"Student Mibe, let's concentrate on it!"

Tezuka took the shot with both hands, fixed his eyes on the trail still standing in front of the net, and said the motto he had always adhered to.

Hearing this, Jibu's body shook, his eyes lifted slightly, and his gaze fell on the cold, mountain-like figure on the opposite side.

Regardless of whether it is the heart's **** or the control of the timing, Tezuka Kunomitsu is a first-class existence among all the people he has seen.

A light yellow tennis ball was taken out of his pocket, a deep breath of air was taken in the nasal cavity of the mark, and the tennis ball in his hand was firmly gripped with the palm of his hand.

"This game is really getting more and more interesting!"

The lowered eyelids shone brightly, the toes of the traces were lightly touched, the body swayed rhythmically, and the tennis ball in his hand was thrown upwards.


The tennis ball was still flying in mid-air, and the body that had been accumulating for a long time suddenly exerted strength, and the moment the elbow turned to the side, the wrist pressed the racket and swung it down at high speed.


A crisp blast echoed on the court, and the tennis ball moved towards the receiving area of ​​the hand mound with a hissing spin.


The eyes under Tezuka's glasses shrank, and his eyes quickly locked on the tennis ball spinning at high speed in mid-air.

"It's Tang Huaiseer serving again!"

Taking a deep breath, Tezuka's body instantly tightened. The muscles on the calf bulged slightly, and then the sole of the foot slammed backward!


With a burst of rushing wind pressure, Tezuka's body quickly moved toward the net.


The tennis ball hits the ground, and it's hard to catch a moment when it just bounces. A racket with a white frame almost rubbed the ground and scooped it from bottom to top.


With a pulsating arc, the tennis ball was stretched by Tezuka.

"It's really amazing. Tezuka received a serve from Tracebe for the first ball this time."

The brilliance in his dry eyes was beyond words, and his tone was full of admiration for Tezuka.

The serving of Tang Huaise of the trace department is a great test for foot strength, eyesight and judgment. Tezuka's ability to adapt so quickly broke his understanding of Tezuka once again.



A gray-white figure jumped up from the front of the net at some unknown time, and the perfectly stretched arm was like a flying bird.

Thump thump thump...

Along with the gleaming light in Mibu's eyes, Tezuka's next arm movement completely fell into Mibu's eyes.

"Here, shattered!"

With a confident smile at the corner of his mouth, the person in the trail was still in the air, and made a proud announcement.

"No, this is that special smash." Fuji's eyes were slightly narrow, and his eyes were very solemn.

The stunt of hitting the racket and smashing twice made him remember deeply.

Although Tezuka received a serve from Tang Huaise, because of the need to sprint to the net, there was no chance to use the Tezuka area.

As for the lob shot from the return hit, it is now an excellent offensive opportunity for the track department.

"It's the waltz that moves toward destruction."

In the same way, Tezuka naturally guessed the intention of the trace department. He glanced at the arm about to be waved in the trace department. The center of gravity of Tezuka's body sank, and the left hand holding the pat was slightly pressed down.

"Tezuka, you are fooled!"

A faint chuckle came from Trace's mouth. He swung his arm at a ninety degree turn, and the racket decisively slashed downward.


The tennis ball turned into a white glow, passed Tezuka, who was ready in front of the net, and slammed straight on the border of his bottom corner.


The trail landed lightly, the racket pointed upright towards the hand mound, with an excited smile on his face.

Li Shang exchanges.

The trace department also used the psychological tactics of virtual reality and reality on the court.

"Really a child-like character."

Seeing the unwillingness of the resignation from the trace department, Tsung Yuu seemed to be reluctant to vomit, but when he spoke, his mouth was smiling and his eyes were extremely bright.

Just now not only Tezuka was deceived by the Atobe, but even the people in their stands were deceived by the wonderful acting skills of the Atobe.

"Superb football skills!"

Tezuka glanced unexpectedly at the trace in front of him, the other party's personality may not be as single as he imagined.


"Da da da……"

The tennis ball bounced back and forth between the hands of the trace and the ground.

After passing the ball just now, his momentum increased again.


Standing on his side slightly, he tossed the ball upward.

In the next moment, a terrifying cold current raging across the audience erupted from Trace Department's eyes.

The icy chill made Tezuka's body slightly stiff, and his calm face suddenly changed.


Without giving him time to think, a light yellow beam suddenly appeared at his feet.

There was the sound of the tennis ball flying, and Tezuka glanced down at the ball mark on his foot, and then, somewhat surprised, he raised his eyes to the opposite side with his head up slightly.

"This is his field, or the world!?"

