Net King’s Beginning With Breathing Method

Chapter 138: Invisible Pressure

"Great, it's the head of the trace department!"

The members who were watching from afar across the stadium looked happy. After seeing the appearance of the Bingdi Zhengxie, they seemed to have taken a reassurance in their hearts.


"If you are lazy in training time, run 30 laps for me."

Nabu yelled, making those members pale. Although they knew that it was because someone came to the tennis club to make trouble, no one dared to refute Nabu's words.

After all, this is the fact in front of us.

"Go out to my uncle!"

With a wave of his hand, there was a chill on Trace Department's face. He was very dissatisfied with the mental state of the tennis club today.


With dozens of people leaving the court, the court quickly became empty. Those reserve members could only run on the playground outside while looking at the court from time to time.

They still have some good ideas about how the Ministry of Miracles will deal with Ajujin's problem.

"You are Ajutsu!"

With a look of interest in his eyes, Tracebu walked towards Ajutsu step by step, while his sharp gaze kept looking at his whole body.

"You are Keigo Atobe."

The momentum in his eyes was not weak at all, and Ajutsu just held the racket and stood there staring at the mark.

Originally, his goal at the beginning was the person in front of him, but he didn't expect that he hadn't even hit the blue-haired guy on the other side.

"Nice look, you are welcome to join this uncle's kingdom!"

Seemingly satisfied with the arrogance on Akujin, Tsuki smiled and stretched out one of his hands.

Ajutsu was slightly startled, he thought that the trace department was here to make trouble for him, after all, he had indeed interfered with the training of the entire tennis club before.

His pale yellow eyes turned slightly, and he looked at the shirt Yuu beside Jibu.

Sensing Akutsu's gaze, Tsung Yuu didn't say anything, just blinked at him and smiled.

"Hey, I'll join the tennis club for the time being, but you can't help but play when the time comes!"

With a very arrogant tone, Ajiuzin stretched out his hand and squeezed the mark, while still not forgetting to let out cruel words.

Except for the upper shirt Yuu and the trail department, everyone else was surprised. Topsong Yu understands that Akutsu is such an awkward character, while Tracee has his eyes gleaming and his face is very confident.

"If you have this ability..."

Staring at Ajiujin's eyes, Uncle Tsubu said so arrogantly.

"Also, what you said, I can't assume that I didn't hear it."

Pushing his glasses gently, when he walked over from the other side of the court, he just heard Akutsu's declaration just now.

"Heh... wait and see!"

With a soft snort, Ajutsu couldn't help holding the racket in his palm.

Compared to Yamabuki's tennis club, he was really excited here, and a long-lost spirit of reluctance appeared in his mind.

The last time this emotion appeared was when he was in elementary school, when he always wanted to challenge various middle school students.

"Okay, okay, it's not a bad idea. Although everyone knows it, Ajutsu, you still need to take the position you are currently picking."

Shang Shan Yu stepped forward and patted Akutsu on the shoulder, then smiled.

Although he introduced Ajutsu, and Coach Satobe and Sakaki have tasted his abilities just now, he still needs to get some things by himself.

The purpose of Bingdi is to supreme strength.

Ajutsu's shoulders stiffened slightly, and he did not dodge away from Yuu Yu's palm.

He took a deep breath and said, "Don't be too proud, I am here to defeat you!"

Then, Ajutsu threw the racket in his hand towards the shirt, and continued to speak: "This is the racket you dropped last time!"

After speaking, there was no more time for everyone to react. He put one hand in his pants Kabuto, took his canvas bag from the sidelines and left the tennis court.

"Don't forget tomorrow's training."

The sound of Jie Yuu's chuckle reached his ears accurately.


Ajujin took a physical meal, leaving only such a sentence, and then he took a bigger step.

"How do I feel he is a little shy?"

Pausing to rub his chin, he said a word that everyone was a little shocked. Everyone looked at each other and looked at Shinzuo with admiration.

"Ahem... That Shishi, you and Akutsu are in the same class. You will fill out this entry application with him tomorrow."

Eyes are quick and fast, Jie Yuu took an entry application form for the tennis club from Huadi, but he hadn't filled it in yet, so Ajujin ran away.

"I...I'll go!?"

Shido Liang's face turned pale, and he panicked a little.

"Hey, why are you such a big reaction? Isn't it..."

As if he had noticed something, Xiang Riyue's eyes flashed, and he put his arm around Shinto Liang's shoulder and leaned over.

"Nothing happened between me and him, I will give it to him."

Shiobe Ryo hurriedly took the order, fearing that he had said more than he should have said.

It would be shameful to let everyone know that he was swollen by a tennis ball when he was playing against Ajujin and didn't dare to come to school.

"This silly boy!"

Shang Shan You looked at him speechlessly, isn't it even more suspicious if you say this?

Sure enough, a trace of Eight Trigrams appeared in their eyes.

"Unexpectedly, this kid Shido had a friendship with Akutsu."

This is the common idea of ​​a few people who don't know.

"Speaking of which, forbearance you really gave me a big surprise this time."

After discussing the affairs of Akutsu, Yuu Shunyu turned his attention to Yuji Shinzu.

Who would have thought that in such a short period of time, Renzu opened a door to the realm of selflessness.

"It's just luck, and now the state of selflessness is still not a small burden for me."

Thinking that he had opened the door of selflessness because he missed the championship, the corners of his mouth were slightly bitter.

It's a pity that time can't be reversed. His current goal is to continue to grow stronger, so strong that it won't happen again.

"If you have a chance, come and fight again!"

Looking at the expression on his face, Tsung Yuu probably guessed some of the reasons.


He smiled softly, and when he was a talented first-time Master, he was shocked by the track department who was training with him. He is also looking forward to predicting how many balls will be needed by Yuu.

Then, Shang Shan Yu also talked about his study journey.

However, everyone may not be so clear about the concept of the World Championship, and the shirt Yu can only speak very briefly.


"That's it, start training!"

As soon as Trace Department snapped his fingers, he said loudly, now that they have no time to relax, there are still strong opponents in front of them.


Music room on the third floor.

"Good job!"

Standing in front of the window, Sakura Taro put down the telescope in his hand and nodded slightly in praise.

He was very satisfied with the whole battle between Ajutsu and Ninzu.

Leaving aside the sports geeks recommended by Shun Yuu, he was quite amazed by just forbearing Yooshi's progress. It seems that the last setback has accelerated their growth.

When he walked to the front of the table, he picked up Ajiuzin's information and looked through it twice. There was also an evaluation circled in red on it. In all respects, it was the same S as the original trace department and shirt Yuu.

"Then the next intramural trial..."

Gently drew out another form that had been roughly drawn from the bottom, and Sakura Taro re-modified the grouping of some people on it.

On the field.

Because of the appearance of Yajujin today, many people feel a lot of pressure.

After all, there is only one week left in the school selection battle at the end of the month.

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