has chosen, just like how he treated his illness in the first place.

That stubborn persistence is not meaningless.

"But just watching them get beaten seems a bit unbearable."

Akashi sighed. To be honest, he didn't know whether it was good or bad for this group of people to meet such players.



The reflected laser ball was knocked back by Kikumaru's flexible jump, but what followed was a powerful strike from Hercules.


Oishi clapped with both hands and tried to return the blow with a forehand.


The ball hit the racket surface with signs of bumps and dents, and Oishi's scratched cheek showed an unflinching expression.


The whole person was taken flying again, and his body hit the wall behind.


Cracks appeared on the wall, as if someone was about to be embedded in it.


"Why do you do this useless work?"

"They are obviously no match at all."

The members of the Greek team couldn't help but feel moved when they saw this kind of confrontation.

"No, that's not certain."


"If you really obey them, can you really recreate the cause of Hercules' death?"


But what the Lord Commander Zeus said suddenly shocked everyone around him.




"Call back?"

Before Zeus could explain anything, Kikumaru hit the next ball back.


Hercules was running, but there was something obviously wrong with the way he swung the racket compared to before.


"Did Dashi fight back too?"

"what happened?"

For this ball, Oishi even hit back with the racket in both hands.

Everyone who looked at the reversed picture was full of doubts for a while.



After successfully grabbing points for the first time, Oishi and Kikumaru were panting but still full of energy.

Even though their bodies were covered with scars and their palms were bleeding from friction, they still did not give up fighting back.

"Tick tock."

Kind tears slipped from his eyes, and the power of the gods had begun to become unstable.

"Because the power of Hercules as a god is gradually declining"

"The power is no longer as powerful as before."

"I didn't expect such a ridiculous thing to happen."

Zeus sighed, and then said, he really didn't expect that the Neon Team would use this method to recreate the "Cause of Death".

"For Hercules as a god, the "kind heart" held by Hercules as a human is a poison more powerful than Hydra."

In a word, everyone in Greece recovered from their daze.

Thinking of what Hercules did in his godly state, they suddenly woke up.

For a kind and kind person, it is simply unbearable to endure the suffering of breaking the shackles of morality step by step and doing things that go against one's will.

Attack players, injure them, enjoy the pleasure of ravaging them and laugh at them

An upright and kind person would simply not be able to accept this situation.

Even if he could be cruel for a moment, the normal views he held in his heart would not allow him to ignore it forever.

Every time he hit a ball, every time he saw Dashi and others being injured, Hercules felt like his heart was cut by a knife.

And this "torture" from the heart turned into a poison, washing away the god Hercules over and over again.

This "struggle" from the soul is far more painful than being poisoned on the body.



All I can say is that this idea was inspired by comics.

Because in the comics, Hercules also attacked Oishi and injured him, but in the end, Oishi silently endured it again and again, making him unable to do anything, and shed painful tears.

In the setting, he is a kind-hearted person, so he cannot always do things against his will.

It just so happens that this is the biggest weakness of the god Hercules. For a god who enjoys violence and destroys his opponents, kindness becomes the biggest "poison". It just fits the recorded description of "after being poisoned, he can't stand it and dies on his own." ending.

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