"I didn't expect the game to turn out like this. "

"It seems that Okayama Oku also has a master, and he can be compared with Makinoto's Kaji Wind for so long. "

"It's no wonder that we can make it to the finals, but I don't know if Kazuya Tokugawa can win. "

The audience around whispered.

"Okayama Oku's guy is really amazing!"

Ping Shanzhi didn't make a difference this time, but said with a surprised face.

Shitenhoji Temple and Makinoto can be said to be old rivals.

In previous years' competitions, it was generally the two schools that competed for the championship of the Kansai Tournament.

So he is very aware of the strength of Kaji Fengduo.

Not to mention in Kansai, even if it is placed in the whole country, it is a top-level player.

"His name is Kazuya Tokugawa, I heard that he came back from Germany, and he used to be a member of the academy team of a club. "

Yuan Zhe also accosted.


"Academy player, then why did he come to Japan?"

Mori Shouzaburo looked surprised.

Germany is world-renowned, and it stands to reason that it is impossible for a German-raised athlete to come to Japan.

"Who knows. "

The crowd shook their heads, then looked at the continuation of the game.

As the third game began, the two sides exchanged possession and the situation changed again.

In the absence of serve, Gajifeng lost many points one after another.



Tokugawa took the lead again.

"In terms of return, I'm not a match for Kazuya Tokugawa at all!"

Gajifeng clenched his fists more.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that he could only dominate the service game.

"So, if I want to win, I can only start on the serve!"


Hit the speed ball quickly.

Tokugawa frowned, knowing that Kaji Feng had to repeat his old tricks.

However, looking at the tennis ball that rushed towards it after bouncing up, I could only chase it quickly and then shoot back.


The light in the sky dimmed.

Look up.

Kaji Feng Duo really leaped up.

Powerful smash!


The tennis ball roared down, and the speed was a little faster.

Tokugawa wanted to raise his racket and shoot back.

But the tennis ball has turned into an afterimage and rushed to the bottom line, and it is impossible to catch up if you want to chase it.


Score more points with the wind of gaji!

"If I want to score, I have to catch this smash ball!"

Tokugawa's brow furrowed.

He knew the key to breaking the tactic.

As long as you can catch the smash ball, this tactic will naturally solve head-on.

However, Kaji Feng Duo also knows this, so every time he smashes, he will use all his strength to smash.

The smash under full strength, the speed and strength are extremely amazing, making it difficult for him to react for a while.


Kajifeng tosses a tennis ball more.

On tiptoe, the racket swings quickly.


A crisp hit sounded, and the tennis ball burst out at an incredible speed.

"Maybe it can be solved in another way!"

Tokugawa's eyes flickered, and his body rushed out.

This time he didn't swing the racket directly, but cut the racket crosswise.


The high-speed cutting makes the tennis ball spin.

After flying into the air, Kaji Kazado really jumped.


The racket swings down.

But soon his face noticed a change.

The spin of the tennis ball made his swing stagnant and his force diminished.


The tennis ball fell quickly.

Tokugawa's eyes flashed, and the racket swept away.


The high-speed cutting racket made a mark in the air and slammed the ball hard.

The struck tennis ball flies.

At this time, Kajifeng had just landed, and he couldn't jump a second time.

I wanted to rush to the bottom line and fight back, but it was too late.


The tennis ball hits the ground and bounces out of bounds.


Tokugawa scores.

"The combination of a high-speed ball and a smash is really tough. "

"But as long as you weaken your smashing power and give me a chance to react, then this tactic will naturally be solved head-on!"

Tokugawa said coldly.

He was just thinking about speeding himself up and catching the other man's smash.

But subconsciously neglected to start with the return high-speed ball.

If a spin is applied on a tennis ball.

Although it can't stop Gajifeng from smashing more, it can affect the opponent's smash strength.

The decrease in strength naturally weakens the speed.

At this time, he will be able to completely crack this tactic.


Kajifeng snorted coldly, his face a little ugly.

Because he knew that his tactic might not be able to be used.

"Kaji is in trouble?"

On the right, Vetaro frowned.

The situation on the field seems to be similar, but anyone can see that Tokugawa is gradually picking up the rhythm.

Once Tokugawa took control of the rhythm, it was time for Kaji to lose.

"I didn't expect there to be such a master in the Kansai region?"

The unbroken iron man said in a deep voice.

"Next time I meet this guy, I will definitely sacrifice him with blood!"

Atsukyo Tono sneered.

"Sure enough, there is still a lack of training!"

Byodoin said lightly.

When these words fell, everyone's hearts jumped.

Knowing that if Kaji Feng loses the game, it is estimated that he will be trained alone by the Byodoin again.

The thought of the horror of Byodoin gave everyone a shudder.

on the pitch.

The game continues.

As the high-speed ball was broken, Kaji Fengduo was slowly suppressed.

And the scores of the two sides are also slowly pulling apart.


The moment Kajikado hit the topspin ball, Tokugawa rushed out.

The racket is swept and the tennis ball flies upside down over the net.

Then it flew close to the ground and eventually broke out of bounds.


The impact sounded, and the tennis ball bounced out of bounds.


The game is over.

The audience fell into a deathly silence in an instant.

Everyone's eyes widened and they couldn't seem to believe what was in front of them.

"Plus........ How much did you lose?"

"How is that possible?!"

"I remember that Kajifeng is mostly the NO.2 of Munoto, how can this kind of master lose?"

The audience came back to their senses, and then there was an uproar.

Everyone looked at Tokugawa in shock, and they didn't understand why this unknown boy was able to defeat Kaji Futa, who was not a name of Makinoto.

"Looks like this game isn't over so soon!"

Heizen said with a serious face.


"The end result is probably a surprise to everyone. "

Yuan Zhe also replied.

Okayama Oku has a master like Tokugawa, and it is inevitable that there will not be a second.

If it is really as rumored, there are three masters, maybe they can really defeat Munoto. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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