Chapter 767 764. “This is my struggle to become a “monster”!!”

"Watching them win so easily"

"Now do you realize that the world is not that simple?"

Looking at Haizaki who was covered in sweat, Mifune clearly understood the "unhappiness" in his heart.

No. Maybe it’s because of unwillingness.

If only he could be stronger, he might be able to win this set.

What Bismarck said before is quite right.

Haizaki is not them.

Precisely because he was aware of this fact, Bismarck had enough confidence to deal with it.

After all, dealing with "monsters" is different from dealing with "geniuses" in the eyes of ordinary people.

"How do I win?"

Rarely, there was no harsh words or anger. Haizaki lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly, and spoke in a low voice.

"How did they get here?"

"You should know best."

"Are you so unsure that you can't become a "monster"?"

Crossing his legs and scratching his chest, Mifune revealed what Haizaki didn't want to face the most.


That was a group that Haizaki believed he could never win.

It was also the truth that made him see the reality clearly and give in.

"If you accept your fate, you shouldn't be here."

"The badge of NO.15. Why was it given to you?"

"think carefully."

After finishing speaking, Mifune said nothing more.

In his opinion, this guy Haizaki clearly had such potential, but he failed to achieve it.


Picking up the racket, Haizaki once again prepared to return to the court for the third set.


Watching his leaving figure, Mifune felt relieved.

At least this kid isn't as "dead-hearted" as he seems.

In the next World Championship, he is counting on these guys who have become "high school students" to take the lead.

Anything less is a loss.

No matter what, you have to come out with at least a second consecutive championship, right?



"The atmosphere is different."

"The breath has completely settled, what's wrong with Haizaki?"

In the court, the third set of the game was about to begin, and everyone noticed the strange contrast in Haizaki.

Compared with the flamboyance in the first and second sets, he now seems to be a different person.

(Not really good news.)

Bismarck waited for the opponent's serve, but was not too optimistic.

After all, the game has not reached the last minute, and I really don’t know what will happen.


Another powerful serve like Bismarck, Haizaki's plundered skills are still online.


But for Bismarck, it is not difficult to fight back as long as he does not lose his ball control and control.


Deliberately hit the tennis ball and let the ball flip over the net and bounce down gently.

However, Haizaki immediately lowered his body, extended his arms forward, and saved the ball with friction and sliding.

“nice response”

"But it's a pity."

After praising the ball, Bismarck looked at the bouncing ball and came to the net and swung it at the baseline.

"It's kind of scary, that guy."

"Yeah, in the third set, I can still hit the ball to the baseline so accurately."

Seeing the ball flying backward at a fast speed, people in the stands screamed.

"Don't get carried away!"

But Haizaki didn't give up. Instead, he pushed the ground with his hands, bent his knees and jumped out like a slingshot.

"So fast!"

The ball just hit the ground and bounced, but Haizaki was already level with it.


He turned sideways and hit the back-spin ball that way around the court.


(I see, is this your change?)

Bismarck glanced at the ball falling behind him and finally understood what Haizaki's change was.

Compared to the first and second sets, Haizaki now has a more "fighting" drive.

From Bismarck's understanding, this kind of player is quite dangerous.

Because we don’t know whether they will “burn out” or “rebirth”.

"We just have to try to widen the gap as much as possible."

Having made this decision, Bismarck then waited to serve.


As soon as the second serve was hit, Bismarck reached the point with an astonishing pace and then hit the swing.

"So fast!"



Far exceeding the previous level, the ball hit the ground at an extremely fast speed and bounced out.

"The speed of this counterattack was more violent than the first and second sets."

"Has he been hiding his strength before?"

Liu Renji saw that his racket swing was completely different from before, and said in a confused tone.

"Being good at concealing the real ace in the hole is what Bismarck did."

"However, he always makes his move in the tiebreaker, but this time he directly chose to make his move in the overall game."

"It seems that his opponents also put a lot of pressure on him."

Compared to others who were confused, the German team members were already used to it.

Reserve your physical strength, deliberately drag yourself into a tie-break with your opponent, and then defeat your opponent with the help of your hidden strength.

This was Bismarck's usual style.

But now facing Haizaki, he didn't dare to hold anything back.

His intuition told him that if he didn't open up the gap quickly, he would be in big trouble.





Far more ferocious than expected, Haizaki has failed to save twice in a row.

(This guy)

Although he was still as angry as usual, Haizaki did not roar.


The racket touched the ball after a short distance, and Haizaki failed again.

"This round was won by the German team!"



The serve was broken, and the situation began to turn in favor of the opponent.

Holding the racket tightly, Haizaki suddenly realized that the position he was in now was very similar to before.

Rather than being overtaken and defeated by those monsters, Bismarck used the safest strategy to attack.



His "plunder" seemed to have once again brought an advantage, but not a victory.

The result is like going back to the past.




The score difference continued to widen, and Haizaki panted violently.

The energy consumed by constant running caused him to fall into a state of fatigue.

(What are you going to do in the third set?)

Mifune's previous warning echoed in his mind, and now it seemed like he was getting the consequences.

Excessive use of the movements and techniques taken from Bismarck caused the body to be greatly consumed.






Tried to plunder the other side again, but to little avail.

Bismarck learned to control his own rhythm in just two missed goals.



(Why. They can do it, but I can’t!)



His body fell to the ground after chasing the ball. He looked so embarrassed, but his eyes showed an unprecedented fierce light, and his momentum became more and more vigorous.

Although he was clearly in a desperate situation, Haizaki possessed terrifying power.

"Sure enough, it is right to widen the point difference as early as possible."

As if he sensed something, Bismarck was also grateful for the choice he made before.

