Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 790 787 bears the name of

Chapter 790 787. Carrying the name of "Echizen"! I can never lose! (4K)


"This set was won by Team USA."



Having seized the first set with renewed strength, it was time for a break.

"Unparalleled in ancient and modern times."

"I see. Did he teach it to his older adopted son?"

Looking at Akutsu walking back, Mifune glanced at Nanjiro who was talking to Ryuya in surprise and said.

For Mifune, that was definitely an extremely familiar scene.

He once witnessed Nanjiro defeat countless players with this "state power".

"whispering sound"

Sitting on the chair, Akutsu curled his lips, as if thinking about something.

"If it were another kid, I might still be worried."

"But if you say it, it should be fine."

Without saying much, Mifune looked at Akutsu's expression and spoke.

"of course."

"I will definitely win."

Likewise, he did not go to Mifune to ask specifically about the details and weaknesses of "Gu and Jin Wushuang".

Akutsu is also full of unique arrogance, and he wants to defeat the opponents in front of him by his own means.


"I was forced to use it in the first set."

"For that boy who is very passionate about tennis, what you did is actually very bad."

Nanjiro glanced at Long Ya, and then reminded him.

"I know, but in that state, if you want to win in one breath, this is the only way."

"If you take your time, you will only lose in the end."

"Such a result will greatly affect the subsequent game."

In a best-of-three-set match, the outcome of the first set is very critical for evenly matched players.

If it weren't for the overwhelming pressure from Ajiujin, Long Ya wouldn't have chosen to use it at this time.

"Well, try your best to get it."

"After all, that's all I can teach you."

"What Ryoma can't learn is very suitable for you."

Cross-legged on the chair, Nanjiro was also pleased with Ryuya and Ryoma today.

These two people can be regarded as growing up on the path they believe in.

"Haha, the little one is different from me."

"I am here to surpass you"

"He is trying to surpass others."

After moving his shoulders, Long Ya spoke with a relieved smile.


"In such turbulent will make it sooner or later."

"So I'm proud of you."

He reached out and patted Long Ya on the head. In the latter's stunned look, Nanjiro said seriously.

Hearing this, he stood up, and then walked into the arena with his racket in hand. At the same time, he opened his mouth slightly and spoke in a determined tone.

"Now, I have to win."

"Whether it's as a son"

"As a brother."



Holding the ball and standing on the baseline, Akutsu noticed Longya's unusually high momentum as soon as he came on the court.

"bring it on!"


She is not as "cold" as in the main drama, and it is rare for her to be passionate. Long Ya is still a person of good temper.

"Knock you out!"

The two-headed dragon flashes the serve, and with the mixture of light hitting and unconsciousness, it has more than ten attack trajectories.


A violent whirlwind rolled up out of thin air with Long Ya as the center, and all the tennis balls flying in different trajectories were absorbed into one position.

"Samurai Domain."

"With that move, no matter how many attacks there are, they will be sucked back!"

It can be called the ultimate weapon of Wuwuji and Alayaji. It uses air pressure to directly pull the ball to the place where you need to swing.

It is much more convenient than the Tezuka Domain which requires activation with rotation force.

"Unparalleled in ancient and modern times!!"

Facing the blow full of rapid destructive power, Long Ya took a good stance and struck it.



I could only vaguely hear the sound of the ball hitting the ground. When I came back to my senses, the ball had turned into powder on the ground.

"That seems to be much more powerful than Atobe's "power"."

Also as a "potential", Atobe can only be said to be a small infinite light or a small desperate situation.

Unparalleled in ancient and modern times, it fully demonstrates the power of "I am the only one who dominates".

It can only be said that he is worthy of the power of the realm that Nanjiro has comprehended.

Now displayed by Long Ya, it also looks so terrifying.







In the field of vision, almost every time he scored through a direct counterattack, Akutsu's serve was broken just like that.

"It's not as simple as a simple five-dimensional improvement."

"It's that the swing contains the characteristics of "momentum"."

"So we have the confidence and possibility to counterattack any ball that comes our way."

The only ones that can counterattack the most unsolvable offensive skills are those extraordinary methods and moves.

