Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 778 775 Let’s turn the situation around!

Chapter 778 775. Turn the situation around!

"God's Fist Crush·Shock Wave!!"


"This set was won by the Neon representative team."



When the referee announced the score, the entire venue was in a commotion.

As the strongest professional player currently active, Polk was defeated by an overwhelming margin of victory by a "little famous" junior high school student.

This kind of news is simply an unimaginable picture for those viewers and sponsors.

But for many players, this seems to be a very reasonable result.

"This is the fourth glorious power"

Zeus stood on the aisle, looked at the field with a calm expression and sighed.

Even his omniscience and omnipotence cannot cope with this endless growth.

"Compared to him, I feel like a primitive man."

Gorgias and his brother Noah stood together. They were watching this heavyweight game and couldn't help criticizing it.

It is said that players with reserved light can cause a stir in the world, but if you compare it with Shirazu Jisung, you will know that they are not on the same level at all.

Even the ultimate quality of Q·P cannot be surpassed

"The undisputed strongest glory."

"The German team's Q·P and the Neon team's Akashi Seijuro, their new glory is already absolutely suppressive in front of many players."

"But the brilliance of Bai Jinzhixing is above that."

Camus of the French team stroked his racket, and he could feel the demand contained in the opponent's brilliance.

The light of love needs to truly appreciate and enjoy the fun brought by tennis.

The Light of Silence needs to realize the powerful origin and understand the brevity of its limit.

The light of fortitude needs to become stronger because of someone.

The brilliance of Q·P and Akashi are both awakened separately from the three-in-one, and they also have corresponding personal conditions.

Camus closed his eyes and felt the remaining breath and atmosphere on the field, and then murmured in a low voice.

"And the requirement for understanding the Infinite Light is probably..."

"Are you sure you can win in one go?"

"Well, the normal situation would be like that. Unfortunately, the opponent is Polk. He should cause some trouble in the second set."

Faced with Mifune's question, Shiratsu thought carefully for a while before answering.

Although he won the first set easily, it did not mean that his opponent was weak.

Apart from Nanjiro, Polk is the only one who can fight back with the blessing of his Three Gods + Infinite Light.

In the past, even when fighting Akashi and the others, Bai Jin would occasionally play Shan Huan Shen and Wuji Light.

This time, a huge battle was specially prepared for Polk, preparing to bury him with great splendor.

"Although that guy was suppressed by you just now, it's obvious that he has touched something."

"I know I should have unlocked the limiter on a regular basis and taken that step completely, just like me."

"But it's a pity that I played earlier than him."

Speaking with such confidence, Bai Jin started to look forward to it.


"Hey, you guys can always bring new and different tricks to the times."

"If that boy Nanjiro had met you, I'm afraid he would have been completely different."


After walking into the court and throwing the ball on the ground, Bai Jin looked at Polk who had calmed down.

The effectiveness of the infinite light began to activate again, and the power of the three-body phantom god was still maintained.


A blue stream of light blasted out, and the moves belonging to the Titan Soldier reappeared.


Facing the incoming ball, Polk stood up straight, twisted his waist to move his arms, shouted and waved his arms at the same time.


"Hoo ho ho"

A sudden explosion occurred, and the air flow roared in the venue.

But the outcome of this confrontation was beyond everyone's expectations.

All the veins were exposed on Polk's arm as he swung the racket, and red arrogance erupted from his body.

He hit the ball back effortlessly.



Looking at the meteor that looked like a red lotus in surprise, Bai Jin seemed to have discovered something.

"Kaiou Fist?"

"No. It seems to be just simple."

"Polk absorbed the energy of nature and turned it into the power he needed at the moment."

There are also cases where knowledgeable people see through Polk immediately.

"Oh oh oh"


In everyone's view, Polk's already exaggerated physique has grown even bigger, and he looks like a little giant from a distance.

"Breaking the limiter, and starting to use the energy around me to strengthen myself after being freed from restraints."

There is a theory of "energy" in nature, and the most common one is the so-called "qi".

But now Polk is making up for the shortcomings by absorbing a large amount of energy.

"No wonder I restrained myself so much before. It turns out I was gathering energy all the time."

"I really couldn't figure out whether you were Jiren or Saitama for a while."

Being able to feel Polk's amazing courage, Bai Jin became happy.

Polk in this state

It's enough for him to enjoy.


The shock wave attached to the Titan Soldier was counterattacked by it, and Polk also showed off a new move.

The ball he hit with his bent arms formed a huge spatial distortion as soon as it hit the ground.

"The baptism of the whirlpool!"



"So fierce!!"

It felt like people were being pulled in from the auditorium, and most people were so frightened that they quickly grabbed the armrests or chairs next to them.

The ball passed through the air again, and each time it moved forward, it would be strangely twisted. Spiral airflow was generated, forming a series of "flower seas" in the air.

"Oh wow, so exciting."

The twisted vortex even hindered Bai Jin's counterattack.


"At this point the racket seems a little inadequate."

Looking at the twisted head of the racket in his hand, Bai Jin threw it on the chair where Mifune was sitting.

Even with the protection of armed color and domineering, it is difficult to prevent the distortion of space.

"Use spiral airflow to protect the forward movement of the ball and hinder the opponent's racket contact."

"Similar to a black hole that swallows everything, the energy close to the past will be wiped out."

"Is this the trick that Polk realized with his new power?"

Bismarck was a little surprised by this performance and felt incredible at the power it displayed.

"Baptism of the whirlpool!!"

"Underworld's waning moon breaks!!"

As if they were fighting against each other, Polk and Shirazu used their own moves against each other.

The dark crescent moon touched the twisted vortex and disappeared in an instant.

"This game was won by the German team"



The win back finally made the German team breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems you have finally gained the power you are satisfied with."

Kan Letru stared at Polk, and then murmured reassuringly.

What Polk has always lacked is a decisive "move".

Judging from his extreme five-dimensional appearance, we can tell that he is an all-round player who plays a basic style.

But in this world, just being high enough in the fifth dimension is not enough to ensure victory. Necessary moves and skills will also determine the outcome.

Just like in some games, if your opponent uses moves that you can't solve, you can keep scoring points. Once you solve them, there will be no follow-up.

A pure tie-A score is only based on the situation where the gap between the two sides is too large.

This is why Polk tried to find players who could resonate before. He wanted an equivalent "ultimate move".

This is the case with the "infinite tornado" created by one-sided resonance with Tezuka in the main drama and linked to the supreme realm.

What he lacks is "moves"!


"Reverse the situation! Like a whirlpool"


Belated Christmas greetings!

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