
I saw a black-and-grey racket before Sanada's action, and volleyed Richard's serve.

This moment.

A tumbling wave of air rose in front of the public in Lihai.

Lihai Dazhong had his arm in front of him, narrowed his eyes and barely saw the man who suddenly appeared in front of them and came to save the scene.

The man is tall, with dark blue hair that is not long or short, and the hair is neatly combed.


Tokugawa snorted softly, his eyes swept across the trembling tennis ball on the net, his arm muscles exerted force and his wrist pressed forward.

call out!

A sharp golden light galloped past Richard's ears.

With a bang, the tennis ball smashed a hollow hole in the barbed wire diagonally opposite.

Sanada's dark eyes shrank. The power of the ball just now exceeded his imagination. Just standing behind him, he also felt the power contained in it.

"If I picked it up just now..."

There was a hint of rejoicing in Sanada's heart. If he catches the ball in such a sudden situation just now, maybe his arm...

Thinking of the words that the other party said at the beginning, Sanada's heart suddenly sank, and then a monstrous anger surged into his heart, "This British guy just wants to destroy him!"

As a tennis player, no one will be unaware that if his habitual arm is severely traumatized, it will have a huge impact on his tennis career in the future.

Not only Sanada himself, but Nioh, Yanagi and Yukimura also responded extremely quickly, and quickly guessed Richard's true purpose just now.

This person didn't have any kindness towards them from the beginning, and even wanted to destroy Sanada's arm with the ball just now.

How does this make them not angry!

His eyes flickered faintly, and Yukimura was ready to take action. For such a malicious enemy, it is best to let him lose all his ability to act.

"Leave it to me here, the other party is not something you can deal with."

It seemed that the few people behind him wanted to make a move. Tokugawa turned his back to the people of Lihai and stretched out his hand.

In the previous semi-finals, although Tokugawa did not see the strength of Li Haida in the election, he also had a general idea in his mind.

This bastard from the UK is not something that Li Haida and the others can solve now.

With just the goal of the opponent, Tokugawa understood that this burly British man had definitely stepped into the world.

"We ourselves can..."

"Shut up, cut the original!"

Just when Kirara looked angry and wanted to say something, his words were directly interrupted by Sanada ruthlessly.

The atmosphere is quite tense now, and the two people who just shot are definitely not that simple.

"Do you want to stand up for them? That's good!"

Richard grinned, a trace of caution flashed deep in his eyes. Just now Tokugawa played back his serve so lightly, he probably guessed something in his heart.

"This familiar aura..."

With a grinning smile on his face, Richard pointed his thumb to an empty court nearby.

Tokugawa's unique tragic will immediately reminded him of the neon U17, "I didn't expect that there would be unexpected joy."

Richard moved his steps, the whole figure was like an iron tower, walking towards the court diagonally below.

If he kills a member of the Neon U17 sequence here, he will not be punished, but will greatly increase their British momentum.

As for the Neon Nets Association discovering and reporting his identity, just kidding, he is now only a member of a private tennis club in the UK.

As long as he wins the game, someone from the World Tennis Association will naturally help him wipe his butt.

Tokugawa put away his racket, not waiting for Lihai public to agree, after nodding at them indifferently, he resolutely walked towards the court below.

What he is doing now is not a task, but a sense of responsibility, just like the ghost and Irie stood in front of Byodoin Temple for him.

He will stand up here if he is emotional and reasonable.


Looking at the two people who were already standing off the court, Charles, the club owner, looked a little pale, and drips of sweat came out of his wide sideburns.

They clearly came here to extradite people and dig people, how come they have become like this now?

Glancing at Sanada, who was standing outside the field with a watchful eye, Charles seemed to see his bonus flying away from his pocket with a pair of small wings inserted in it.

"This group of U17 bastards, don't you know how to use their brains!"

Looking at Richard with a destructive look, Charles sighed bitterly without tears.

"Boy, I will make you regret it!"

After pressing the tennis ball in his palm twice, Richard grinned at Tokugawa's mouth.

He is known as the "British Destruction King" because of his power tennis, especially after the disappearance of French player Duke Watanabe. In private, he claimed to be the number one power player in Europe.


There was a roar and trembling on the court.

As soon as he shot, Richard didn't keep the slightest hand. His sturdy arms raised his clothes high, and the racket was like a toy in his hand, making a quick volley.