"It seems Akutsu can't win by just using Alaya consciousness."

Having made this judgment, the situation on the field still has not improved.

"Low ball from the opposite corner."

Determining the ball played by Long Ya, Akutsu ran nearby and hit it with a backhand.


The racket made a concussive sound, and the hand that caught the ball was slightly bent.

"I don't care what you are!"

As if twisting with brute force, Akutsu made a low sound.


Unparalleled in ancient and modern times?

Those don't matter, Akutsu doesn't care at all what moves, techniques, fighting styles, or realm his opponent uses.

There was only one thing he had to do from beginning to end.

That's "victory"!

Blood vessels and veins were exposed on the skin, and there was a faint black energy rising around the body, showing an extremely horrifying picture.




The ball was returned.

The racket was knocked away along with Long Yana.


"That is."

"Amara Consciousness!"

Looking at Ajiujin, who had directly upgraded his standards by another level, Long Ya's expression became serious.

The ninth consciousness in the realm of spiritual consciousness.

That is an area that has never been explored before.





"It's really intense."

The sound of hitting the ball rang in my ears, and the images of constant swings on both sides came into my eyes.

Everyone felt that the vibration in the air had never stopped.

There are even some cracks in the front guardrail.



The situation was reversed.

With overwhelming strength, Akutsu once again regained the initiative in the game.

"Sure enough, it was right to win the first set first."

"Otherwise, I would have to face a force like yours in a headwind situation."

"It's really hard to have time to adapt."

Wiping the beads of sweat that began to appear on his forehead, Long Ya spoke softly.

The ancient and modern unparalleled skills he used were difficult to fight against Akutsu who used Amaro consciousness.

Therefore he needs a "digestion" process.

Let your body, nerves, and instincts gradually get used to the opponent in this state.

This is why Long Ya was lucky to win the first set.

Because this means that he at least has more than one game to feel the power of Amaro Consciousness and think about the possibility of counterattack.


"This game was won by the Neon team"



The score difference is still widening, but everyone basically understands one thing.

That is, once unable to resist Akutsu in the state of Amaro consciousness, Long Ya will have absolutely no chance of winning.


The ball passed by, Long Ya turned his head and looked over, his reaction a little slower than half a beat.


"come on!!"

"come on!!"

Don't be discouraged, the members of the American team are also supporting him.

"You haven't seen Long Ya like that, have you?"

Reinhard turned his head and glanced at Ryoma, then asked with a smile.


"I thought he never took it seriously."

Ryoma nodded and looked at Long Ya who was constantly fighting on the field. This was also the first time he saw him.

No longer being careless or frivolous, but dealing with it on the court with a serious attitude.

The reason why Ryoma disliked Ryuya in the first place was that he acted so much like Nanjiro that he subconsciously felt a little "disgusted".

But now it seems that both of them are actually the same model of players.

"What he's going through now is nothing more than what your father didn't go through."

"So no matter what, he will be able to achieve his dream in the end."

Reinhardt said slowly, knowing Long Ya's true situation very well.


Speaking of this, Ryoma still somewhat understood the implications of Reinhardt's words.

Back then, Nanjiro didn't have as many strong players of the same age as Ryuya.

Reinhard already regards Ryuya as the "stronger" Nanjiro at the same stage.

It also indicates that Ryuya will surpass Nanjiro sooner or later and become the second world-famous "Echizen".

Seamless, unparalleled, and chaotic hitting.

This proves his strong qualifications.

"It will be more powerful than that dad's height."

Muttering in a low voice, Ryoma unknowingly felt that it was not impossible.

Compared with him who abandoned the "Samurai Way", Ryuya is indeed closer to Nanjiro.

And he was chasing someone else.



Although he was still losing points, as a member of the battle, Long Ya did not relax.

(His movements are too smooth, and his swing control is amazing.)

(In a head-to-head confrontation, I have no chance of winning now.)

Even though he is using the unparalleled and seamless skills of ancient and modern times, Long Ya currently has no chance of winning.



The power of Amara consciousness is simply two extremes compared to Alaya consciousness.

