Net King’s Beginning With Breathing Method

Chapter 198 High Intensity Training

early morning.

Just after Shangshangyu finished his meditation, the first ray of sunlight shone in from the horizon.

After washing up quickly, Sung Yuu came to the training playground wearing the uniform of the U17 training camp.

Every day at 6 o'clock in the morning, at U17, a new day of shuffle battle will begin.

The players in the big number court challenge the players in the small number court. The challenge list is arranged by the two head coaches.

The position of the winner's court rises, and the loser falls directly into a court.

Shang Shan Yu was not selected today, which also gave him a chance to watch the game. Among them, many familiar faces also appeared in front of him.

The former minister of Shitenbao Temple, Yoshiyuki Hira, the former minister of Akuzu Mitsuya who transferred from Tachikai University, and the former minister of Shiraku are not breaking the iron man...

These old opponents who had played against each other really gathered in the U17 training camp as they remembered.

The top of the shirt you wandered around and found that although they were only freshmen in high school, they were all on the front of the court.

Unbreakable Iron Man has already rushed to the 2nd court, Heizenyuki is on the 5th, and Mitsuya is on the 3rd.

Not surprisingly, U17 will also increase their training efforts. Compared with the large number of senior third-year players who are about to over-age, the first-year and second-year players are their follow-up future.

After half an hour.

At about 6:30, Shang Xian You finished his short leisure time, and followed the high school students to train together.

Neck extension, knee extension, long-distance running, forward-grip wrist curl, reverse-grip wrist curl, squat, supine straight arm pull up, push-up, standing one-leg stretch...

There are a total of fifty projects.

He must complete it in the morning, which is within 6 hours, while high school students usually do it within three hours.

With such systematic and high-intensity training, it was the first time I saw the shirt Yuu.

Compared with his system panel, this training program is more versatile and popular. There is no specific target for a certain weakness, and it is almost all-round training.

For the level of Byodo-In Temple, it may just be wasting useless time. But for most players, if they can persist, the effect will never be too bad.

Ta Ta, Ta Ta!

Without the slightest arrogance, the shirt Yu also followed the U17 regulations, following the team five to start a series of training.

Sweat like rain.

It wasn't until noon until the shirt Yuu completed the last basic training in an orderly manner.

The performance of Shang Xian Yu once again shocked some high school students who originally wanted to watch a good show.

When they first experienced this kind of training, it was a question of whether they even completed it or not, not to mention the ease and ease of being like a shirt Yuu.

Some savvy high school students, after observing the training of the shirt you, probably came to the conclusion that this middle school student can complete a full set of training tasks even in the same amount of time as them.

The spread of such news is like a bomb, making the U17 lake no longer peaceful.

No one knows when the next shuffle game of Shang Shan Yu will be, and who the opponent will be. But everyone holds a belief in their hearts and does not want to lose to a middle school student.

In the cafeteria of the base at noon.

Not only intentionally or unintentionally, the shirt Yuu enjoyed a four-seater seat alone. The high school students consciously or unintentionally avoided the hot potato Shangshangyu.

"It looks like you don't seem to be very popular, Brother Top."


Ping Shanzhi was holding a plate, and sat down beside the shirt Yuu.

Before the Four Tianbao Temple, they had a friendship with the Bingdi where Shangshanyou was. He didn't mind to stand on Shangshanyou at this time.

You must know that in a group, indifference and exclusion are the easiest to destroy a person's mentality.

Although he didn't know whether a strong like Tsung Yuu needed or not, as a senior and a friend, he should stand up like this.

"I still have a shuffle game in the afternoon, do you want to see it."


Shang Shan You nodded with a smile, and the kindness of Ping Shanzhi's release at this moment should not be too obvious.

"Thank you senior."

After taking two bites of dinner, Shang Shan Yu thanked again.

"Senior is a promotion game in the afternoon, or facing a challenge on the back court."

