The appearance of the Ice World instantly reversed the situation on the court.

The trace department has never felt so happy, as if everything on the entire stadium is under his control.

Especially the shirt Yuu.

After the breakthrough, he re-observed the shirt Yu and found that shirt Yu was no longer the flawless appearance.

on the contrary.

The icy edges that represent the dead ends are inserted around the top of the shirt. That's a blind spot that Yuu Yu can't even touch!

Trace Department is very satisfied with his ability to evolve.

"Top shirt, let this uncle end you here!"

Onobe smiled wanton, and made a statement to Yu Yuu with strong confidence.

Hearing what Trace was said, Tsung Yuu gave Trace to an inexplicable smile.

I can only say that it's really you. Even if the trace department has truly stepped into the national level now, there is still a gap between him.

The game continues.

Obviously, the confidence in the track department who won this key goal just now has greatly increased.




The deep gaze of the traces floated with icy glow.

"See it again!"

His eyes were sharp, with a touch of beauty under the dotted mole on his right eye.

Step on...

Stepping to the point where the tennis ball falls, the track racket is charged with a wave.

With a tricky angle, the tennis pierced an icy edge in the left half of Yuu Yuu.


Ice crystals are splashing everywhere, like mercury leaking to the ground, very beautiful.

When the trace department used the world of ice again, Yushang Yuu felt that his body was stiff and unable to move. Even if the breath of water is used, it is only to relieve the sluggishness of the ice world.

And at this speed, it is obvious that the counterattack can't hit the ball faster after the trace department has evolved.

In the final analysis, now the Ice World can restrain him in turn, because his foundation has not yet reached a limit.

He hasn't been able to see through everything like when Yukimura was in the third grade, only the tennis quality of tennis itself exists in his eyes.

Moreover, the breath of water is still short of the heat, and it is not yet able to move as desired.

Sweater Yu's heart moved slightly, probably already knowing his limit in this state.

But to put it another way, it might not be a bad thing.

Trace Department now sees some of his flaws, and many of them are indeed some habits that he subtly developed. Before Trace Department had no insight due to his strength, now he can give him a reference and let him keep recording and correcting these flaws.


After the scoring, the trace department became more excited, and then, through the world of ice, the horn of counterattack was officially sounded.






Trace Department then made two more goals and broke serve! Strongly moved back from the top of the shirt Yu.

"Game, trace department, 1-4!"

Looking at the shirt Yoo that was gradually suppressed by himself, the traces were revealed, and the corners of his mouth hung an upturned arc.

"The shirt, coming! This time let me defeat you in one fell swoop!"

He patted and knocked lightly, then his left hand squeezed the tennis ball, his body bent and his knees sank. The whole body was taut into a big curved bow.


Throw the ball, swing!


The tennis ball flew through half the court with a fierce speed.

The crisp sound of the ball made the shirt frowned slightly, and the movement of the track just now made him somewhat familiar.

The exaggerated serving posture seemed to mimic his own Hachi-type•Taki Kettle.

"No! There is a difference in the way of swinging."

Shang Xian You quickly rejected the answer in his heart, and then as if thinking of something in his mind, his eyes were fixed on the tennis ball and he narrowed slightly.

Super powerful downspin!

The serve of Tracebu carries a downspin that is several times stronger than before.

Step on...

Jacky Yu's heart settled slightly, his body activated, and he instantly came to the point where the tennis ball fell, leaving only a trail of blue and white afterimages behind him.


The tennis ball hits the ground, instead of bouncing up as expected, it slides forward quickly and close to the ground.

really! This is the serve of Tang Huaise of Trace Department. No, it should be said that it is still just a rudimentary form.

"It's not difficult to hit back at the height of the ground." His thoughts turned quickly, and he found that the serve was not perfect at all.


Yuu hit the racket straight, and with his amazing dynamic vision, he used the front end of the racket to pull up the tennis ball.


Trace Department has been waiting for a long time.

"The shirt, your blind spot, I can see it clearly!"

At the same extremely fast pace, Trace Department chased after him to catch up with the ball.


The ice burst.

Jacky Yu's body stiffened, and the tennis ball had flown onto the wire fence behind him.


All in one go.

Looking at this series of attacks by Trace Department, the word flashed in his mind.

Even the strong post-spin feature he discovered before was made up for in the serve. The appearance of Tang Huaise's serve just now was an attempt by Trace Department.

It seems that he has just stepped into the country's track department, but he quickly absorbed his previous accumulation and evolved a very strong offensive tennis.

There is indeed no one that can be dealt with easily.


Well, come again!

Sweater Yu adjusted his breathing, and there was still time before Trace was fully familiar with the world of ice.

Both of them looked fiery. At this point, before the winner was determined, he couldn't stop.



"Game, trace department, 2-4!"



"Gmae, trace department, 3-4!"


In the next two games, the momentum was like a broken bamboo, and the world of ice combined with the gradually forming Tang Huaise serve, and directly won the two games.

He has become more proficient in the control of the ice world, and even the shirt Yuu felt a bit of chill on the court.

This insight combined with spiritual power has been completely controlled by the trace department!


The shirt let out a sigh of heat. He looked at the opposite part of the panting and whispered softly.

Continuous and high-intensity use of the world of ice is still not a small burden to the trace department. At this time, his mental power is not as strong as it was in the third grade.

Moreover, even the broken steps that were not used in the usual way were used.

Sweeping the top of the shirt over the gently leaping toes of the trace, I guessed that the trace was almost at the limit.


Let me end this game! I have never forgotten Bingdi’s strongest promise.

The whole focus...Thunder's Breath..."

Shangshanyou remembered the conversation he had with Yuezhi Yueguang.

A trace of air flow poured into the lungs of the shirt at a high speed, and a large amount of oxygen circulated through the blood throughout the body. This complete thunder hu immediately swept away his fatigue.

The tingling sensation began to stimulate the muscles of the whole body.

The serve of the track department.

Patter... patter...

Traces tapped the tennis ball a few times, and the bulge on his temple made him very uncomfortable.

He solemnly looked at the shirt-yu who was a lot easier than him on the other side. At this time, he also understood that shirt-yu entered the national level earlier than him, and he naturally knew more about such moves.

Although he won the first two games, the entanglement of the shirt in the middle made him have to pass the ice world for every goal, which made him consume even more.

So that later in order to keep up with the pace of the shirt, he even used the basic broken steps that he rarely used.

This is also the first time Uncle Rubu knows how it feels that the opponent's physical strength is better than you.

It's so uncomfortable!

"But... the game is not over yet, how could this uncle fall like this!" Trace Department gritted his teeth and raised his delicate eyebrows slightly.


Don Huaise serves!

Comprehending from the down-spin slam on the ground and the serve from the top of the shirt, Trace Department has gradually found the essentials of this serve.

After the tennis ball hits the ground, a yellow straight line of light and shadow is drawn on the ground.



Hearing a burst of sound, like an electric flint, a white light flashed from the foot of the trace.

Trace Department's eyes widened, and the basic shattered steps that had been lightened suddenly stopped.

Just now.

Jackie Yu hit a super high-speed counterattack that he couldn't even see!

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