Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 738 735 Use the perfect Yukimura!

Chapter 738 735. Use the perfect Yukimura!

"Hoo ho ho!!"

Compared with the spiritual power that Seda has exploded, what Akashi and Yukimura are showing now is an indescribable unknown.


Seda subconsciously maintained the mental fluctuations that were released, but even so, they were easily suppressed.

"What am I?"

"What just happened?"


In the venue, due to the mental impact displayed by Akashi and Yukimura, Seda's mental manipulation was directly lifted.


"It's back to normal."

Looking at Kikumaru's dazed look, Fuji felt relieved.


"The only thing they miscalculated was that they didn't expect Akashi and Yukimura's mental power to be so strong, right?"

Atobe looked at the situation on the field and couldn't help but feel funny.

Seda does have potential, but only relatively speaking.

Didn't Akaashi and Yukimura develop themselves to the extreme through exercise?

Akaashi, who experienced the phantom god disaster as a child, and Yukimura, who opened his future due to special ordeals

From the beginning, the mental strength of these two people was far beyond that of ordinary people.

That was a level that both Tezuka and Atobe could not compare to.

It's just that these two people don't usually show off, so they look the same.

Especially after possessing future memories, they can develop stronger power beyond their original limits.

"Well, probably at the end of the second grade of junior high school."

Shirazu released his hands covering Momoi's ears and then commented.

"You mean Seda?"

"Could it be someone else?"

"Indeed, his performance as a rookie is good enough."

Hearing Bai Jin's words, Momoi was slightly startled, then reacted and spoke.

It is enough to be proud that the amount of mental power can catch up with Akashi at the end of the second grade of the country.

You know, most players may not be able to do it.

That is the foundation described as "sea".

"The exertion of mental power cannot be separated from the quantity it possesses."

"The upper limit lies in the methods and inputs used."

"So the more abundant it is, the stronger the mental moves will be."

The reason why Seda can control the entire field and even dominate other players lies in his excellent ability.

But it's a pity.

Which one is simple, Akashi or Yukimura?

One relied on massive mental power to synthesize the "Emperor's Light".

One built the "Future Series" with his excellent mental strength.

"Sister, it's very bad."

The moment Akashi hit the ball, Seda had already spoken, but unlike before, his trembling could be clearly felt.


"But luckily it's being dealt with."

Running in a hurry to where the ball landed, Mars knew what it meant.

Once the two opponents cannot be suppressed mentally, they will face endless domination.

One of Seda's strengths is here, but if it cannot compare with the opponent, it will be restricted.

Compared with the competition of strength, speed, technical ability, and physical strength, the embarrassing thing about the confrontation between mental players is that if the opponent is stronger than themselves, it will definitely cause them to fall into passivity, and there will be no room for struggle.

So Mars has to be forced to use "futurization" to fight, otherwise they will collapse.

"We can only give up the spiritual confrontation."

"Switching to hand-to-hand combat?"

Watching the game change direction outside the venue, Roman didn't expect it to change so quickly.

We had just finished the first game, but it was extremely thrilling to watch.

"That's something that can't be helped."

"The opponent is far more powerful than imagined."

Shaking his head, Romeo was cautious. If the legendary ministers behaved like this, then he might have to be careful later.

"It's okay. Even if we can't stand up to each other mentally, Mars' other powers after transforming into the future are definitely stronger than those two junior high school students!"

"It's impossible to lose points."

Rodrigo's confidence is not unreasonable. It all lends itself to his future combat power. As a high school student himself, Mars is powerful beyond limits.

This can be seen from the "God's Blow" that Seda was able to hit back at Yukimura before. Their strength, speed, and technical ability have all been significantly improved.



Just maintaining the normal sparring, Akashi and Yukimura also discovered Mars' prominence.

Compared to Seda's abnormal mental power, Mars is powerful in other aspects.

"Is it beyond what a high school student should be?"


Judging from this aspect alone, it has attracted Akashi's attention.

If Seda got a loan from the first year of the country to the strength of the third country, then Mars got a better future strength from a loan from the third year of high school.

No wonder he and Yukimura were unable to attack for a long time

After all, as age increases, young players will also have more advanced strength and growth ability.

The Mars that Akashi and Yukimura are facing now may be a professional-level player, or maybe a player above that level.

"Do you want to hit like that again?"

"it's useless."

Mars saw Yukimura preparing to strike, and his expression darkened as he prepared to receive it.

The insight of the field of vision is extremely powerful at this moment, and no disturbance will be missed.

The blessings brought by himself in the future are enough for him to face the two people at this time.


The ball was hit, and Mars saw the ball bounce up and hit it with his racket.



But the fact that the fight back did not happen, instead.

The scene of the racket being knocked away in an instant.


When he was stunned, Mars discovered something terrible.

At some point, in the vigorous spiritual storm ahead, cyan light began to shine like the sun.

"If you are trying to fight for the fourth dimension besides mental power"

"There are no means to combat "futurization"."

The two of them were connected to each other, and the pressure erupting from them was far greater than ever before.

Akashi Seijuro (Emperor's Light)

Yukimura Seiichi (Emperor's Light)

There is no need for synchronization or ability resonance, Omo Akashi can share all the status with his teammates.

Just like turning on wifi, you can connect and use it immediately.

"No matter how many times you feel like this, you will never get tired of it."

“It’s no wonder that immersed players are so fascinated.”

"I can somewhat understand Chitose's thoughts."

It was also the first time for Yukimura to share this ultimate glory with Akashi in the true sense.

Compared to the situation before, which was not yet perfect, he could even understand what it felt like now.

"It's just seamless."

Theoretically speaking, that might be an area that Yukimura would find difficult to enter, but now with Akashi's power, he has it temporarily.

And it is the even more powerful fifth kind of radiance.

The "Powder" contained in the body can make Yukimura say such a famous saying.

"Now I feel like I can do anything."

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