Because Amaro Consciousness does not separate clones, but uses Akutsu himself to form a unique "attack".

The enhanced fifth dimension is also included, which is stronger than using Long Ya who is unparalleled in ancient and modern times.

Being suppressed in all aspects, it was naturally difficult for Long Ya to even fight back.


The racket was knocked away again, along with the collapse of the wall behind and the shocked spectators.

"This game was won by the Neon representative team"



It was a huge score difference, completely different from the back-and-forth in the first set.

"It seems that it will take some time."

Sweating, Long Ya went outside the court again and took out a new racket, and then murmured.

At present, he is still adapting to the trouble caused by the opponent's "speed".

I can't think about whether I can fight back at the moment.


A deep sound came out, Akutsu held the racket in his hand, and he looked extremely vicious.


The ball was thrown up and he struck it with his long arms.

The strong body brings about explosive rapids.


The ball hit the ground like a fleeting meteor and then bounced up.

"Akutsu like that is really a headache."

"A very familiar sense of savagery, the same as Aomine-kun."

"They are all beasts after all."

"Hey! Why do you say this so strangely?"

Akutsu in this state has only appeared in exhibition games with Amadeus.

Therefore, they did not understand the specific situation deeply.

But now it seems to be powerful enough to compete with several ministers.

"He is the only one who can let Zone protect him like this, right?"

(There are also black ones)

Hearing the words of others, Bai Jin couldn't help but want to say those words.

Akutsu is the "Ryuya" for Zone, and Kuroko is the "Ryuuma".

There is no one other than Kuroko who can swim freely in various states of the Zone.



It has reached the final point of Akutsu's match. With his serve again, the second set can be brought to an end.

"But is it okay for him to use it that way?"

"It looks very dangerous."

But at the same time, some people are worried about the risks brought by Amaro Consciousness. After all, from Wuwu Consciousness to Alaya Consciousness, the conditions for use have always been very strict.

Even Akutsu needs a lot of training to become "normal".

As for the stronger ninth consciousness, Amaro consciousness, we don’t know what kind of subsequent impact it will have.

It's not the first time they've encountered this because of side effects.

It is natural to have such worries.

"Do you think there's a problem and he won't be able to use it?"

"Everyone is competing to see whose life is tougher."

"Never consider the consequences."

A simple exchange resulted in silence.

The most obvious example is that the Byodo-in, Oni, Tokugawa, and Taneshima groups are still "eating" around a table in the hospital.

Are you afraid to use it if there are side effects or sequelae?

Are you kidding, who do you think they are?

No matter what happens, use it first and then talk about it. What will happen afterwards is not within the scope of consideration.

All I can say is that he is so willful.

"Oh oh oh!!"



The final serve was hit, and with Akutsu's deep roar and the scene of Ryuya being shot flying again, the second set also came to an end.

"This set was won by the Neon representative team."



"Tough! Invincible!! The strongest!!!"

Like shouting strange slogans, a large number of voices filled the stands following Akutsu's victory.


"It seems that he still has a little problem controlling Amaro Consciousness."

"But if there is no pressure, you can play the whole game in the next set."

Nanjiro touched his chin, looked at Long Ya who was silent next to him and was covered with a towel, and gave him some hints.

"Hehe, to be honest, he is really too strong."

The eyes were flashing with color, and what was revealed under Long Ya's hidden expression was the emotion of joy.

"Well, it's okay to enjoy it."

“But if ‘Jue Ji Jue Ming’ is triggered, you have to consider what will happen to you.”

"You are different from that boy Ryoma"

Nanjiro reminded Long Ya after he warned her very seriously.

"Well, those complicated things are not within my scope of consideration."

"Just like the Neon guys."

"It's nothing more than a gamble with my life. Why wouldn't I dare to do what they can do?"

"Even if it burns out, I will bring you the most glorious thing. After all"

"I'm not playing professionally at this moment."

"With the name of "Echizen" on my back, I can never lose!"

PS: 4K make-up of yesterday’s plus today’s.

I was called out for a dinner party last night.

So I took advantage of the situation and made up for the missing chapter from yesterday.

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