Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 755 The 752 semi-finals begin! Taneshima and QP!

Chapter 755 752. The semi-finals begin! Taneshima and Q·P!


"Hey, teenagers, do you think the burden is too heavy?"

After the event ended and he led the team back to the hotel at dusk, Nanjiro looked at the thoughtful Ryoma and said with a smile.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"There is no need for the U.S. team to pay such risks and costs."

Time and time again, even if the American team is on the verge of elimination, he still has to face off against the leading players. To be honest, Ryoma really doesn’t understand.

To make him stronger?

If that's all, there's no need to be so "absolute".

"You are still too young."

"Even if you go through training and then fight against the Neon Team, you will definitely not be able to win."

"After all, the level difference is too far."

Ignoring Ryoma's questions, Nanjiro held the tennis ball in his hand and said softly.

"Long Ya is smarter than you"


Ryoma was really a little unconvinced when he was suddenly compared.

"Forget it. Let's wait until you win this time."

"This is your last chance, Ryoma."

"If I win this time, I will really tell you the secret."

As if thinking of something, Nanjiro turned to stare at him and said seriously.


The seriousness in those eyes made Ryoma speechless.

The momentum that was as steady as Mount Tai was clearly not exuding at all, but he couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat.

It wasn't until Nanjiro left that Ryoma swallowed and moved.

He strengthened his will and then murmured softly.

"I will definitely do it to show you!"


"There's no need to scare him like that."

"Besides, do we really have to wait until he is in France after the war to teach again?"

"Maybe it's too late."

At the corner of the hotel corridor, Long Ya looked at Nanjiro walking from the side, not hiding the fact that he was following and eavesdropping.

"It's okay. I specifically asked the competition operator. From the end of the semi-finals to the opening of the finals, there will be five days to spare."

"If he really gets it, that's more than enough time."

Glancing at Long Ya, Nanjiro returned to his usual carefree appearance.

"Besides, don't you know very well?"

"This is not some exercise that takes time to learn, but a spiritual understanding."

"I even asked Reinhard to test it. How can this thing be so easy to learn?"

Ruo pointed, Nanjiro looked at the leisurely Long Ya.

"Hey, have you been spotted?"

The matter of secretly looking for Reinhard was discovered, Long Ya tilted her head and smiled sheepishly.

He did understand the gist of it, so his vision was different from before.

"Let's take a closer look. The French battle dragon horse suddenly performed abnormally and might lose."

"You really know how to say things that go against your will."

Such awkward words are really not like someone's character. On the contrary, Long Ya is more looking forward to Long Ma's next performance.

"By the way, what do you mean when you say Bai Jin understood it before but it was different?"

Hearing Long Ya's inquiry, Nanjiro paused slightly, and then he spoke without looking back.

"What you and Ryoma realize is the "desperate situation" of absolute death."

"That brat Bai Jin rarely encounters disadvantages, how could he be like you?"

These two short sentences made Long Ya fall into deep thought.


"Why do you feel that Echizen Ryoma's state is quite unstable?"

Watching the replay of the game recorded on the videotape, Momoi was shocked.

A group of people who were all related to Ryoma gathered around him.

"Why doesn't he use the power of another dimension?"

In the picture, although Ryoma used his own extra-dimensional incarnation for blessing, he did not use age adjustment or double counterattack.

This caused him to lose quite miserably in the first set.


It was not until the "0-3" period in the second set that Ryoma gradually improved.

"Each time on offense and defense, Echizen becomes stronger."

"He's just the same as before."

"The more dangerous the moment, the more incomprehensible energy can burst out."

Fuji narrowed his eyes and paid attention to this junior, seeming to remember the previous intra-team competition in Qingxue.

He had also played against Echizen before, and this child's outburst in adversity had once surprised him.

"I see."

It wasn't until he saw the score was tied, entered the tie-break, and then Ryoma came back to win, that Shirazu finally figured out what Nanjiro was doing.

(Developing Ryoma’s adaptability in desperate situations?)

(Indeed, the rebound is quite powerful, just like a spring.)

The stronger the oppression and the more dangerous the situation, the more Ryoma gradually squeezed out his hidden strength.

Just like a rag soaked with water, nothing will happen if you lay it flat. If you roll it up and squeeze it hard with your hands, a lot of accumulated water will flow out.

Just look at the games Zeus lost. Ryoma always bursts out with a level of power stronger than him at the last moment, so much so that the omniscient and omnipotent cannot recognize such changes and shut down.

(But once the game is over, it will return to its original level)

(He is jumping sideways repeatedly)

Bai Jin no longer had any interest in observing, and Bai Jin didn't have much hope.

In his opinion, even if the American team advances to the finals, he may not meet Ryoma in the end.

Instead of paying attention to them, it is better to focus on the next game against the German team.


Time passed by with their own efforts, and finally came to the day of the semi-finals.

Germany VS Neon!

USA vs France!

Two different games took place in their respective arenas.

The difference from before is that in the subsequent games, the "odd, even, odd, even" format will be adopted.

"Please enter the number three singles player!"

Following the referee's signal, each other's players also began to enter the field.

"Then I'll go first."

Taneshima picked up his racket, greeted his teammates, and then walked into the court.

Then he saw a familiar figure.

"Are you the first one to fight?"

"It's a bit too surprising."

Looking at the opposing players in front of him, Taneshima smiled bitterly and said.

The team members sent by King Germany are their staff officers.

Has completed its final evolution


There is no doubt that he is the second best player on the German team.

"Taneshima met QP?"

"Did you not expect that Germany would be so cautious in the first battle?"

It was hard to imagine such a choice. Irie looked a little horrified in the stands.

"You seem to be lucky, Haizaki."

"Shut up!"

Knowing that he was adjusted from No. 3 singles to No. 2 singles, Haizaki couldn't help but said angrily when he heard someone making fun of him.

"QP is playing singles and three. Could it be that Polk is playing singles two?"

"Maybe it will be like this, so utilitarian and radical, trying to steal the first three games."

"Team Neon might be finished."

The sound of discussion continued, and they began to speculate.

"I expected to meet one of them."

"Did it turn out to be you?"

QP looked at Taneshima and glanced at the location of Akashi and others without trace.

"Sorry, our team is very humane."

"I don't want anyone to come here in vain."

"So...that's it."

After hearing Zaneshima's response, QP also understood the meaning, and then said in a deep voice.


"Then pay for your arrogance."

Hearing this, Zaneshima laughed instead.

"Winning or losing doesn't matter. Once you show up, my mission will be completed."

Confident words sounded, which made QP frown.


Sleep after get off work!

By the way, Juejuejue is a description in the comics, which refers to the new realm that broke out after Seda and Mars were beaten "0-11".

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