Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 733 730 First round! A doubles showdown between high school students!

Chapter 733 730. The first round! A doubles showdown between high school students!

"Hehe, it's finally our turn, isn't it?"

"Come on"

"According to the intelligence, the other party is not a simple opponent."

Mixed with some wild noises, another calm word failed to stop the former from "pleasing with himself."

"Hey, no matter who the opponent is, I will execute them!"

Tono Atsukyo and Kimijima Ikuto walked onto the court side by side and became the first round players.

"Oh, there are two high school students across the street too?"

Looking at the personnel sent by Spain, Kimijima frowned and involuntarily reached out and raised his glasses.

Frio Roman (High 3)

Silva de Bimboli (Grade 3)

"Sure enough, was it like this from the beginning?"

“To say it’s radical would be a step too far.”

The person sitting on the coach's chair has been replaced by Mifune, and Momoi and other team members are watching the game in the stands.


"Two senior players are sent here. Isn't this what we should do?"

The game has already begun, but Chitose is a little stunned by Momoi's statement.

Generally speaking, the senior players in the team are supposed to be the same class as the main players. Since such a guy can play, he shouldn't be weak no matter what.

Therefore, what Momoi said was too much and didn't seem right.

"I'm just saying it's a bit unusual for Spain."

"Throughout their games, there has never been such a moment of desperate formation."

"Without the slightest hesitation, the vice team was all pressed into action in the first round of doubles."

Already anticipating what changes would happen in the future, Momoi was even sure of one thing.

"As the main player, Medanore may appear in the No. 2 singles position."


The person who had the biggest reaction when hearing this was not anyone else, but Tokugawa.

If Momoi's words were true, then maybe he might meet the other person.

"No. 2 singles? Isn't that a big deal?"

"What if we were sent away in the first three games."

Having said this, Vulcan tilted his head, not quite understanding where the other party's confidence came from.

The only ones who could survive one more game with them were the Greek gods.

That was something that Zeus, as the commander-in-chief, had to fight for.

And Spain, a "little-known" power, is confident that Medanore will appear at No. 2 singles without relying on the support of the main player?

Without knowing the formation of the Neon team, the risk is too great, right?

"It depends on their confidence."

"Just having memories of the future shouldn't give you such confidence."

Speaking of this, it can be considered a blind spot. After all, Spain has not shown much strength at all, so even if it wants to observe, there is no better way.


"This round was won by the Neon representative team."


As he spoke, the situation on the field had already taken a lead.

"Hahaha, you see, these two guys are no big deal. I haven't even finished the execution method, and they will be unable to hold on."

"You're being a bit outrageous."

Compared to Tono's "arrogance", Kimijima had a bad feeling in his heart.

Because the two people facing each other were too calm from beginning to end.

Even though they took the lead by two games, they still seemed to have an indifferent attitude.

(It’s better to rely on it.)

The eyes hidden under the lenses were not fooled by the current illusion. Kimijima planned to take a closer look first.

"How's it going, Frio?"

Silva looked at Roman and asked a question, and then received an answer from the raised expression on the corner of the latter's mouth.

"Ah, Bian Boli, things seem to be going better than I expected."

"We might just have to fight a hard fight."

"We can take them down."

Hearing such words, Silva felt relieved.

Their biggest secret can be put off for as long as they can.

The later you use it, the better you can catch the Neon team by surprise at critical moments.

Frio Roman, who served as the deputy team in the first two games, has been observing the standards of Tono and Kimijima.

Gauge whether they are likely to force out their own trump card.

But now it seems that as long as they play "normally", they will have a chance to win.

In this case, there is no need to worry about the use of "ace".

Leave that possibility of reversal to your teammates later.

"Then start fighting back."




"Five horses cut the body into pieces."


At the beginning of the third game, Tono was about to launch his own execution combo, but Roman, who was directly opposite, had already said his lines first.

"You're all focused on your face."

Seeing the ball coming, Roman did not avoid it but instead struck a neat backhand shot.



It was as if he had already seen through the trajectory of the attack, just like having precognition.







Repeated attacks were blocked and points were lost, which made Tono's energy and blood surge up instantly.

Seeing Tohno Atsukyo who seemed to be in a hurry, Kimijima immediately slapped him on the shoulder and stopped him.

"There's something wrong with that guy."

"Don't be too reckless."

Although he knew that the execution law was still in use, Kimijima did not want to fall into the opponent's trick.

He still hasn't figured out how Frio Roman understands his own actions.

"Then what else can you do?"

"Steady first."

Hearing this, Tono was still a little impatient, but in the end he listened to Kimijima's advice.




Seeing the ball bounce off the ground, Kimijima turned his attention to a gap on the opponent's side.

(Pretend to hit the air, actually aim at the net, and use rotation to bounce to the other side.)

Thinking of this, Kimijima had already swung out.

The ball flew as he expected, and Silva had already run to the open space to be alert.

(be cheated!)

Looking at Silva's actions, Roman who was not moving, and the ball's changing trajectory as it hit the net, Kimijima concluded that this round was a success.

"Nice idea, but it doesn't work for me."

But the next second, he heard Roman's unhurried voice.

Standing in front of the net, Roman held the racquet and moved his hand around his back, then hit back with his back. The ball that had just turned around was hit to the side.

"This round was won by the Spanish team."



"Oh oh oh!!"

After catching up one round, the venue began to roar with the cheers of the audience.

"My mind has been completely read."

"That high school student named Frio Roman is really not that simple."

"Spain's vice-captain? He's quite capable."

In the stands, several members of the Neon Team looked at this scene in surprise. Even they felt that Roman's performance was a bit special.


"They can't understand what Frio is good at, no matter how hard they try, right?"

The Spanish team members did not feel surprised when they saw this scene, but trusted it very much.

"No matter what the opponent wants to do, Frio can't hide it."

"He is someone who can know his opponent's inner thoughts just by looking at his face."

"Genius player!"


Just woke up!

The reason why I didn’t give the list in advance during the day was because I wanted to confirm who had not played before making arrangements later, but it seemed to be okay. Until the end, almost everyone was able to play, and there were no omissions. As for winning or losing, it was It depends on your ability.

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