Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 833 12Don’t stop!

Chapter 833 12. Don’t stop!


"Is that the waterfall serve from senior Qian?"

"Can you fight back?"

"Look, there's actually a second acceleration and change!"


"But it doesn't seem to be of any use."


The new moves are on display, but this change is not difficult for Polk, and he easily seizes the key opportunity to swing the ball back.


But after hitting the ball back, Polk slightly noticed the disharmony.

He doesn't seem to have the "touch" to catch the ball?

"Did you find out so soon?"

Ryoma hit a normal light shot and chuckled.

"Yukimura Seiichi's five senses are destroyed?"

Facing the incoming ball, Polk hit it back expressionlessly and then spoke.

He knew about this similar mental attack from Q·P's information, and had also witnessed it before when Tezuka and Yukimura fought.

"Half of the answer is correct."


Ryoma replied with a meaningless expression.

"How could the destruction of the five senses be effective on Polk?"

Some people in the stands have already seen the problem and raised questions.

You must know that he is the strongest man in the professional league now and has never been defeated.

How could a mere mental oppression affect him?

"It turns out that Echizen Ryoma is stronger than we thought."

"His strange skills, his strong body and his almost perfect style of play."

"It has surpassed the level of a junior high school student."

Hearing Q·P's comments, Elmer was completely stunned.

While everyone was still competing for the title of "first" junior high school student, a junior from junior high school directly overtook him and fell out of the scope of "junior high school student"?

Does this have to be so shocking?

Elmer felt that the sense of accomplishment brought by finally practicing the "Reserved Light" seemed to have disappeared.

"Tezuka, you have a junior who is far too outstanding."

Bismarck glanced at Tezuka who was sitting and praised him.

“He found his own path and fought for it and succeeded.”

Although he didn't know what happened to Ryoma during this period, Tezuka was still happy for his changes.

What makes Tezuka most gratified is that even though Ryoma has become so strong, he still has not forgotten the companions he spent time with.

Those moves that are constantly being used are not giving so-called "tips" and a way forward.



After catching the ball again, Polk also knew what the "half" in Ryoma's words meant.

He didn't hit the "destroying five senses" at all.

"The ultimate sense of destruction!"

"How does it feel?"



The field of vision had completely disappeared, and he was caught off guard and failed to encounter Ryoma's counterattack.


Seeing this scene, Yukimura began to think about everything.

He understood the principle behind Ryoma's move.

It means to concentrate the "scattered" power of "destroying the five senses" and focus on attacking the opponent's "one sense".

"Destroying the five senses" doesn't work for people, so focus more and use your ultimate mental power to defeat the opponent's "first sense".

Although it cannot be as omnipotent as "destroying the five senses", losing the "one sense" will still cause huge trouble to the other party.

This kid.

It really helped me get out of a misunderstanding.


As the name suggests, he seems to have not fully explored the usage of this area.

"Come on."

"Or do you want to continue to test and observe?"

After regaining his vision, Polk looked at Ryoma, but heard the other party's provocative words.


"You really shouldn't be underestimated."

Hearing this, he closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, but Polk felt a sense of anticipation that he had not seen for a long time.

He never thought that meeting this junior high school student would make him want to give it a try.


The arm muscles were already bulging, and Polk hit that powerful blow.


Astonishing air waves shook the racket surface, and people could even see that the exaggerated swing picked up the wind and blew around it.

"Well done!"

That powerful goal left Ryoma without any fear.

Everyone found that he had no intention of avoiding, but instead rushed directly towards the ball.

"Is it possible that he wants to hit the ball back head-on?"

"Can it be done?"

There is no doubt that the ball of pure power cannot be easily blocked.


But what followed was the roar that resounded throughout the stadium.



The sudden thunder and lightning swallowed up the ball and flew towards Polk's court, knocking him away.

"Thunder beast strikes!"

In the thick smoke and dust, Ryoma said the name of the move.

If this were Polk in his own world, I'm afraid it wouldn't be effective at all.

After all, his game wasn't perfect.

But even so, it is already a very intimidating move for players in this world.


Huge potholes appeared in Polk's field, and people could only see the deflated sphere.

"What a powerful force!"

"That's even more powerful than my Wave Ball!"

"How can a body like that have such power?"

After the smoke and dust cleared, a tsunami-like sound erupted along with the silence in the arena.




All kinds of emotions filled the surroundings, and everyone began to have a change in Ryoma's performance.

At first I thought he was just overestimating his own capabilities and that Team Neon was destroying itself.

But now it seems.

They still lacked knowledge and underestimated the young man.

"It's not over yet."

"The parade of moves has only begun now."

Pointing the racket at Polk, Ryoma said in a swaggering voice.

This first game

Just think of it as a "performance".

"Huh haha"

"Interesting, I haven't met an interesting player like you for a long time."

"As expected of Echizen Nanjiro's son, you have qualifications that surpass him."

Hearing what Ryoma said, Polk was not angry but happy. Then he picked up the racket and prepared to continue regardless of the damaged court.

"Don't compare me to that stinky old man who is stuck in his ways."

"He is just a monk who wastes most of his life just ringing the bell and my goal is."

"The Avenue of Stars on the Infinite Road!"

Recalling Nanjiro, Ryoma laughed like a fool.

Ever since he learned about the realm that Bai Jin-senpai had reached, the father who had always maintained his health had changed.

Usually he would practice ball quietly behind others' backs, and from time to time he would go to Tezuka and Akutsu, who occasionally came back to play neon, to play seriously.

These are what his sister Nanako specifically told him in the email.

Although he is already very old, that old naughty boy is still obsessed with tennis.

It can only be said that Shirazu-senpai has whetted the "appetite" of many people.


What kind of scenery is that? Not only he and his seniors are curious, but Nanjiro still has a "childlike innocence" as a tennis player.

In that sentence, it is

Don't stop!

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