Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 753 750 The outcome of another competition! Bet on Team USA!

Chapter 753 750. The outcome of another competition! Bet on Team USA!

Another venue during the "Qualfinals" of the World Championship.

"It's incredible."


Seeing the young man leaping high in front of him, Zeus couldn't help showing a shocked expression.


The golden beam of light fell from the sky, announcing the end of this last scene.

"competition is over!"

"This set is won by Team USA!"



In a long tie-break, the US team finally defeated the Greek team with a score of 3 wins and 2 losses and advanced to the semi-finals.

"Rainhardt, you are really betting your future on this boy."

As they were leaving the field, Zeus walked up to Reinhard and expressed his admiration.

He felt that the US team's formation was strange from the beginning.

As the main player, Reinhardt did not serve as the number one singles player, but instead gave it to an unknown national player.

Nash and Kaibin in doubles No. 2.

Doubles No.1 Xibo and Dudu.

Long Ya, No. 3 singles player.

Reinhardt, No. 2 singles player.

and the final single number one.

Echizen Ryoma

This is what the U.S. lineup will look like against them.

The American team, which has won two consecutive doubles games, can be said to be quite outstanding.

But Long Ya, the No. 3 singles player, and Reinhardt, the No. 2 singles player, "lost".

As for why we lost

That's because of these two people.


That's right, after being able to win three consecutive victories to end the game and advance to the world's semi-finals, Longya and Reinhardt voluntarily gave up in the middle of the game.

As a result, a shocking No. 1 singles confrontation was created.

Echizen Ryoma VS Zeus.

At first Zeus didn't understand their intentions at all, but after the fight with Echizen Ryoma, he also changed his impression.

This is a junior high school student with considerable potential and strength.

With such an appreciative attitude, Zeus would naturally not be polite to him.

Under the power of omniscience and omnipotence, he once forced Ryoma into a desperate situation.

But as the opponent unlocked the extra-dimensional power and evolution, he finally lost the game in the tie-break of the third set.

Looking back now, Zeus also guessed the "risky approach" of the American team.

That was to deliberately put pressure on Echizen Ryoma, the No. 1 singles player, forcing him to win the game.

In a game of 2 wins and 2 losses with no way out, if they fail to succeed, the American team will withdraw today.

This is a heavy bet, and it is conceivable how much infamy it will bear if it fails.

It was hard for Zeus to imagine how much pressure Reinhard would be under to make such a choice.

Even if it was arranged by the coach, with Reinhardt's connections, he couldn't object.

"Sorry, speaking of which, I really want to fight you."

"But... for the sake of the future, this is a choice I have to make. Please forgive me."

Reinhard apologized politely, but he didn't mean to look down on the Greek team.

But he came to such a conclusion after careful consideration and discussion with Nanjiro.

That is to let Ryoma serve as the number one singles player against Zeus.

(He also needs experience against many powerful enemies.)

(Ryoma has not yet reached saturation.)

(This is a pretty good opportunity. Of course, if you object, I won’t force it. What you do depends on your own choice.)

This arrangement was not decided directly and privately by him and the coach, but was stated directly within the team with an open skylight.

Except for Nash, who initially objected, everyone else eventually agreed.

"That young man responded to your expectations."

"It's really incredible."

Turning his head to look at Ryoma wiping his sweat, Zeus felt quite emotional. The courage of the American team could be said to be inhuman when it was given to a country the choice to enter the world.


Hearing this, Reinhard smiled with satisfaction.

"It's all about fighting Team Neon, right?"

"You need that boy's strength."

"So I will help you and fight him with all my strength. Unfortunately, he really exceeded my expectations."

"The last person who surprised me like this was Kuranosuke Shiraishi of Team Neon."

Zeus roughly guessed the intention of the American team in doing this, and then said.

"Yeah. If we fight against the Neon Team."

"Dragon horses are essential."

"He proved it by beating you."

Nodding, Reinhard did not explain too much, but took a long-term view.

"Then I wish you good luck in martial arts."

"We will go to support the finals."

"Thank you. Although we are still in the semi-finals."

"Haha, with such courage, you will definitely win the next game."



In the corridor, Ryoma had just rested against the wall when a tall figure standing in front of him blocked his view.

"Echizen, well done."

Nash looked at the short man and suddenly said.


“The seniors were not very resistant before the game.”

With the corners of his mouth raised slightly, Ryoma wanted to say something mocking, but was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"That was indeed my mistake, because I thought you couldn't do it, and I couldn't give you the key position of the American team to advance."

"Reinhard and Dudu are willing to believe you, but I can't."

"But maybe I should have woken up a long time ago. Having been defeated by a student from Neon Junior High School, I don't have the qualifications to stop you."

"Reinhardt and the coach won. Your potential is indeed higher than mine."

As if he remembered something, Nash's tone was no longer as proud as before, but full of silence.


"I'll also be counting on you for the next games."

"Our American team must succeed!"

For the sake of the mutual agreement with Reinhardt, the man known as the "Demon King" finally put aside his prejudices.

"Tsk, senior doesn't need to tell me, I will do it too."

Looking at the departing figure, Ryoma recalled the trusting eyes of his teammates before the game. When he learned that he was qualified to be the No. 1 singles player, everyone except Nash agreed without any hesitation.

To be honest, Ryoma himself was confused.

(If you are a little bit younger, it should be fine.)

(Hi, Ryoma, are you feeling a lot of pressure?)

(Come on, boy! Our future depends on you.)

(Don’t be nervous, just fight as usual.)

(You guys, Ryoma may have met a general, so it’s strange that there is no pressure)

The atmosphere in which everyone fully trusted his tone and enthusiasm gave Ryoma the courage to face the Greek general.

When he took over the No. 1 singles position, he made up his mind to defeat the opponent and win the final victory.

Living up to expectations, he finally defeated the "omniscient and omnipotent" Zeus in the face of adversity.

Although the process was difficult, it undoubtedly promoted his progress.

"Smelly daddy, I did it!"

With a strange light shining in his eyes, Ryoma remembered the agreement he made with Nanjiro.

That was the declaration made by the once strongest man in the world.

(Ryoma, as long as you defeat the general, I will consider telling you what the "secret of becoming stronger" is.)

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