The tennis ball whizzed and rubbed the air violently, like a burning terrifying meteorite, crashing down towards Tokugawa's half-court.

"It's a terrifying serve, even more terrifying than the one just now!"

The people of Lihai were in a trance, as if they were really facing a meteorite falling from the sky, and their bodies suddenly froze in place.

This sense of powerlessness in the face of natural disasters made their hearts tremble.

The gloomy light in Yukimura's eyes instantly reminded of the figure of Yu-Sung Yuu in his mind, "This is a spiritual will that is stronger than the oppressive feeling of Yu-Sung."

Seeing Richard's serve, Yukimura seemed to see a different world.

The spiritual mood of Shang Shun You back then really still has room for further improvement. Today he saw a guy taking such a path here.

Tokugawa's face was calm. The opponent's tennis ball didn't affect his mind too much. He who has experienced the road to hell is no longer before.

Perhaps the only thing that needs attention is the horror of tennis.

Step on!

Moving a few steps forward, the angle of Tokugawa's racket is very subtle. The moment the tennis hits the net, although there is a heavy pressure on his wrist, the application of sweet spot skills still allows him to do well.


It looked like a slender arm, but it was as solid as a rock. Tokugawa ignored the smoke and dust raised by the air wave behind him, and quickly pulled his arm diagonally.

The weakness of power players generally lies in speed. Not everyone can be like Jujiro Oni, with a natural supernatural power, but also at the top in all aspects.

"You have some skills, but do you think you can score this way?"

A trace of mockery flashed in his eyes, Richard's seemingly cumbersome body moved, his legs moved at an unpleasant speed, but the distance spanned by his steps was enormous.


There was another deafening shock.

Richard seemed to want to explode this little tennis ball, and he slammed the racket with a sharp cracking sound.

The huge air waves and smoke swelled up, causing the Lihai public on the sidelines to step back a few steps.

Although disgusted with this British guy, the opponent's tennis prowess made them silent.

"This level is definitely not the level of our junior high school students."

Liu's eyes trembled. This was the first time he saw such a game where data could not be evaluated. Every tie between the two men was a little beyond his understanding.

"Sanada, maybe we have to thank some of these seniors from now on."

His gaze fell on Tokugawa Kazuya. Although I don't know why Tokugawa would help them, if Tokugawa weren't there today, I'm afraid it would be difficult for them to have good fruit.

The opponent's strength... is far more terrifying than he thought. That kind of power that makes his face dignified with every blow.

This level absolutely surpassed what we now call the national level and entered another level.

Sanada nodded silently, staring at Tokugawa Kazuya's rushing figure with some fiery eyes. Under the terrifying power on the opposite side, this senior didn't even let go.



Unconsciously, there seemed to be more and more hits on the court, and no one scored points, and the clash of wills between the two became more fierce.

"This kid is so difficult!"

Gently gritted his teeth, Richard pressed his hands on the racket. From the beginning, he was able to do well, but now he has to hold both hands to hold the racket.

He felt that the tennis that Tokugawa had played was getting heavier and heavier. He was obviously just a skill-based guy, and he was on par with him in terms of strength.

But Tokugawa's side is getting more and more smooth. In the process of fighting Richard, he seems to understand more and more the skills and will taught to him by ghosts.

"This is it, that's it!"

His mind was agitated, and a hellish flame was burning in Tokugawa's eyes.

"You asked for it!" After seeing Tokugawa hit back again, Richard finally couldn't bear it and revealed his secret killer move.

"Titan's hammering!"

The placket on the sleeve split, Richard's arms almost bulged into a ball, and the strong muscles on it were constantly twisting.


The net was stretched to its limit. In the next instant, a dark gray light wrapped the tennis ball, which set off a terrifying wind and flew towards Tokugawa.

"Never retreat, until I face that man again, I still can't agree with his concept!"

The tennis ball is like a meteorite dropped by the Titan God, which is constantly enlarged in Tokugawa's eyes.

"That's it, the will to step through hell is always in my heart!"

In a daze, Tokugawa's eyes were dyed with a bright golden light.


A bright golden light with a terrifying aura emanated from the palm of his virtual grip, and Tokugawa's left arm was stroked, and the plain black-gray racket quickly hit the tennis ball.


The trembling golden light swallowed the dark gray brilliance on the tennis ball, and the scalp of Li Hai Dazhong was numb when viewed from the slightly trembling ground around Tokugawa's body.

" shines!"

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