Net King’s Beginning With Breathing Method

Chapter 22 The end of the training camp, a promise to come!

Jackie Yu finished Li Haida's introduction and didn't speak any more. These contents were enough to be digested by Coach Rubu and Coach Sakura for a while.

"In other words, we will fight against these strong teams next, right?"

The silence was broken by Rubu, and Rubu was not shaken by the words of Shang Yuu before, and once again restored the original appearance of -kun Linbing Emperor, with confidence and boldness between his eyebrows.

"Shangshan, your words make this uncle look even more looking forward to it!" Tracebu said with a look of excitement.

Faced with opponents of the same level, no one would want to fight against them, not to mention that most of the people mentioned by Shang Shan Yu are the same age.

"Shangshan, then those two people you talked about before with this uncle are about the same strength as you in Li Haida?"

After a moment of excitement, Atobe calmed down again and asked Shang Shan Yu.

It suddenly occurred to him that he now also bears the responsibility of the Minister of Tennis. If two tops really joined Li Haida like that, then Li Haida would definitely be the biggest enemy of the ice emperor in the future.

Seeing the sudden change of Jibu's temperament, Shangshanyou sighed in his heart. Unconsciously, the ice emperor tennis club had already made a mark in Jibu's heart. This sense of responsibility and identity...

"That's not true, only one of the people I mentioned, but the other Li Haida has the same terrifying potential. He won't be much worse than you, Jibu."

Jackie Yu said with a mysterious smile. In the original book, Sanada had been holding one end of the track in middle school.

"As for the other person you are talking about..."

Thinking of Tezuka, the shirt suddenly felt a bit regretful. Originally, this one was the strongest in the first grade, but he was restrained by Qingxue.

Even if you put everything down at the end, it is completely restored. But in the end Tezuka represented the German team.

"I hope that my stimulation can help." Yu Shan Yu thought helplessly. He had even thought about the option of directly intervening in Tezuka, but for this kind of person's will, what is such an approach?


Sometimes a word of guidance is enough!

After wandering for a while, watching the trace department is still waiting for his answer, he smiled openly and said: "The other one has no effect. He went to a once great school."

"Is it ever great? guys are starting again." Trace Department rubbed his eyebrows and said helplessly.

After the two got acquainted with each other, he finally understood that shirt Yu sometimes always showed some bad taste, as if he liked to make fun of him.

"But, I don't care about you because you are also recognized by this uncle." The emotions flashed in his heart, and he smiled when he looked at the appearance of Yushang Yu's lack of beating.

"Tops, if your information is accurate, then we really underestimate other schools."

The calm words came after the two had finished speaking, Sakura Taro was calm as usual, and his previous shirtless words did not change him in any way. .

"Keep working hard, your future is more than that." Sakura Taro suddenly encouraged.

If it is true as the shirt Yu said, then the value contained in it is far more than that.

"Neon's tennis world may usher in another round of change!" Sakura Taro's thoughts flowed, and soon thought of U17 and even the situation of the Neon Nets Association.

A person like him who understands the entire upper-level structure more accurately has discovered that there are great opportunities in it.




"Thank you!"

The people who had finally finished their training returned to the villa.

Everyone looked tired, but no one complained any more.

After a week of training, they have already felt their transformation from the inside out, something that was not available in campus training.

Although this transformation is not yet complete, it has already planted the seeds for them. As for how far we can go in the future, it depends on our respective efforts.

Shang Xianyou walked in front of everyone and said: "Everyone's harvest this week, I must be able to feel it, so I won't say more."

"I just want to tell you, please remember the look in your eyes now, no matter what difficulties the Ice Emperor encounters in the future, we must believe in ourselves and believe that the Ice Emperor will win!"

"The Ice Emperor will win!"

"The Ice Emperor will win!"


Jackie You raised his right hand, and the infectious words shocked everyone.

Yes, they train so hard, isn't it just the pursuit of victory at the last moment? !



The people who finished the training did not rush back.

After working hard for so long, everyone will naturally have a good time in the villa of the uncle's house at night.

To this.

Rubu did not live up to everyone's expectations, and with a big wave of his hand, the servants brought out the ingredients they had prepared earlier.

The outdoor BBQ party begins!

"Wow, long live Minister!"*7

Seeing the endless supply of delicious food, everyone cheered.

After being here for so long, it was the first time that they were relaxing and playing with all their hearts.


"What's the matter, don't you go down and have fun together?" The shirt walked to the side of the track department and handed him a drink.

"I'm not going to..." Trace Department took the drink and shook his head, but his eyes were still on the people playing small games by the stove.

"Tsk tusk... It seems that our uncle Rubu is still too reserved..."

Jackie Yu took a sip of his drink, squinted at this spot, and said strangely.

"Let's go, they also want you to participate."

Before the trace department could answer, the shirt Yu directly patted him on the back, pushing him staggering.

"You guy..." Trace Department turned around and glared at him.

The shirt smiled, not paying attention, and directly raised his hand to wrap his neck, and walked over with the "reluctant" pace of the trace department.

"By the way, Huadi, come on too!" Shun Yuu suddenly turned around and said to Huadi, who was standing by.

Speaking of it, he unknowingly ignored the existence of Huadi, and his shirt scratched his head leisurely.

Facing the invitation of Shang Shunyu, Huadi of the heart of the child was taken aback, and he didn't know how to respond. Those pure eyes looked at the trail body that was being pulled by the shirt.

"Hua Di, come here with you too!" Tracebu's helpless voice came from afar.


Huadi naturally follows.


The party went on very successfully, especially after Top Yuu pulled the trace over, everyone cheered.

Everyone had a sense of distance from the identity of the club. If you walked closer to the club inside the tennis club, you might have a shirtless shirt.

But as the trace department came to play together, the slightest sense of distance was quickly eliminated. Everyone was a teenager in their teens, and it was easy to play together.

And everyone also found that the trace department, which seemed to be doing everything, was very bad at the small games played in the party.

Twenty minutes later.

Tracebe stared at Yuu, who was grinning beside him with a chill.

At this time, his face was covered with small notes, and he became the "failure king" tonight.

This result naturally irritated the uncle Rubu who had always pursued victory.

"It's all the bastard of Shangshanyou, who just drags this uncle to play this kind of weak-age game." Traces found that Shangshanyou's handsome face is really flat, how can this uncle agree with this kind of guy!

However, Shang Xian Yu saw a smile on the corner of Mark's mouth that he might not have even noticed.

The ascetic party came to an end amidst such laughter. Everyone who was tired of playing also went to wash and rest one by one.

In the end, only the upper shirt Yu and the trace department stayed in place.

Trace department tore off the note on his face, revealing his handsome face again.

When there were no others, both of them looked at each other seriously. A breeze blew by, and the unburnt fire pulsed in the eyes of the two of them.

At this moment, both of them knew what each other meant and did not forget the game tomorrow morning.


The game after the training camp.

This is an agreement made by Trace Department and Shang Shan Yu long ago.

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