Pingshan will rush into the 19th team afterwards. It stands to reason that he is still on the 5th court and his ranking is a bit low.

"It's a promotion game. I crossed the national threshold not long ago, and it was only noticed by the coaches."

An unthinking smile flashed across Ping Shanzhi's face. It can be seen that he is very happy to be able to go further on the road of tennis.

"Then...Congratulations, senior."

Jackie Yu took a closer look at Ping Shanzhi and found that his mental outlook had indeed changed a lot.

The kind of weirdness that was slightly frivolous in the past has converged a lot in U17. It is estimated that only after Yuan Tetsuya enters, will he awaken the funny soul hidden in the depths again.

In the afternoon, the second round of the shuffle game officially started.

According to the agreement, Shang Xian Yu came to the fourth court to watch the match between Ping Shanzhi and a senior in high school.

The final score was 6-4, and Ping Shanzhi narrowly won with sharp bullets.

As for the senior in high school, he was a little bit disappointed. He fell to the fifth field today, so the next time he wants to continue to rush upwards, the chance is slim.

The coaching staff's arrangement for each match is not a random combination. They have records for who has improved and who has improved in training.

This Chiguoguo's court class once again reminded him that in U17, only strength can speak, and the weak have no right to speak.

In a flash for half a month.

Shang Xian You played all the way from the 16th court to the 4th court.

Needless to say, the excitement brought by this is naturally unnecessary. Now this group of high school students are like crazy, and they will practice for a while every night.

Especially in the top three courses, no one wants to be the next stepping stone, especially a second-year middle school student.

In the small dark room.

Kurobe kept flipping through the information in his hand, muttering words, "It's really unbelievable, unbelievable."

His mouse slid across the monitor, and he quickly adjusted to watch the entire training process of the shirt.

Starting from the third day, Shang Xian You almost completed various basic trainings at the same time as the high school students, twice in the morning and evening, and never delayed.

It was the first time he saw that a middle school student could achieve this level. If he had to find one before, maybe Oni Jujirou might have that possibility. After all, ghosts and bodies are born with supernatural powers.

And the appearance of the shirt Yu undoubtedly broke his inherent concept. Among the five-dimensional data, the body, strength, and speed are close to five, and the spirit breaks six.

Except for the poor skills, the shirt you almost touched the top ten level of the current army.

"If you give him two more years, it will be fine!?

As if seeing the next Byodoin Phoenix-like figure, Kurobe's heart thumped and thumped a few times.

"It seems we need to pay more attention to the middle school world."

Kurobe remembered the task Mifune had given them before entering the road. He didn't care much at first, but now it seems that it is quite necessary to collect more information from the middle school.

"It's worthy of being the head coach of the Three Boats."

A trace of shame flashed in his eyes, Kurobe remembered that when he first came to coach at U17, he still looked down upon Mifune's unscientific training method. It seems that he is too young.

Just when Kurobe was eagerly looking forward to Top Yuu.

That night.

As usual, Jackie Yu fell into a deep sleep with a trace of fatigue.

His chest fluctuates greatly, and every deep breath drives a burst of air flow in the lung cavity.

A large amount of oxygen entered the blood from the lungs, transmitting power to all parts of his body.

That's it. From the beginning, she was not used to it, and now she is accustomed to it, and even only the last step is missing.

The full concentration breathing method has gradually penetrated into his bone marrow and turned into his most primitive instinct.

Moreover, after more than half a month of high-intensity training, for the first time, Shang Shan Yu didn't concentrate all his mind on his breathing.

He was so natural that he woke up at five o'clock in the morning.

As usual, he was preparing to meditate in the morning, and then just between exhales and breaths, his body had a strange experience that had never been experienced before.

"This is……!"

Jacky Yu's eyes lit up, and he quickly took a big gourd he had brought from the bedside.


After taking a deep breath, Jackie Yu pointed her mouth at the gourd and blew into it.


Hearing only a crisp burst, as if he was in the mood at the moment.

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