Raising his eyes to scan the icy ridges all over the court, Tezuka's eyes sink slightly, and his palm subconsciously squeezes the grip of the tennis racket.

Although he had felt this chill outside the court before, when he really faced it, he realized that it was a completely different path from him.

The strength of Trace Department was a bit beyond his imagination.

"Fuji, why didn't Tezuka move just now? It feels like..."

Qian's gaze was a little inexplicable. Although he could also perceive the terrifying chill, he didn't understand what was happening on the court at all.

In his opinion, it was Tracebe who served the ball, and Tezuka's body shook, but there was no movement.

When he turned his head to look at Buer, he realized that his eyes had been sharply opened, a faint fluorescence appeared in his dark blue eyes, and he was breathing a little shortly while watching the game on the court.

"The situation in Tezuka is not good..."

After a while, Fuji's very solemn tone came to dry ears.

In his eyes, every time Trace Department hits a ball, it is like an invisible chain that locks Tezuka's whole person in place.

"...Could it be!"

Looking for such a situation in his mind, Fuji suddenly flashed a flash of inspiration and looked at a few tops Yuu who were outside his body with a look of surprise.

Not knowing that Fuji was already a little bit off-track, Jacky Yuzheng was holding his chin with one hand, gently rubbing the still-smooth skin.

Quietly looking at the dominance of the trace department below, Shang Xianyou understands in his heart that it may be difficult for the trace department to have a chance to comeback again.

Tezuka's hidden moves, but Tracebe doesn't know.





"My uncle leads, the score is 2-1."

With two superb dead-angle attacks, Tezuka lost the third game of the match with his brows furrowed.

After exchanging the right to serve, Tezuka stood in place, quietly thinking for a moment.

"Very outstanding eyesight, although I can't completely overcome these dead ends, but..."


"It's not unsolvable!"

The arm moved the racket, and the tennis ball was pulled diagonally by Tezuka.

Seeing the whistling serve, Trace Department took a few steps under his feet, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his arms were raised.


A heavy blow swept the tennis ball back.

With a smile of expectation, Tracebe fixedly watched the tennis ball fly towards an icy edge of Tezuka's right half.

As if he could see the beautiful scene of ice crystals blooming in the next moment.

However, the next moment!

A 1.2-meter-radius aperture appeared on Tezuka's body, and the swirling airflow once again drew the tennis ball that had hit the blind spot.

The pale yellow tennis ball cleverly bypassed the ice edge surrounding Tezuka.


With clear and bright eyes, Tezuka pulled the tennis backhand diagonally upward.


A golden light punctuates the ground, directly passing through the backcourt of the trace department.

"Unexpectedly, I used the Tezuka District again!"

Seeing the clearly visible circular area under Tezuka's feet, Shibuya couldn't help squeezing his arm.

Just now Tezuka Domain directly dissolved the world of ice in Rube!

Although it is not as violent as Sanada or Shangshan, this skillful method made him amazed.

Although you are playing in my blind spot, but I can make the way you play is no longer my blind spot.

Every calculation of these two people is extremely dangerous, and any mistake will be caught by the other side.


With a whisper in front of him, Tezuka tossed the ball again.




After a few rounds.


Tezuka grasped the opportunity pulled by the Tezuka area, and took his serve with a sharp cut.



"These two people really don't give in to each other!"

Loosen the palm that had been clenched, and found that I was sinking in my mind, already unconsciously tense.

"Yeah... it was an eye-opening game."

Fuji's voice is very soft, but there is a hint of expectation that is not easily detectable in it.

"In the face of a stalemate of mutual protection, what would you do, Tezuka."

His gaze fell on that figure who had always been very reliable, and Bu Er murmured in his heart.

On the field.

Trace Department gasped gently. There was no so-called change or timeout in this game between the two. They would play until one of them fell!

"Although it is very uncomfortable to do so, but if the situation remains stalemate like this..."

Clear thoughts flashed through his mind, Trace Department gave a cold smile, and the tennis ball in his hand was slapped out by him.

"As long as I lock your dead corner when I serve, then the victory will ultimately belong to this uncle!"

Looking at the tennis ball galloping towards the ice edge, Tracee was very confident, and Tezuka couldn't avoid the blind spot in his serve.

But... unexpected.


A figure with colorful brilliance flashed to the spot of the tennis ball.

In the line of sight of Trace Department, the ice ridges that originally existed collapsed instantly, and even the position of most of the ice ridges on the field changed.

Just when he was a little dazed.


A terrifying white light whizzed past his ears.

Then only a bang was heard, and the tennis ball raised a cloud of smoke on the ground, and fell heavily on the barbed wire behind.

A new recessed area emerged above, echoing the distance that Shanyou hit last night.

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