He deliberately performed those difficult movements and techniques just to make Haizaki consume more physical energy. Although he didn't know whether it would affect the opponent in the end, it was at least a back-up move.

And now widening the point difference is also a means to ensure victory.

The uneasiness in his heart grew, and he began to feel the looming threat from Haizaki.





Standing up again and again and chasing again and again, Haizaki became more and more strenuous.

"It's so miserable."

Aomine stood in the stands and couldn't help but sigh when he saw Haizaki like that.

"You should be glad you didn't stop like he did."

"Otherwise it will be the same fate."

Midorima glanced at him, and then spoke without mercy.

"Humph, what nonsense are you talking about? I will never stop moving forward even if I die."

For Qingfeng, there are so many interesting opponents in this world, how could he stop?

Unless he died on the court, that would be impossible.

"Initially I thought he would be a formidable opponent."

"But now that it has become like this, we can only say that we are the legendary Minran people?"

Kise smiled bitterly when he recalled the "feeling of fear" he felt when he faced Haizaki for the first time.

"It's too early to draw conclusions."

Akashi looked at them, his expression changed and he suddenly said.


"Yes, Haizaki-kun hasn't lost yet."

Compared to the doubts of others, Heizi agreed thoughtfully.



In words, Bismarck is getting closer and closer to victory.

The level he showed at this moment was difficult for Haizaki to deal with.

In a situation where the plunder would be greatly resisted, Haizaki himself did not have many outstanding abilities.

This is also the reason why once he is robbed, he will be defeated like a mountain.

From the first country to the third country, it will always be like that.

Therefore, we are reduced to the position of "gatekeeping".

"It's really hard to watch."

"Where's that unpleasant expression of yours?"

"The half-dead look is so ugly, so dirty!!"

Akutsu was a little tired of watching the unfavorable match on the field, and he roared out angrily.

"Hurry up! Either drown to death with your unchanging plunder! Or win!"

"Stop whining!"



Subconsciously holding the racket tightly, Haizaki naturally heard Akutsu's roar, and he was suddenly startled.

(Haizaki, your plunder seems to be taking effect faster and faster.)

(Oh, not only the moves and movements, but also the control and power of the ball can be taken away?)

(This time our Yamabuki looks promising! I have to work harder and not let myself become a flaw in the singles.)

Looking back on the three years he spent in Yamabuki, although he was trained under the care of his elders, he himself was never good enough.


He obviously has such a powerful talent, but why does he always use it to suffer?

Kise's imitation was similar, but others became one of the "monsters".



What is the difference between him and those monsters?

Exercise time? method? Talent?

These seem to be compensated by the convenience of "plundering".

If that's the case, why can't he become a "monster"?

The sudden realization made Haizaki stop what he was doing.


"This round was won by the German team!"



"Okay! Just one more round and Bismarck will win!"

"Definitely win."

"Yes, the other party was so frightened that they couldn't move."

The constant discussion can be heard clearly.

Bismarck was about to serve. He looked at Haizaki who seemed to have given up and breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as we finish this game with the previous situation and win, there will be no changes.


"Come on!!"

But among the many discordant voices, some different voices of support still sounded.


(Tsk, it’s so noisy)


Hearing the sound, Haizaki started moving with the racket.

(Why did you come?)

His body was much lighter than expected, and he could catch the ball that he originally couldn't catch. Haizaki began to hit back.

In the stands behind, all the members of Yamabuki's team were shouting.

"Are all those guys here?"

"I haven't heard from Mr. Ban yet."

Qianshi looked at a certain place in the auditorium in astonishment, and felt relieved when he saw a group of his peers and familiar juniors.


"This is.?"

As soon as he received the ball, Bismarck seemed to notice something and his expression froze, but he still hit the ball back.

"The thought of being seen by those guys in such a miserable state"

"I feel so inexplicably unhappy!"

Shouting angrily, Haizaki began to run towards the landing point. This time, his pace was unusually fast, and even the strength of his swing was different from before.



This time it was Bismarck's turn to be a little confused.


"It shouldn't be."

Swallowing, Bismarck thought of a terrifying possibility.

He shook his head, even if he wanted to deny it, he still couldn't get rid of the frightening "answer".


The ball was hit, but Haizaki still showed his amazing speed and power.

It's completely different from the "sickly" posture before.



Bismarck tried to catch the ball, but at that moment, the racket was knocked away.



"The racket was blown away?"

Everyone was shocked by this scene and didn't understand why such a thing happened suddenly.


"What a surprise."

"Aren't you satisfied with taking away your opponent's skills, movements, and moves?"

Holding his numb wrist, Bismarck shed a drop of cold sweat and said to Haizaki, whose demeanor changed greatly.

A group of people looked at Bismarck blankly, wondering why he said that.

"Haizaki Him"

"robbed Bismarck of his strength and speed"


In the stands, Riakishi directly revealed the secret.

With the ability of the Eye of Heavenly Emperor, he could see through the subtle changes in the bodies of both parties.

His statement also caused consternation among others.

In the field, Haizaki also raised his head appropriately. He looked directly at Bismarck, his whole body exuding a gray light, looking so ominous and strange.

"I don't want to lose again."

"It doesn't matter in what form, I want to win!"

"I will take victory away from you!"

“This is my struggle to be a ‘monster’!!”


4K big chapter, I will update it tonight.

The last chapter was purely written, but I subconsciously concluded that Haizaki won that round. After being reminded later, I realized something was wrong. It was a bit tricky, I can only say.

It was originally expected that Haizaki's final battle would be to step over the "gatekeeper" treatment, so this could be regarded as another price.

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